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July 8 2011 5 08 /07 /July /2011 16:50

 “We are on a threshold of a new beginning” …on Oprah. When I heard this statement I actually had a de ja vu moment. People all over the world are more aware of their spirituality now, more than ever before. Those in the know have said that it is a phenomenon created by the positioning of the planets, which seems to create these vibrations, making everyone more spiritually aware. These vibrations have made people to explore the possibility of the unseen forces that work parallel to our planet, but affecting us in a way that can have devastating consequences in our lives if we are not spiritually tuned in and open minded about it.

As far as I am concerned, it is great to be living in this time, when history is being made and the reality of life is being revealed to greater extents. Life itself has been a mystery to humans since the beginning of time.

Those that lived before us have tried to find answers but left this earth before making any sense of it all. When our children grow up we tend to neglect the facts of life when we teach them about this life. We always tell our children to excel and be the best at what they do and yet we do not tell them that, at times you try your best but destiny takes over and turn your life upside down. Nobody has an ability to change destiny but if we are aware of it we can find ways to live around and adapt to it. Most people grow up as over achievers and they live life for this lifetime only, without worrying about the future or the possibility of an after life. It is only when we experience major set backs in life that we start to look into spirituality and the way it affects us.


This threshold of a new beginning, what does it mean?

I will use my personal example on this one. Growing up I knew about ancestors but I had no idea that one day, I would become a spiritual healer. I do not consider myself special in any way now that I can connect with the ancestors but I still find it unbelievable that this is happening to me. I have learnt to accept my life now and am trying very hard to make the best of it. I had a job, I was working and took care of my family until the calling came and turned my life upside down. It was hard for me to understand and make sense of what was happening to me. Even though I accepted wholeheartedly, I still couldn’t believe it was happening to me. My life changed completely as I had to accept the new possibility of these forces that affect our lives everyday. I had to make sense of everything and had to make people understand what I was experiencing. I had dreams about my life then, but all of that had to be put on hold, all of a sudden. I had to start all over again and learn to live and be who I am meant to be. I am the kind of a person who likes to excel and be the best at each and everything I do. I like to take things seriously and elevate what ever I may be doing to greater heights.

Here, I was on a new spiritual journey unknown to me and the people around me. It was such a big challenge to me because as I was accepting it, I wondered, what more can I do on this field that has never been done before? I looked at everyone I knew who was doing this type of healing and I didn’t want to be like them. This was the time when I turned my full attention to God, the creator, almighty and our redeemer. I felt like I was born again and had to take on a new direction altogether. I accepted the change and prayed for nothing but wisdom. Wisdom to do and say the right things at the right time. I laid my life down before God and asked for him to guide me. In the beginning I was lost and had to make a lot of choices and decisions. In the end I realised that I had to listen to my inner self and trust that God will never leave me.


I did not ask for this calling to come to me and I do understand why my guides/ancestors would want to be cleansed so that they can move on in their journey. The process of accepting my guides took a while and when, it was done, I began to move forward on my newly found healing journey. I don’t know how many readings I have done to date and I don’t know how many peoples’ lives have been transformed through this encounter. Those that found the light and followed on instructions are much happier today. Today, I only help those who have serious problems and are committed to do something about their lives. In the past, I use to help everyone because I thought that was what a healer must do.

Later my guides came to me and told me that my purpose to set them free, had been met. It was time for me to move on and do what ever I wanted to do with these powers. It was up to me whether to continue healing or to may be go back to work and continue where I had left off. I made a choice to continue to help those who are in need, but under my own terms. The powers are within me and I don’t think they will ever live, so I decide to continue using the powers for the good. I understand that I am not God so I cannot be able to heal everyone who comes to me and be successful all the times. So I decided to take people who have potential to be healed. People who are matured and serious enough to make a difference in their lives. I figured I wasn’t going to waste my time and energy with people who do not understand God to start with. My aim is to make people realise that life can be unpredictable at times. It can take someone like me and change them into healers all of a sudden.

