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February 23 2015 1 23 /02 /February /2015 15:53

When we die we go in search of the light because we enter into a new world of darkness. It is darkness because we are not used to this new world. We have to get used to it first before we can start to maneuver our way in search of the light or way forward.


Those who are in darkness are still burdened by different things, they haven"t figured out the light or the way forward. Despite the fact that we all have to go through a phase of darkness as we enter a new world, some take longer than others to see the light. Reasons for this are endless. It is the same like when we first entered the planet earth. We were young. We needed help from time to time, to learn and adjust to the demands of the earth. We had to learn to breath, to cry when we are upset to stop crying when our needs are fulfilled. All our happiness was brought upon by the lessons we learnt and then we chose happiness because it felt good.


Never stop learning if you want to stop complaining and crying. Crying is only necessary to cleanse the soul. But soon after we all pick ourselves up and move forward. Most of the time the problem that make us cry is always there but after crying we learn the means and ways to either live with it or move around it. It is not all problems that can be tackled and conquered hence we have to learn to choose our fights wisely and move forward in life. Because life goes on. time waits for no one....


The same thing that happens on earth takes place again when we die. The new world that we enter into becomes difficult but with time we get used to it and manage ourselves through. No one is exactly sure of what happens after death. What we know is just bits and pieces that we put together from the information we gather from our ancestors. Some ancestors are more open about this information than others. They all speak of the darkness and difficult way to figure out the light.


What we need to understand is that....the cycle repeats itself. What ever happens here on earth affects us after death but the rules of both these worlds obviously differ.


It is very important to open the window the of opinion on any subject and then process all the data before we dismiss it. Once you have made your own decision on your own standpoint, allow others freedom to do the same because we are all different in this world and beyond.


It is true that not all of us can agree on each and every subject here on earth all the time. Which means the same thing can also happen beyond this earth. One thing for sure though is that for every darkness we need to shine some light upon it in order to see a change for the greater good.


The light is like the truth, it sets us free. which is the reason why lies, deceit and ugliness will hold us back. All ancestors who come through after death have some sort of darkness that holds them back and they need that light to shine upon then so that they can be set free and move forward freely in search of the light. People go to healers and prophets to uncover the hidden truths that hold them back in their lives.


The only problem with the light nowadays is that it comes in different shape size and form, and the reasons for this are endless.... It is just a shame though that people tend to use what I like to call "artificial light" in trying to deal with the darkness. We tend to forget that there is only one form of darkness and one form of light. No matter what the causes of darkness are, it is very important to use a form of light that comes from a place of LOVE. Once we start judging and demeaning those who are different to us we make situations worse. Sometimes we need to agree to disagree on subject matters because there is no way we can all be of the same opinion otherwise the freedom to be ourselves is taken away. No one can judge another and we need to accept people and treat them like we would have them treat us.


Seeing the light here on earth is just as important as seeing it on the other side, otherwise we are creating a generation of disgruntled people who will be disgruntled ancestors. All this spells one thing...DISASTROUS future and uncertainty for generations to come. It is a pity that we live in a modern world which allows us healers to use social networks and document our work. This is a blessing and a curse at the same time.It is a blessing to those who use it wisely because the information is freely and easily accessible to people. But this is also a curse because I have seen people who think they are healers but they will go out of their way to compete for clients and flex their muscles on social networks. If they know that you are also a healer, they will make sure to stalk you and comment on each and every status that you put up just to put you down or show others that they are better than you. This is very unkind and embarrassing because other people are seriously seeking help here on the net.


Maybe this is the reason why i have not been posting in a while even though i know that I have my own blog where I share my knowledge from my ancestors but at times we meet up on other social networks and this creates negative vibes when people go out of their way to confuse the public. How I so wish that most healers can have their own blogs where they share their work and expertise from the gift that they have with the aim of helping people out there. Instead of stalking one another and sending conflicting messages to people. Let the people choose who they wanna go to because their ways and work appeals to them. Just the other day i was notified about somebody who quoted me on a certain page but neglected to say that he/she got that information from my blog.


Sometimes you will put up a status on your wall and people will flock in to contradict you simply because they want to put you down and then share their own two cents of knowledge, lol! I mean really. "Dude open your own blog and let the people benefit from your work as well".


Yes we are healers but we are also human beings who share a joke or two with our friends from time to time. We just need to be careful that everything we do or say is to help instead of harming another human being otherwise we must stop calling ourselves healers.


I have also not been able to post in a while because being a human being that I am, my ancestors blessed me with a man who loved me enough to make me his wife last year. Yes i got married on the 31 October 2014. My husband understands my work and has no problem with me being a healer. For the past year I have gone through a process of transition because entering into a marriage has its responsibilities too. I can say that i am now settled and feel that I can juggle all my responsibilities with ease.... The responsibilities of being a wife, mother, medium and a black woman in south africa. lol! All this time I did not stop consulting though. I still do readings, cleansings and umgidi ceremonies at edlozini.


at the moment we are in the process of extending our place of gathering for umgidi because it has become too small for the amount of people that come by each time we meet. I am hoping that we will resume with umgidi as soon as possible.


I also know that a lot of people have been asking me to come up to Gauteng to open a branch there. I am planning to visit Gauteng in the near future and see if I can make plans for that branch, as well... All Gauteng enquiries can be sent to this no: 0789146793. or email me at nontotoba@yahoo.com for more info. watsup only on 0610852866.


A calling is a calling....nomatter what i do, i will always be a healer, bringing LOVE and LIGHT to the lives I touch. That is my obligation until my ancestors tell me otherwise.


Thank you


Nontobeko Toba Goldstone

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Thank you so much for wonderful words of encouragement. <br /> Call us on 0746240970 edlozini for more info on our events etc.<br /> Thokoza!!!!
Hi,I so wish to thank you for the trueth you have just revealed to us.I don't know how I ended up in this blog,but I believe that God and my ancestors wanted me to find the light.<br /> <br /> Thank you once again for your dedication to helping us and enlighten us about the trueth concerning our lives and idlozi..<br /> <br /> I am a believer,and I so wish to get more knowledge on how to cleans myself so it would be easy to connect with my ancestors.I'm still wondering deep into darkness,I so need your help.<br /> <br /> I hope my requests will find you well,and congrats on the blessing of marriage.Be blessed....<br /> <br /> Thank you<br /> Mbongeni Jali<br /> Durban (Kwa-Ndengezi)


  • : Ancestors/ Idlozi's name
  • : This blog deals with the truth behind amadlozi/ancestors and the people who live to tell the truth about it all.
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  • Nonto Toba Goldstone
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
