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June 26 2014 4 26 /06 /June /2014 11:09

I am sharing this information because, over the years i have learnt that information sharing is a very effective tool in educating and empowering our nation of the status of affairs and the problems we are faced with as a society.


These are the comments and  questions I get from my blog, email (nontotoba@yahoo.com), facebook account( Nontobeko Toba and Edlozini spiritutal village facebook page on a daily basis. 

I answer these questions to the best of my ability and according to my calling and ancestral knowledge as soon as i possible can. 

On a daily basis i do readings, cleansings and other ancestral ritual for people who come to my place and sometimes it takes me time to get back to people who write to me but i make it a point to atleast log on my pc and answers questions occassinally. 

Here are some of the questions and comments that people pose to me and i mentioned just a few in order to outline the kind of problems we are faced with a society. 

...and because of my other commitments, i am unable to add new posts to my blog but God and dlozi willing, i will...

Watch this space. 

(names have been removed for privacy of enquirers:)


Q:I have always had dreams that come to pass even after ten years.  I always dream talking to the dead, them telling me what to do but the problem I am Christian.  I have prayed that

those dreams go away but they are not.


A: Hi

I think you need to read more about Christianity, what it is, when it started as a religion and then educate yourself about ancestors and dreams. 

christianity is a religion that was invented by "man" . Ancestors and dreams are a part of a human experience embedded deep in your intuition. It is something that is inside of you but religion had discredited it so that we as a people can become weak, spiritually and then listen to anything that comes from outside influence.  Listen to your dreams and ask for guidance. 

Dying is part of a cycle of life. when we die we become spirits and go back to our source, creator, or whoever you wanna call your God. 

ancestors and dreams have a meaning because they come from the very core which is your intuition. it is something that you do not learn or ask for. it is a part of you. do not be decieved by those who say ancestors are demons because they have alterior motives. 

we need to pray for our beloved ones who have passed on so that they can have peace in death. not to say we worship them but we pray for them to enter the passage of death gracefully and become powerful and good guides to us who are still leaving. 

A wise man once said to me, "if you call your ancestors demons it means you are also a demon in waiting" 

edlozini thina we pray for our ancestors and set their spirits free so that we can leave harmonious lives. 

the decision is your... educate yourself on these subjects and be empowered before you take a stand that you dont understand. 

good luck with any decision you take

If you wanna contact us for more enlightenment or prayer session call 0746240970 to attend a service. 


 Much LOVE!!!

  • Q:Sawubona Toba, ngicela unichazele lamaphupho nginoku phupha ngilwa ngiyinqobe impi, noma ngiwela emasimbeni, noma ngiwela esizibeni samanzi aluhlaza noma inyoka ifuna ukungiluma kodwa ngisinde noma ngihambaze. Ngingajabula uma ungangiphendula. 


A: im not good ekuchazeni amaphupho ngoba akuwona umsebenzi wami. mina ngisiza abantu ukuthi baxhumane namandla edlozi asezimpilweni zabo uma befuna ukulungisa izinkinga ababhekene nazo. 

uma ulwa uwanqoba unqoba emaphusheni angisboni isidingo sokuthi ukhathazeke. 


Q:Hi Toba. Wazi nini ukuthi kumele wenze okuthile ngomoya ababonayo abathi unawo? What I know is kuthiwa you must wait for your guides to approach you via dreams and show you the way. These days I am encountering diferent people who are giving me clashing information thus confusing me. .All I wana know is ngazi nini when to act on what I know and how do I go about doing that.? 


 I belive you accept idlozi and do ancestral rituals because there is something that is pushing you, like propblems an dblockage in life. 

Akekho umuntu osukela idlozi alenze ngoba engenazo izinkinga. Uma ungenazo izinkinga uyahlala njengabantu bonke but once kwaba khona oku kuhluphayo uyasukuma ulungise uze ugcine khona ezindabeni zedlozi. 

abanye kodwa babona ngamaphupho abatshela exactly what to do. 

it is never the same because we all are different and our powers vary in degrees. 



  • hi Toba

    thank you so much for the information you giving us it is helping a lot especially to me, i dreamnt of a flower at the back of my house after several days i saw the same flour exactly were i saw it in the dream

  • A:Hi

    Wow! this is what i always say about dreams... some of there are just there to show you that we all have some sort of powers withing us. powers which we caan use to our advantage,, deppending on oh we accept, acknowledge or appease our guides.

    good luck

  • Q:

  • Thokoza, your blog is very interesting, it was so informative that it sorted out or highlighted all the problems i have,Thanks and stay blessed

  • A: Hi

    I am forever grateful for people who visit this blog and find answers they seek because i believe that we all have these powers that we can use to our own advantage without even having to go out and consult. 

    all the best!!!

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I agree with you when you say our powers differ or vary in a degree. Spirituality is a beautiful thing I wish our black people will wake up and see!
Uthandaza kanjani edlozini, ngicela isibonelo uma ucela inhlanhla, kusuke amabhadi uncenga kanjani, uma ukhuleka
Ngingamqeda kanjan amandla umuntu engahlukana naye ayeke ukungihlukumeza akhohlwe yimina
Ngingamqeda kanjan amandla umuntu engahlukana naye ayeke ukungihlukumeza akhohlwe yimina


  • : Ancestors/ Idlozi's name
  • : This blog deals with the truth behind amadlozi/ancestors and the people who live to tell the truth about it all.
  • Contact


  • Nonto Toba Goldstone
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