I did not have to go and train to do what I do. I had to learn on my own because my guides wanted to prove a point to everyone out there. They wanted to show people that we all have it inside each and everyone of us. We all can be whatever we want to be if we listen carefully to the powers that be and believe in ourselves. My guides wanted to take everyone back to God almighty. They wanted people to realise that being a healer means you are working with the miracle powers of God and there is no need to ask a lot of questions. As long as you believe and you do the right things God will give you miracles.


At the moment I am busy assisting those people who want to follow suit and help their guides/ancestors on their own. I am helping gifted people who want to satisfy the powers within them so that their lives can go back to a normal. I mean “ a normal” because may be we are headed to an era of new normal on this earth. When you are gifted people think you are not normal and yet we all have these powers within us, its just a matter of degrees that separate us. Sooner or later everyone will be aware of their own powers and may be we will stop talking about being normal and not normal.

A new beginning is a time when all people of the world realise that we are all the same in the eyes of the lord. When everyone is aware of the greater forces that are sending messages to us, trying to give us direction and guidance in our lives. I know that some people wonder why, I don’t like to call myself a sangoma or a makhosi or anything of that sort. I believe I am a spiritual medium because I help people connect with their loved ones who have passed over.

The spirits use my body to connect and tell you the state they were in and still are, during their time of death. I don’t call myself a sangoma because I do not rely on muti to do my work. I believe in connecting with the spirits and setting them free through the usage of prayer and acceptance. I believe that my powers come directly from God and for one to be healed successfully one has to accept God first.

My journey through spiritual healing has been one rough road because I had to change and or accept a lot of things about my newly found gift. It has opened my eyes to a whole new world out there that is working in conjunction with planet earth and is ready to be accepted by the living so that we can have harmony both in life and death.


The beginning will be when we start to accept this possibility and teach our children about these realities. We need to have a clear understanding of these powers and stop treating it as an African thing only because in actual fact it affect all of us all over the world.

It happened to me, I didn’t call it upon myself, I am continuing with life as normal as I can be. I am my happier self now more than ever before because I feel that I am in touch with my spirituality and living my life to the fullest.

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July 5 2011 2 05 /07 /July /2011 07:27


This is a gathering done by traditional healers whenever there is an initiation, graduation of healers or just to celebrate their spirituality.

I had never attended this type of gathering before until I became a healer myself.

It is very important for me to fully understand something before I can take part in it. With umgidi, I also wanted to find out the reasons why it is done so that I can relate and then take part. Ever since I started becoming a healer, I have learnt  a lot about the ancestors, how they communicate and what is it they actually want from us. Umgidi is one of the things that makes them happy on their journey.


We need to understand that being a healer means you have powerful guides around you who want to be set free which ever way you can. Having powerful guides does not mean that you always end up being a healer. Sometimes you just need to do certain rituals and follow your guides’ instructions and then carry on with your life as normal. For someone who has never attended a hard core sangoma umgidi before, I had to learn things on my own and do what my guides tell me so I started to embark on this journey aroung umgidi ritual and this is what I have found: Umgidi is done to make our ancestors happy so as to set them free. What it entails is chanting and celebrating past lives with the aim of giving them more power to help us. When we chant we sing praises according to what our ancestors want.

Healers get together and pray, inviting God and the spirits to bless the gathering. After that healers sing praises to their guides and ask for spiritual upliftment. While we are chanting the spirits come through and express their feelings about the gathering. Others come through and heal people in the gathering. When the spirits show themselves we rejoice because it is sign of acceptance from the other side. Spirits use healers’ bodies to show themselves, so what ever they say is communicated through these healers. Some spirits will just come through and rejoice with no particular message but this alone is a good sign of a job well done. From there on the spirits come through with their request which can be anything from a particular song to be sung or a certain type of chat to be performed. Spirits who are not happy also come through and express their concerns during this gathering. People who are supposed to be healers themselves also get a chance to get a message from their own ancestors.


