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September 2 2013 1 02 /09 /September /2013 11:16

From time to time I am frequently asked certain questions about what I do, who I am and how I use my gift. This is one of those articles where I attempt to answer these questions with the hope that someone out there will relate, find meaning or find an answer to their own problem at hand. Pls enjoy the read


Please explain to us exactly what it is you do and what you work with (eg. Bones, prayer, water  etc.)

A: As a spiritual medium I help people connect with their guardian angels or ancestors in their lives. As a medium ancestors or the powers use my body to communicate with my subjects. I communicate their feelings and emotions which in turn explain the problems my subjects are experiencing in their lives.


I do not use the bones or water to do a reading.


It’s a matter of presenting my body and then the spirits use me as a medium.


I use natural soils for cleansing after each and every reading. 


I also use incense to burn when doing my readings/ consultations




Please take us through the whole process of becoming a traditional healer

Is it known from birth if you are destined to become a healer? If yes, how?

Symptoms experienced that indicate that one should become a healer

How long the process of becoming a healer is


A: My process of becoming a healer was not the same as the normal one where a person goes through some form of a training called “ukuthwasa” because my ancestors refused for me to do this.

As a result my ancestors trained me themselves through dreams and visions.

-I did not know from birth that I had a gift to heal people . Even people who did a reading for me failed to see that I was going to grow p to become a spiritual healer.



What made you accept the ‘calling’ to heal?

A:  For me accepting the calling was a mixture of two things, firstly I had problems in my life as my professional life was being disturbed by my ancestors who wanted me to take the route of traditional healing and also I was fascinated and excited at entering a new world of spiritual healing which would teach me things of the spiritual world and the unknown.


I also accepted the calling because there is no better feeling that doing something that makes a difference in another person’s life. It gives me great fulfillment to see people live their lives to their fullest and at peace after  doing their ancestral rituals.


I believe that most people take up healing because they don’t have a choice, not because they wake up one day and decide they would like to be traditional/ spiritual healers.


It was not  hard for me to accept because I had been taught about the existence of ancestors from childhood, so I took and accepted almost naturally. 



Tell us a little about your ancestral guides;  what areas they assist you in, how you communicate, their likes and dislikes, and any limitations to the foods you eat or clothes you wear as influenced by them.

A:  My ancestors are a trio of a female great grandmother from my father’s side, my great grandfather also from my father’s side and my brother who was still born ( he comes two years after me)

Somehow my great grandfather is the leader even though he is not the one who had healing powers. This is because he claims he was a leader/ chief of his clan way back in Mozambique.


My great grandmother takes second place even though she comes with a gift simply because she came to marry into my dad’s family and she follows the chief’s instructions.


My brother comes as a facilitator and the one who is more active in helping me because he feels he is younger than the other two thus can be sent by the elders in carrying instructions.


My guides communicate with me by occupying my space/ body and then bring with the messages through emotions and feelings. Sometimes they use the powers of memory to create a picture in my mind or a scenario.


Their likes and dislikes:

My great grandfather as a leader likes to take the lead and does like to take instructions from anyone at times, which is the reason why they prefer that I work for myself and be self- employed because he cannot handle me having  a boss to report to now and again.

He likes to take charge of a situation.

He understands people from all walks of life because he claims that he use to lead a whole lot of people in different life situations and scenarios, so he understands how to lead and be fair to a lot of people.

He dislikes people who come into my life and act like they want to control me.

He likes people who are sympathetic, empathetic and patient with others.

He doesn’t like arrogant people who are too full of themselves.

He doesn’t judge people and he respects those who respect him, as such.


My great grandmother is a loving and caring woman who is warm- hearted and very lady-like.

She likes beautiful and neat things in life.

She likes progress and fairness in everything she does.

She is very cool, calm and collected.

She doesn’t like people who look down upon others or who thing they are better than others.


My brother is a very caring soul who cares for everybody and doesn’t like to see people suffer.

He believes in family and friendship and can be naïve at times such that he gives everyone a long rope to hang themselves before he loses his temper.

He is such a sweetheart. I love him so much!

He is quick thinking and kind.



My guides are with me all the time, so they guide and protect me and they lead me in my daily life.  If there is something that they don’t like, they come forth and make me burp or make me feel uneasy instantly.

They all prefer that I wear pants especially when I do my readings because of the nature of my work and I have been wearing pants for the most part of my life not knowing that it was something that is deeper than my practical understanding.

My guides do not particularly like me to use a phone when talking to people especially those who have problems in their lives and they want to book an appointment with me because it end to pick up on their negative energy almost immediately and this make me uneasy. I only us e the phone to close family members and friends.


I have a problem at times to attends functions with too many people, especially people with negative energies around them or people who use bad muti or do not believe in cleansing and healing their spirits.


I do not have any particular food limitations except for the foods that they like e.g red wine which I have to keep in my prayer form time to time and this does not mean that I have necessarily drink it. I also offer a sponge cake with dates for my great grandmother.

Other than that, I do not have any other limitations.




