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June 23 2012 6 23 /06 /June /2012 17:23

Diversity      June 2012


In my line of work, I deal with different kinds of people from different backgrounds and different walks life. Luckily for me there is no need to classify and group the kinds of people and personalities I come across on a daily basis. People in this world are too diversified but it is important for us to find some sort of common ground when it comes to sorting out our problems in order to minimize misunderstandings and quarrels in the world.


I deal with people who are traditionalist, Christians, cultural conscious individuals and people who are just living their lives minding their own business not wanting to belong to any culture whatsoever, and this is just to name a few different kinds of people I come across. I haven’t even mentioned people who are lost between cultures, religions etc. I can even go on to mention that I also deal with people who are affected psychologically whether they are aware of this fact or not. I also deal with my “favorite” kind of people who are affected psychologically but they try to hide it by doing all that they can to “act” as normal as they can. 


First of all, it is important for an individual to have some sort of a background where they can drain the energy we all need to move on and persevere in life. These backgrounds may differ from one person to the other…And yet in my line of work I have to overlook all these differences and find a common denominator that affect us all as humans in the same way. This is the reason why I always stress the point that ancestors “speak” a “Universal” language that is divine.


Secondly, we find people who think that they don’t care about any culture whatsoever and by doing so they are creating a new culture or trend which in turn is a culture in itself. These people will come to me and say that they only want what is best in their lives without any affiliation to any religion or background referral. They always claim that those ahead of them have never taught them anything about any culture so they have no background and would like a fresh start that can steer them in the right direction. These people are open minded, willing to do things that make sense and they are not afraid of change in their lives. These are the kind of people who are go getters and risk takers who put no fear in their way towards achievements in life.


Thirdly, there are people who  have some sort of cultural background that they follow but they still find some loop holes and mishaps in their lives, so they come to me seeking guidance and explanations. They claim that since they do everything according to the culture that was taught to them from childhood, it puzzles them that they still find themselves with so much problems in their lives. These people will recognize stumbling blocks in life but they are too afraid to change the culture that was taught to them from childhood. In as much as they listen to what their ancestors say, they still want their ancestors to refer to the culture that they know when sorting out ancestral problems. These kinds of people will only see a change in their lives first before they accept that a culture needs to move with times and change at times when there is a need.


Lastly, I deal with people who have psychological scars  be manifested either consciously or subconsciously in their lives. Others are aware of these scars and yet they act like they are in control. When others are totally unaware and they just need answers to their unsolved mysteries. Those that are aware and are just acting as if they are in control are the kinds of people who take long to receive healing through doing ancestral rituals. These kinds of people act like they understand everything and yet they fail to see that what they understand clearly is the main reason why they are stuck in life. It doesn’t help one knowing where their problems come from if they are not willing to do what is supposed to be done in order to solve that kind of a problem. It doesn’t help to analyze and present dissertation of your problem when you are unable to open your heart and accept help from those who can help you.

What these people need is some sort of affirmation which can be introduced to their minds in order to subconcinsciously put their minds at ease and to let them open their eyes and see the light which is always shinning bright in front of them. Yes, the light is always shinning bright in front of us but we sometimes fail to “see” it. We sometimes allow psychological scars to block our conscious mind from helping our physical body to work properly. This is the reason why we all need some sort of a balance in our lives before people can give us names like crazy, abnormal or loonies.


It is even worse where you find that a person has complications that come from all of the above, and yes it happens. This person will have psychological scars and yet they do come from some sort of a cultural background or upbringing but because of problems in this world they tend to ignore it all and act like they have no culture whatsoever.


I think by now, you have an understanding of the kinds of complications I come across in my line of work. And the next time you see me drawn to myself and rolling my eyes with no response, you will have a hint of what’s going on in my mind.


I also think that may be you have found yourself a category where you belong and will try and do things right in your own life.