When you attend this type of a gathering, it makes your ancestors happy because they can see that you fully accept them and you have no shame about their powers. One does not need to be a sangoma in order to attend this type of a gathering. It is unfortunate that in the past normal people were excluded from these gatherings and yet this is where one gets in contact with their ancestors whether one is a sangoma or not. This function brings a lot of joy in peoples’ lives because one gets a chance to do things they normally wouldn’t do  in public. At a gathering like this one gets a chance to let go and explore another world which sets you free of all the earthly inhibitions. One gets a chance to experience their ancestors and their ability to heal and help others. Those that are training sangomas/ thwasa can also explore their powers and learn a lot about healing.

When people let go and start to celebrate in the name of the spirits they get to release a lot of negative energy within them. With the prayers and praises you invite positive energy to take over and ask your guides to do only what is best for you in life.  It is very hard for normal people to go into a sangoma gathering and get a chance to experience these things because we are still living in a time that separates sangomas from ungifted people. And yet this function is beneficial to all, whether one is gifted or not.

Umgidi gives one a chance to explore another part of their lives and to stretch their limits and discover their own powers within. Once you have reached that state your life can never be the same again. You begin to look at life differently and more open minded. You get to understand more about your own personality and the reasons behind it.


When we attend umgidi we try and tell people that we are all the same in the eyes of the lord and we can achieve more if we do away with discriminations and start to treat people the same. Whether you are a sangoma or not you can still attend umgidi and benefit from the powers of your own ancestors.


There are people who are not sangomas but their ancestors were healers so these people when they attend umgidi they get to make their ancestors happy. Their ancestors come through and start to heal and help other people during the ceremony. They also come with messages from the other side, just like during a reading. It is important for these people to get a place where they can attend umgidi from time to time just to satisfy their guides. These people do attend umgidi and then they go back to their normal lives when it is finished. Others are church goers who are gifted at the same time so they get a chance to use their powers and then go to church on Sunday morning. Some people attend umgidi because they are sick and they want to get better and then you get those who have problems in their lives and they just need a bit of luck and direction.

I believe umgidi is for everyone who believes in ancestors. It is part of healing and a very important ritual in setting free of our ancestors. When the ancestors are happy they move on and give us what we want in life.

During this celebration people listen to their ancestors and do what they are told to do or sing what they are told to sing. People give their selves over to the world of spirits and then rejoice in the happiness within. One gets a chance to forget about all the problems of the world and just concentrate on the power of prayer.


For those who have been to a club before, you will understand what I am talking about here, because umgidi is just the same only it is done in a prayer orientated place. When I started to attend umgidi I realised that what we do is exactly the same as what people do in clubs. They sing and dance the whole night trying to bring joy and happiness in their lives. It is such a wonderful experience that they need from time to time just to release the stress and have a brand new start for the week ahead. Clubbing is another ritual that works for those who do it and I see why they love it.


I also need some form of letting go where I can release the negativity and move forward with a positive spirit filling me up inside. I could not go to clubs because I tend to pick up on other peoples’ problems and get sick on the spot. So when my guides demanded that I do umgidi, I accepted wholeheartedly. I wanted to do things my way because I was tired of people putting rules and regulations to the power of God. When I do umgidi I gather people around who are like minded when it comes to spirituality and ancestors. We also get people who are new in the spiritual world, who still want to learn more. We also get people who have problems in their lives and they seek help. Basically we get anyone form normal to gifted people who want to come and explore in this spiritual world. We then gather for one night and do the praises. This is the only time that I get to do the readings and cleanse people who need help. 

This past Saturday 2ndJuly 2011 was on of those days when we gather and participate in Umgidi. The process starts in the morning with people who want to have readings done for them. After that people are cleansed accordingly and then we do offering for their ancestors. At night we do umgidi until morning. We only extend this invitation to people who are serious about their lives and they want to get enlightenment when it comes to the ancestral problems. We discourage taking young people unless they are accompanied by parents because this is serious work that requires a matured and open minded person.

