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February 8 2018 4 08 /02 /February /2018 07:56

I dlozi/ancestors/inner voice is the power that we all have. It speaks to us all in different ways and form. 

The key is to learn to listen to is and be grounded in your belief. 

Edlozini , I help people to connect to their powers and cleanse them in order to sort out problems their are faced with. 

The next step is for each and every person to learn to listen to their guides and abide by their rules. 

We are all not the same. ...meaning our powers are different because we come from different cultures, bloodlines and different backgrounds. 

Once you have connected with your powers you need to appease them according to their own form. 

Some people come to me because they want to find and connect with guides in their lives. Others come to me because they want to find out which guides are causing problems in their lives. And there are those who want to find out which guides have given them a gift to heal others. 

My work is only to connect you with your guides, cleanse them and then you appease them in your own home according to their liking. 

If your guides want you to go and thwasa in order to help other people or they want you to learn muthi in order to heal the sick, it is upon you to find a good gobela to help in that regard. 

My work is only to help you connect with ancestors leading you or ancestors causing problems in your life and then cleanse them. 

What happens after the cleansing is out of my hands. 

Some people cleanse their guides and find that their spiritual journey is finished. Meaning there is no need to do any further ancestral rituals. Others cleanse their guides and then go on to do other rituals and listen to their guides. 

If your guides want you to go and thwasa or to go and learn muthi,that is out of my hands because that is not my speciality. 

There are other people who are lucky in that after connecting and cleansing they never need to go and thwasa. Their guides teach them how to heal people on their own. Most people usually have problems with their gobelas because they go and initiated themselves without giving their own powers a chance.

It is not necessary for each and every gifted person to go and be initiated through the thwasa process. In some cases all you need is someone to help and guide you along the spiritual journey without being initiated. 

Reason being if you have powerful guides who were healers , they usually refuse to go and abide by another healers rules. All they need is to connect with you( their subject/chosen one) and they help you at your own home. 

If you are not well informed on this subject you may take the wrong route and go through initiation thus making matters worse and end up fighting with your gobela. 

The key is to relax,take it easy and listen to your inner voice.

If you take your time and stop rushing things your ancestors get a chance to lead you through. 

Ancestors do not operate in the same time zone like we do. They need you to be patient and obedient. 

What holds us back after death is not always the same things. 

Our spiritual journeys are different and so are our gifts. 

Even the healing powers that we have are not the same. 

Which is why it is very important to appreciate the diversity that we all have. And honor your own guides the way they want you to. 

No two healers can posses the same kind of gifts or specialities even if they are related. 

Each and every one of us is gifted in our own unique ways. 

We need to appreciated and honor this diversity by not forcing issues. 

Trust that inner voice that speaks to you and follow it. And your life will be much,much easier. 

Even if your guides need a special ritual or muthi to unlock their powers and gift in you, you much remember that you are unique. 

This is why I always stress one thing amongst our gifted brothers and sisters,..... And that is to know your speciality. Specialize in what you are good at. Honor your gift and do a perfect job. And you will never go wrong

I am Nontobeko Patience Toba-Goldstone.

I am a spiritual medium who helps people to connect to their powers and cleanse them in order to sort out problems in their lives. And that is my speciality. 

I do not talk on the phone. I only use emails,in boxes, and Watsup.I am based in kzn and work on appointment only.

When making a booking pls do not call or Watsup call me. My phone is always on silent. However , for those who want to call, you can use my husbands number which is 0789784947

My Watsup is 0653598943

You only get directions once you have secured an appointment.

Thank u




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I keep losing jobs each and every year, I have strange dreams, and I feel lost and out of place almost everyday. I am very empathetic to other people's pain and I always want to mother and help everyone but no one is willing to help me in my time of need
my life is foiling apart when i go to people they say i have edlozi. and what is surprising is i dont have any bad dream or dream about anything that is related to edlozi
inner voice can be captioned on photos


  • : Ancestors/ Idlozi's name
  • : This blog deals with the truth behind amadlozi/ancestors and the people who live to tell the truth about it all.
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  • Nonto Toba Goldstone
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
