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Celebrating your spirituality is about being grounded in who you are as a human being, knowing your roots and being proud of your ancestors an celebrating them openly and proudly. It is about having a prayer place where connect and pray to your guides in peace. This prayer place may not necessary be the main prayer where the head of the family conducts family prayers and rituals. Even a space or a corner in your room beside your bed where you find peace and quiet before bed can be demarcated as your own prayer place.

Most people only turn to ancestral prayers when they have problems and they do it behind closed doors, not wanting people to know or find out about it. Ancestral powers can only work for you if you practice your ancestral prayers and celebrating your spirituality with no reservations. It”s a pity that most people are still confused when it comes to spirituality and religious tendencies.

There are people who come to me and say that they are torn between doing their ancestral prayers and being christians. This is because Christians are taught not to do ancestral prayers because ancestors according to them, are called demons. They forget that Christianity is a religion, something which is learnt. It is something that is being taught to people. This is something which stem from christian faith( to make an example). A Faith is very dangerous because it is a trust in something or someone or a belief not based on proof. One thing I always tell people is that it is very hard to unlearn something that you have learnt. People need to understand that a religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that seek to explain the meaning of life, the origin of life or the universe. Christian faith was taught to our grandparents and parents. They were forced and tricked into accepting Christian faith. Those who rebelled were deemed outcast and punished until they submitted to it. Our parents accepted this faith from their parents and taught it to us. In our black African culture we are taught to respect our parents and never question anything they teach us. And for a long time we accepted Christianity with no questions asked because it is a faith and a practice learnt from our elders, not because it is something we felt from the heart. So, are we still going to continue teaching our kids this Christian faith even though we have proof that it has damaged the strength of our spirituality and connection to our ancestors?

Yes, our parents were forced into this faith and as time went on life presented its reality to us, and we began to realise the truth of how our ancestors were forced into accepting this Christian faith. Reality has taught us that ancestral problems present in our lives are as a result of us neglecting our roots and following the western religion. We also learnt in school that our ancestors were victims of colonisation which in turn forced them to take the religion of their colonisers. This is the case in every country where people are forced by circumstances….to take after their colonisers and follow them, be it the religion, language even culture.

Looking back at Christianity people need to realise that, it is one of the powerful religions of the past after the Abrahimic religions which were there before the so-called Christ figure. Christianity was not as powerful until about 325 AD when Constantine used it to rebuild his Roman emperor which was falling apart. Before then, people in Rome were worshiping the sun and they were called pagans. They had different symbols and statures that they were worshiping. Constantine had a vision that he was going to win in battle with the power of the cross, so he mobilised his soldiers to use the cross and thereafter summoned Christianity to be the only religion in Rome, after winning in the that battle. He himself also did not become Christian until soon before his death. Constantine is believed to have only been baptised on his dead bed. When you look at this history you can see that Rome was forced into Christianity because of political reasons and not because of the love of the faith itself. Since then, it has been in the christian religion to conquer and convert people into Christianity.

Our ancestors also fell victims of being conquered and then converted into Christianity. Most of them tried to rebel but they failed and ended up submitting to it.

So, now it is very hard for our black African people to understand where they stand because this Christian religion was taught to us by our parents and grandparents. But most people do not know or understand that even our grandparents were forced into accepting this christianity to start with.

When you celebrate your spirituality, you honour and accept your ancestors. The conflict comes into play because our ancestors themselves were also Christians. We just need to take a step back and understand that this Christianity was forced into them. Yes, some of them when they come through to us they will come across as Christians because that is the religion that they practice but this does not mean that it is our religion. This is a religion that we were coaxed and forced into following.

We can also go another step back and look deep into this Christianity and understand that it is merely a collection of books or so-called gospels that were compiled into a big black book. Studies nowadays are also showing that there were more gospels that were rejected when this book was compiled and that makes you wonder why. Could it be that maybe these gospels were not in line with the motives and political agenda of Constantine, when he commissioned the Council of Nicaea. The council of Nicaea took place 325AD. Its aim was to compile the bible and discuss different topics like the existence of one true God, the relationship of the son of God to God himself and the divinity of this so-called Christ.

Celebrating your spirituality is about being grounded in who you are as a human being and an individual, knowing your roots and being proud of your ancestors and celebrating them openly and proudly. When you neglect your ancestors and follow other people”s religion, you become weak spiritually. When you celebrate your ancestors, it starts with knowing them, accepting them and honouring them. You can know them by connecting through a reading /consultation, cleanse yourself and your spirits and create your own prayer place where you appease them.

Do not allow the influence of western religion to inhibit you from celebrating your spirits. Know that your spirituality is something that no one can take away from you. It is something which is in your blood, something that our forefathers were robbed off. It is about time that we reclaim what is ours and practice it with pride. Do not be confused by the influence of the religion that was brought to this land in order to oppress and weaken us as a people.

You need to realise that this religion, like all other religions, it is man-made. It was orchestrated so that it divides and conquers us.

There is nothing new that they teach us in church, which we already don’t know from our parents or culture. We all know that there is wrong and right out there in the world. We all know that it is wrong to kill and abuse one another. We were all taught to respect the elders from our homes. No one needs to go to church in order to learn about these things.

When you celebrate your spirituality, you become strong from the soul. You focus and become energised to do even more in life. Ancestral practice teaches us to set our spirits free so that they can guide and protect us.

There are people who are afraid of accepting their calling because they feel it is barbaric . Others prefer to accept it and use it in church so that they are accepted by their peers. And yet they suffer because of not accepting and acknowledging properly. When you fail to accept your ancestors you become sick, emotionally and eventually it affects you physically. You also suffer under a dark cloud of uncertainty and depression. When you fail to go to church you only feel the guilt because the teachings of the church instigate those feelings in you. When you become sick because of the ancestral calling, the church does not help you. They just tell you that you are possessed by demons. When you accept your calling and stop calling your ancestors demons you begin to see the light and your life changes for the better.

There is no need to be torn between accepting your calling and listening to the teachings of religions because at the end of the day ancestors operate from within you. Religion is something which you are taught. Religion was made by man in order to control and manipulate people.

Ancestors always come back and want us to cleanse them for the wrong doings they committed on earth. Even human being when they die, they ask for forgiveness from those they wronged because they are at a stage where they can see the light. Ancestors are against any wrong doing committed against one another. Even the ones who use to do the wrong, they come back and ask us to set them free so that they can see the light. Once they see the light, they begin to operate effectively as powerful guides in our lives. Ancestors who were deep in the church also come back and ask for ancestral rituals so that they can be set free and be united to their families on the other side. There are people who are born-again Christians but they encounter problems just before death, such they ask for ancestral rituals so that they can also be united to their bloodline on the other side. Religion is something of this world and ancestors are a power that operate after death. This power is there to guide and protect us all the time. So, it is up to us to accept, acknowledge, celebrate and honour our ancestors.

The next time you feel torn, you need to listen to your heart because the heart never lies. When you trust yourself your ancestral power will never fail you.

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Watsup me on 0638303155 to book an appointment
Watsup me on 0638303155 to book an appointment
Thokoza dlozelihle<br /> Sorry for late replies. I had been busy. Been in Mozambique this past week.
Thokoza dlozelihle<br /> Sorry for late replies. I had been busy. Been in Mozambique this past week.
yeah it makes sense


  • : Ancestors/ Idlozi's name
  • : This blog deals with the truth behind amadlozi/ancestors and the people who live to tell the truth about it all.
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  • Nonto Toba Goldstone
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