This is the easiest way to do everything on one day and we only do it once in a while because it is such a mission and hard work.


After two or three months we take part in these gatherings and can only take a limited number of new people each time. My work is more of teaching people about ancestors than healing itself so when we do these functions we do not charge people but they only contribute towards catering for the day.


The function we had this past Saturday was a success and we already have booking for the next gathering. In the meantime, I will recharge my energies and hope everyone who attended will get the answers they seek in their lives. When we do these functions we also teach and answer question that people might have in their personal lives. There sessions where we also counsel parents and teach kids what we can about spirituality especially teenagers.

I would also like to encourage other healers to open this umgidi function to their patients because it is a very useful tool in the healing process and everyone is supposed to attend one at least once in their lifetime. 


When umgidi is finished people go back to their normal lives and carry on with more positive energy. On Sunday morning some of the people who attended put on their church uniforms and went to attend the service. It brings me great joy when people understand that we can do everything we want to do as long as we honour our parents/ancestors first, and nothing is stopping from combining the ancestral rituals with religion.

Ancestral ceremonies are our own rituals that were practised long before civilisation in our lands. It worked for our ancestors until they were forced to change and accept Christianity. It is still working today, even though most people do not want to come out in the open and do their rituals.

 I am praying for the day when our people will have their own ancestral day, when we practice and praise our ancestors, in our homes and as a nation…

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June 27 2011 1 27 /06 /June /2011 08:50

When we dream…

When we dream we get different messages which can be confusing at times. At a young age we don’t worry about our dreams as much as we do when get older. This is because at an early age we don’t have a lot of life experience so even if we dream about significant things, it doesn’t really carry any weight. As we grow older and start to understand that our dreams may be telling us a story of our lives we begin to analyse them and it some instances it gets to a point where one goes overboard in pursuit of these messages.


The spiritual/ ancestral world has a lot to do with our minds as it only exists in the spirit form. So what ever you are going through is not seen or experienced by people around you, not unless they have some powers themselves. During this time you get messages from dreams and visions and these messages can be very useful when it comes to giving you direction. The dreams that we get during the time of initiation are a very sensitive matter, in that they should be treated and analysed with a certain amount of caution as they can be confusing at times. We should not take our dreams literally unless they come across as visions or they carry a logical meaning to our lives at that stage. I say this because you get people who live their lives relaying on dreams to give them direction and I find this disturbing because dreams come from a very complicated place that plays with our minds at times, hence we need to be very careful when analysing them.

Depending on your powers, sometimes you dreams about someone you are about to meet or someone you have just met. This means that the mind has an ability to connect with other peoples’ thoughts and feelings. If someone is thinking of you a lot, it affects you in that you also start to think about them so much that in believe in the connection the two of you have. Which is why newly found love can be so intoxicating at times. People start to believe that this is the real love but when it fades they get confused not knowing what happened to those feeling that seemed so real at the time. We dream about things that we think about a lot, things that happens during the day and things that touch our lives. Sometime we dreams about things that didn’t mean much to us but the mind takes note of such things and registers it in our dreams. We do not have control over what we dream or do not dream of. At times we dream about things we would rather not.

Dreams can carry you into a roller coaster mode and get you so hooked up in the events that you automatically become obsessed with that part of your life. The dreams that we get during the initial stages of our initiation must be treated in the most sensible manner because they come at a stage when one questions everything around them. During this time your mind is finding it hard to believe that the spiritual world really exists. Your mind is also revisiting a lot of other facts of life and trying to make sense of what is happening to you. Remember that at this stage you are asking yourself a lot of questions in your awake state and by the time you put your head on that pillow, you are already in the state of indecisiveness. It is at this time that your mind starts to play games with you. It gives you different options and scenarios in your sleep and make you choose your own destination. During your sleep, a stage play of your life takes place before your own eyes. You are given different possible directions and options including end results and consequences. When we are in dreamland we dream about things that are impossible in the real world. Some of us fly in our dreams and this means that your ancestors are in a stage of waking/rising up and will be giving more of their powers to you. This means that your powers are taking off, so its up to you to accept and follow the journey. They are just letting you know the potential you have in accepting the powers. It doesn’t really mean that you will be able to fly like a bird in real life, but it can mean that your powers can take you places if you follow their instructions and stay on the positive side of healing.