Is it possible for a traditional healer to be guided by the spirit of baby/child? Tell us a little about the influences that the different age groups of ancestral guides could possibly have on one’s personality/ character


A: Yes, it is possible as you can see in my case. (see above answer)

This baby child needs to be accepted, acknowledged and honored first before it can grow and help you properly in your work as a healer. Otherwise this spirit remains young, naïve and unable to bring healing to your subjects. It brings nothing but tears and unclear directions.

Once this spirit has been accepted and recognized, it grows and comes to you to tell you that it has grown to be your own age and can do some work for you.

The problem is if such a spirit does not grow, it holds you back and everything seems to standstill in your life. If it does help, it only does minor things which are only important to children of his/her own age group while you as a healer you grow and your needs change.


Your personality is also affected because you fail to operate as an adult in the adult world. Even people around you do not take you seriously as they brush you off most of the time and leave you behind especial in serious adult-like issues of life.

As a healer, your work as a spiritual healer does not grow and you feel like you are stuck in one place where you do not gain spiritual freedom and growth in this field.





It has been believed, in some cases, that if the traditional healer’s dominant guides are of the opposite sex, then this could have an effect on the spiritual medium’s intimate relationships (eg. Homosexuality or bisexuality). How does this happen? And is it completely spiritual or is it a chosen identity?


A:  The spiritual guide of an opposite sex can only bring with them qualities of that opposite sex but it doesn’t necessarily cause homosexuality, as such .


In intimate relationships it only shows in the fact that the only people who feel attracted toward you( and who would have possible lasting relationships with you) would be people with guides of the opposite sex themselves. Meaning if a woman has a male prominent guide as in my case, my male partners who have good relations with me are male people who are led by female guides. ( and vice versa in other cases)


So it does not mean that if a woman has a male prominent guide then they are automatically homosexuals.


In my experience, homosexuality has been a result of unrecognized ancestors or unacknowledged gifts.

I have done readings to a couple of gays and lesbians and most of them have had guides whom we may say they are appropriate but simply because they had been ignored for so long they then change them to homosexuality. A case of a male person who has a male guide who because of being ignored has decided to lower his voice and speak like a woman, is a very common cause of this condition in my experience.

Even a female person who has female guides can become lesbian simply because her guides are so tired that they even forget how to be female so they take a back seat and allow this person to be attracted to another females in real life.  Most lesbians I have done readings with have come up with guides who claim to be so tired that they don’t even know how to be female anymore. They don’t even care what happens to them such that they become submissive or victims.  And I think this is the reason why you find that females who are gays/lesbians get raped because their guides have let their guards down to such an extent that they don’t care what happens to them or who does what to them.


Lastly, I do not believe homosexuality is a chose path in life, it comes from within. We are all who we are because of the kind of guides who lead us, because of their energy of circumstances.




Christians often attribute spiritual work as work of the devil and something to be shunned as seen in Bible verses, such as Deuteronomy 18: 9-12. How would you respond to this?


A:  Lol!

I do not know the bible very well but I know that christains like to label this wok as devilish.


I strongly disagree .


I think people use the Bible to label what they see in the world but they do not look at the origin or the reason and motive of such accusations.

Christains are afraid that if people revert to spirituality they will stop going to church and then the money will stop coming into the church, thus they label this work as devilish. They ignore the fact that people do ancestral rituals to solve problems in their lives which the church cannot solve.  People go to church to worship not to be healed as such and if people can realize that there is no need to go to church then the church will lose revenue. Spirituality when done correctly seeks to empower from within and helps people to deal with their daily life problems and life mysteries thus helping people to prosper in all spheres of life. It helps people to be more balanced in life and be rooted / grounded in their own ethnical beliefs.

Going to church alone does not not solve all spiritual or ancestral problems but doing ancestral rituals solves all problems and cancels out the need to cling to any form of religion but ethnical or native as such.


There is nothing devilish about doing ancestral rituals because we cleanse the spirits and set them free so that they can guide and protect us accordingly. When this is done the correct way without any usage of bad energy/ muti or negative energy, it works wonders to those who believe and follow suit.


I do not like to quote the bilbe or even argue with people who come to me with that argument because I believe the bilbe was written about the lives of people who lived this earth just like you and  I  . The bible is based on the history of people who lived before us, how they lived their lives, how they made decisions, right or wrong and what those decisions led to.


 To me the bible is like the internet of today where people put up their status update and life experiences. It is then up the reader as to how they interpret or choose to learn from it.


If a person comes to me with an argument from the bible, I simply tell them to believe in the bible if it works for them and let those who believe in ancestors to do their own thing because it works for them. At the end of the day we should want what good for human kind no matter what it is, just  as long as it helps another fellow human being, especially Africans( considering our” übuntu”)


People have come to me before trying to criticize what I do and my response has always been that, all the religions of this world were at some stage invented by man, so I see no reason why I should follow a religion rather than a direct path that connects us human to the source/ creator or whoever you want to call it, that which is above us all, which was here before and will be here after we have departed this world.

I also feel that people who do ancestral rituals to solve problems in their lives and they do it in a very clean/pure manner they should be left alone because the power of the soul does not judge, so people should stop judging one another. The soul has no right or wrong, it only knows its purpose which is to reach for the highest level of power…that which is LOVE. So what is so wrong about that?