People should be empowered about all these conditions in order to make them understand that all our problems come from within each and everyone of us. We draw the kinds of problems that we encounter on a daily basis. We draw to us the kinds of friends that we keep.


There may be no way one can change their path in life but I believe that once a person has been taught about their circumstances it is then up to them to use that in a way that can take them forward in life. Empowerment in these matters is lacking tremendously and this is the reason why we view others as different to us simply because we lack the knowledge to deal with these negative forces that tear us apart. Showing sympathy and understanding to someone else’s’ problems is one step in the right direction.

We need to stop judging others when they are in trouble but help them to deal with their problems from within, because no matter how much we try to help them, it doesn’t take effect until they believe it from the heart that they can do it. And from the heart we draw the most powerful energy…of Love.


And yes, we all have a heart, we all are capable of Love. It is the love of money that makes people steal. It is the same love of money that makes others work hard. Those who have seen the light must do all in their power to help those who are still in darkness so that they can also be empowered and steered in the right direction. As we do this we need to be non- judgmental…


Human beings are a creation of love but we make these demarcations amongst ourselves that result in so much diversity in the world and then we complain about other people who are propelled by the same love that work within ourselves.  


And yes. Love is at the core of this Universal language acting as the engine from which we drain the power to move on in life. It is the Love that draws us and prompts us all to act in whichever way we act. It is only through this love that we can achieve and conquer all…


Let us love this diversity…so that we can only reap what is positive from it…




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<br /> I friend sent me one of your posts about a month ago and I have been receiving your posts since then. I am interested in a better understanding a concept of connecting with ancestors from both<br /> the African culture and my white culture - for me this includes early ancestors from the UK and then more recent white SA ancestors. I like the way I see Africans connecting - in singing and<br /> dancing in your pics, in special rituals for talking to ancestors in your culture. I have never really related to the 'white' way of connecting through visits to mediums and never having a way to<br /> do this unless you are yourself a medium. With your experience of the diverse cultures you work with, how do you suggest us white SA's go about connecting with our ancestors? What type of things<br /> should we be making connection about?<br />
<br /> <br /> Thank you for visiting my blog<br /> <br /> <br /> You have asked me quite an interesting question because I have done readings for white south africans before but there has never been a need for them to attend one of our celerations and i think<br /> this is because the celebrations take us back to what our ancestors use to do in order to connect with "the powers that be"  So, we do these celebrations to set those spirits free and to<br /> show them the light.<br /> <br /> <br /> But for people who are coloureds with both white and african ancestors, it is easy for them to attend, connect and enjoy these celebrations because their ancestors have a link in the past<br /> traditional celebrations.<br /> <br /> <br /> On the same note this does not exclude one who has no black/african ancestors to attend and connect if they seem to relate and are eager to experience the celebrations.<br /> <br /> <br /> The most amazing thing when we do these celebrations is that at times we connect to spirits who come from centuries ago and from other countries e.g. India and they come forth and teach us how to<br /> dance like they use to dance and celebrate( not that we succeed but we can only try once possessed by such a spirit)<br /> <br /> <br /> What I have also learnt is that the drumming that we do is also a universal form of healing that helps all vibrations nomatter which religion, color or culture we come from.<br /> <br /> <br /> So, if one feels drawn to these celebrations one may attend and experience it for themselves because most of the people who attend do so in order to get some form of healing from within. We don't<br /> ask too much but we open our hearts/minds for the divine to heal us.<br /> <br /> <br /> As for white south africans? I have  seen that those who have come for a reading, they get some peace and move on in life without having to go through all or most of the other complicated/<br /> further rituals that we black/africans have to do in order to please our ancestors.<br /> <br /> <br /> I hope I have answered you without causing confusion, lol!<br /> <br /> <br /> Thanks for such an interesting question.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />


  • : Ancestors/ Idlozi's name
  • : This blog deals with the truth behind amadlozi/ancestors and the people who live to tell the truth about it all.
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  • Nonto Toba Goldstone
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