We then dream about our “enemies”. These dreams warn us about potential dangers in our lives. If someone doesn’t like you very much and they are casting negative energy/spells towards you, it does affect your aura. As they continue to have bad thoughts about you, you also pick up on them and start to feel uneasy about them. This is when you begin to think more about them and in some cases you become paranoid and obsessed with bad feelings towards someone. This gets into your system from your mind to an extent that you become physically sick. During this time you dream about this person and the bad things they are doing to you. At times you dream about the real things they have done to you like using muti or gossiping about you. Sometimes you will be given information in a form of a scenario, which will give a general outline to the amount of negative energy they have towards you. In this case you dream of things that are impossible in the real world e.g. you can dream of your enemy shooting you with a loaded gun, the bullets hit you but you don’t die. This dream is showing you that your enemy has deadly “thoughts” towards you but you on the other hand has very powerful guides who will protect you. From such a dream we need to extract the positive and move on without dwelling much on the enemy. Pray and be thankful for the protection you receive and stay away from the negative energy brought by the enemy.


When we dream about things we need to do in our lives… As we start on this spiritual journey we get different messages about the things we need to do and the rituals that will help us through. Dreams operate in the spiritual form so at times they can be exaggerated to emphasize their impact in our lives. I always say one must have a very strong support system in the form of a family at home or an honest, reliable friend who will help you stay grounded during this time. I say this because some of us are not strong enough to believe in themselves or to think things in a rational manner under these circumstances. Ancestors can tell you things to do in your dreams, they will guide and direct you and at the same time they will give you tests to prove yourself. At times they can even trick you just to weigh your progress in the training. The things that we need to do physically in our lives can be rituals that were ignored by our parents or certain traditions that we left undone in the past. All of these things are necessary to take you through to another level in your spiritual progress. The examples of these debts could be anything like, to accept ancestors (ukuvuma idlozi), to cleanse them, to initiate or enrol in a sangoma training program, to do thanksgiving ceremonies in appreciation of the life and families we are given or just to create a prayer place for the ancestors in your home. The question is, when do we take these dreams literally (or not?) Like I said before and I will always emphasize this until kingdom come, ancestors live in the spiritual world, earthly things don’t mean much to them so when we honour them we need to concentrate on the mind, feelings and the emotional side of things. For those people who can afford and they can go all out and do everything physically, its okay, it is their choice and they can afford it. But for those who are suffering as it is, they can’t even afford to go out there and seek help from a healer, it is very difficult to expect them to cover all the debts that were left out by many generations in the past.


An examples: Ancestors can come through and tell you they are hungry- this doesn’t mean you have to go and slaughter an animal. It means they are running low in their energy so you must find out what went wrong and what needs to be fixed. If you slaughter at this stage and invite a lot of people in the yard, ancestors do not accept it because they have no stamina to accept anything at that stage. When we do these things we need to be very logical in uniting these two worlds ( the ancestral and the real world). We need to find a common ground on which we can practice our rituals in a manner that is effective and relevant to both these worlds. Firstly if your ancestors say they are hungry, it means there is a reason why they are hungry so you need to give them something that can take them out of that state of hunger. If you offer them food without enticing them first, they will not be able to accept it. Ancestors have come through in the past and explained that as we do these functions and share food amongst ourselves, they are left to linger because they don’t even have an appetite to start with. And then you hear people saying that they have been doing rituals/slaughtering for ages so how can the ancestors come now and say they are hungry. When you slaughter you don’t actually feed the ancestors, you are just treating your guests to a feast. When you feed your ancestors you must know what they want and how can they receive it. People who have nothing are at an advantage these days when it come to honouring the ancestors because they do with what they have and it works very well. Before you can offer anything to hungry ancestors you must first cleanse them. This is done so as to take them out of their state and to get them ready to accept what ever it is we want to offer them. Most people complain that after doing a ritual/slaughtering things just take a turn for the worse and this does happen if you don’t cleanse your ancestors first. There is no way we can solve problems by spilling blood. We can only spill blood afterwards when things have come right and we are celebrating. After cleansing them you need to offer what they asked for. Say for instance they said they are hungry, now the question is how do we feed the spirit? Feeding your guests will not help your guides.