What is the importance of what you do in today’s world and do you do this work with economic gain in mind? If not, why?


A: What I do is very important to those people who believe in it and they have ancestral problems. People come to me because they have unanswered questions or problems in their lives and once they have appease their spirits or ancestors, they live harmonious lives and at peace.

It is very important to understand that we are all energy beings who need to know and understand the type of energy that surrounds us at all times, so that we can make sense of daily life problems and puzzles. This energy can affect the mind, body and soul of a human being if it is neglected which is why it is important to help and teach people about these powers.

Hence I created my blog www.edloziniover-blog.com where I teach and empower people about these powers. Most people find meaning in this blog, they relate to my life experiences and those with major problems go on to call me on 0746240970 and make a booking to come for a reading in my prayer place.

There was a time when I did this work for free because I strongly believe that it is a gift from above that no one can never claim to own but at some level we all need to make a living.  And people of today are not honest enough to come back and thank you or give you something to honoured  your powers once they are happy with their lives.

So, as a result I was forced to set up a fee to do my work because we are living in the world that is ruled my money and I also have needs in this world.

I have also learnt that people do not take you seriously until you charge them for your services and this very unfortunate.

So at the end of the day, time is money in this world that we live in, I also have expenses, so I cannot carry on as if I do not expect to be paid for my time. J

You always emphasize reading as an important aspect of your life, why is this the case?

A: I love reading because it teaches me a lot about this world we live, about the people I deal with on a daily basis and mostly about life and its mysteries. What you don’t know is a mystery until you read about it in a book and realize that someone else has thought of it already, talked about it already and even wrote a book about it already…

Reading enrichers’ ones mind and it helps to broaden one’s knowledge in any given subject.  

For me it was essential that I take up reading in order to learn more about the powers because I was not sent to any form of formal training for the work that I do.

Since I have taken up reading as a full time hobby, I have learnt that it helps a lot in being more tolerant and understanding to other people because you get a broader perspective of human behaviour.

My favourite subjects to read about are anthropology, spirituality and history.

Anthropology has taught me a lot about human behaviour when it comes to cultures, norms and societies. As human beings we use our circumstances to define life before us at that moment in time thus bringing about the kind of evolution that determine out future. Hence the saying “our choices determine our future” .

 I have also learnt from spirituality that we all posse a certain aspect within each and every one of us which is part of the human soul that prompts us to behave in a certain way at certain stages of our lives and through evolution of humankind. We all are reaching for a higher purpose in this world, which is to attain authentic power of LOVE.

 History has taught me that all human beings are the same no matter where in the world we come from. Our circumstances may be different but at some stage we come together as a collective union as we develop as a species naturally and / or psychologically.   Science has also played an important role in the evolution of mankind even though in the past, it has been shunned upon because it seems to contradict ulterior motives of those who want to rule the world through politics.

In the past people use to live their lives with the guidance of diviners who would communicate with the Gods and bring messages from the higher source but at some stage this changed as the world evolved.  People started making their own rules to be followed thus side stepping the diviners. Propaganda was instigated against the diviners at some stage in the history of mankind. This is the reason why people even today are unsure of where they stand when it comes to spiritual healing, religion and politics.


My favourite authors are Paulo Coelho, Dan Bown, Credo Muthwa, Neale Donald Walsh. 

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Hi my name is zibuyile I have a calling but my ancestors do not allow me to go to a sangoma it's like they think a parson with still my gift or something I have been up and down seeking for help nothing no help now the only thing I want is to open the door for them I have been suffering for too long how do I open this door for them to guide me I really need help
I always seems to see what is going in people's life and yet I am always surrounded by a Leopard,Lion and they lead me always ,days back I've been dreaming about a rhino fighting people on my behalf whom try to take me and want me to THWASA,so I dreamed three seashell which they were been digged out by MASARWA people speaking NDAU language, even shows me medicine for healing people<br /> <br /> And now my life is complicated coz of the calling, everything is blocked
U might have powers that you need to unlock, so they can work for u<br /> Try n find a medium to help u in that regard
Please help,I am constantly burping and yawning,feel like screaming and crying,my back and shoulders always sore,I can't really explain how I feel headaches and ears sore,please help
Good day. This dream is really irritating me...<br /> i dreamed when i was in a room sleeping and got awaked by animals. There was pigs, goats, chickens and behind me there was something big like a cow or horse but it was licking my neck. I couldnt turn to see it.<br /> i felt like someone was pushing them in cos many kept on entering the room. N the room was getting full
in my dream i was in the water and next to me was a rhino and on its forehead it had a small round mirror and i was wearing a red shirt which was made out of cloth and it was written Malesedi with red and white beats and i was wearing a brown head which was made out of bag and it also had a round mirror and i had beats on my hands red and white and i was wearing a white west, what does that dream mean my name is Yvonne Matlabe


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  • : This blog deals with the truth behind amadlozi/ancestors and the people who live to tell the truth about it all.
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  • Nonto Toba Goldstone
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