Now, you need to do an offering/ilati for your ancestors at your prayer place. This offering is a form of a healing process so you don’t need to invite people over. I always tell people that when you take pain killers for your headache you don’t invite guests to take or share with you, so why invite people when you heal/ sort out your ancestral problems? When doing this offering you must remember the things that ancestors need in order to get gain strength that will take them to a greater place on the other side.

Firstly, they need a loving heart from you, an accepting mind and a smell of greatness in the air. Ancestors gain a lot of strength from the smell of the incense and the smell of braai meat. This means you don’t have to slaughter at this stage as long as there is a smell of meat and incense at the prayer place. The other thing that will help you is to have traditional beer and a white piece of cloth to symbolise purity and prosperity. When you do your prayer you ask the ancestors to find a place in your heart, your prayer place and your home. You invite them to rejoice in your life and be a good spirit so they can move on, in their own journey. These debts we left behind by others and now they create a stumbling block for the ancestors but if you set them free they accept and move on, which means they start to sort out problems they had created for you in trying to get your attention. After doing such a ritual your ancestors will start to come in dreams and offer you advice where needed. In some cases they show themselves by making things a less difficult in your daily life. Changes may not be drastic but when you look back after a while you realise that your life becomes less stressful after accepting your guides. We do all of this based on a dream that said your ancestors were hungry, they needed a place and were feeling cold.


Some people will go all out and buy blankets, do functions or even build a house for the ancestors. This is all good if you can afford it but you must think carefully how much of this goes a long way and make a difference in the world of ancestors? Small gestures and a willing heart go a long way in helping our ancestors. When we go all out to please each other on earth, it remains just that and it doesn’t even begin to heal us.


The next time you dream, try and learn from it and please do not get carries away about dreams. Analyse them with a clear mind and learn something that will make you a better person in the future. What is important about dreams is the way you feel when you wake up. After having a significant dream, open your eyes and stay in bed for a while. Think about how you feel at that moment and capture those feelings. Be honest about it even if the feeling is not a good one. If you feel uneasy or angry remember that it is the purpose of that dream to bring out those feeling in you. If you feel happy, embrace and rejoice in the feeling. “Now, you can wake up and take on the real world”


Always remember to share your dreams with people you can trust, people who will support you in life no matter what. Some dreams can be very sensitive in their nature while others can be destructive if taken literally. Some dreams come to us as a warning for a period of difficulty ahead and this can not be avoided, one just need to prepare themselves.


People with a calling will have a lot of dreams about the sea, snakes or chanting. When the sea is dark and vicious it means your guides are angry they need your acceptance immediately. When the sea is calm and blue, it means your guides are at peace and so is your life. A dark coloured snake means your ancestors have become your own enemy so you need to accept them before they give you hardships in life, and a green snake means ancestral powers that are ready to be utilised in helping others. When one dreams of people chanting, it means that you must take up healing and become a healer(one way or the other).


When your dreams are nice and uplifting in the morning, it implies the state of your own life in general and when they are exhausting and giving you headaches it means just that.

How you feel in the morning determines your day ahead.

Dreams come to us for a purpose but we need to be clear about boundaries when it comes to analysing them.

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June 24 2011 5 24 /06 /June /2011 06:51

This is when you honour your partners’ guides in a relationship. You can do this alone at your prayer place or you can have a medium or a healer to help you, if you are not comfortable on your own. The reason we do this is so that you and your partner can have peace and harmony in your relationship.


When we spoke about enemies, remember I touched on the fact that when we fight, it is actually our guides that get into a misunderstanding. Each time you have a fall out with someone you must pull back and listed to your feelings. Analyse how you feel and find out why. Forget about the person you are fighting with, concentrate on yourself and find out what is it with you that can make another person so angry with you. Other people see us in a different light as we see of ourselves, so putting yourself in other peoples’ shoes and might help you get a clear view of how you come across to others.      


This honouring process is done for those couples who have consistent  fights and misunderstandings. It can be done to one person in a relationship, the one who has more powerful guides or both in a case where both of them are powerful.People must learn to listen to themselves in a fight and realise that those feelings actually come from a deeper place. Some people will always fight and complain about things that might seem minor to the other partner. You will hear someone says: “I don’t  understand why she is making such a big deal out of this”. Once these problems are sorted out people look back and actually laugh at themselves or fighting over petty things.


Honouring someone else’ guides means you do recognise that your partner has powerful guides in his or her life and you can see that they are not happy with your union so you are putting your cards on the table and asking them to accept you in that persons’ life.


In a case where a female is lead by a male guide, a man must understand that this guide does not know how to behave in a relationship with a woman because he was a man himself while he lived. In this relationship your girlfriend will show signs of leadership to such an extent that you will wonder about your own manhood at times. We must also remember that guides do not live in the physical world, they operate in the spirit form so what they will do is to steer both your lives into a direction where you finally decide to break up. The things you will fight about in this relationship will be something like role plays and independence. A woman in this situation is often accused of being arrogant, cheeky and rude. A man will complain that you don’t listen to him or take him seriously. In the end a guy can really be turned off by a woman who wants to be a man so to speak but the trick, is this woman is not necessarily trying to be a man. She is portraying what she feels inside as she is lead by a male figure. She doesn’t have total control over the situation and at sometimes she can only realise it once the relationship is over.


Communication is very important in a relationship and couples who talk about their problems and try to work as a unity are the ones most successful. When couples come to me with a problem, I always tell them to forget about themselves for a while and listen to the issues that their ancestors are bringing into a relationship. Once the ancestors are sorted out, the relationship goes back to normal and it becomes easy for couples to forgive each other for petty things.


If a man is lead by female guides, he becomes submissive to an extent that people around him think that his woman is the ones wearing pants in that relationship. I will make an example of  Sharon and Samuel in generations, at the moment. Even though these are just soapy characters but they are a perfect example of a man who is madly in love with a woman lead by a male guide. Sometimes people around them think that Samuel is a woes but he is okay with his situation. Sharon has everything going for her but in a long run and in a real life situation, this relationship can come to place where the male feels fed up, sick and tired of being dictated to all the time. As time changes so are our guides as they adapt to our progress or growth in life. The trick with this relationship is that these men are very good lovers because their female guides inside know exactly what a woman needs so they take very good care of their partners. Which is why the woman is kept happy all the time and nothing makes a man happy that fulfilling his partner even if it is at his own expense.


This honouring prayer is done differently form healer to healer and I am sure by now you understand that I don’t believe in slaughtering especially when we are trying to heal a situation.

For a woman to be able to do this with her man and be successful, she needs to honour her own guides first  and make a prayer place for them. This is the same procedure even if its’ a man who has guides that need to be honoured. I am only using the female example because usually they are the ones who have problems with being lead by male guides. She must explain to her guides that she is a relationship with a man and is asking for their blessings.

Once she has acknowledged her own guides she can then go on and introduce her partner to her guides. During this prayer a man will bring a present to her prayer place of prayer and asked for her guides to accept him in, her life. He must pray and tell them that he comes with good intentions. If you have ever done a reading with these guides you will understand how they feel from what they come out and say. They always complain about being left out when people are making decisions about their lives and that they want recognition and to be kept updated all the time. 


Ukukhunga is a minor thing which has big problems if it is not done at all.


How you do it and who helps you to do it is your own choice.


If it is not done at all, it creates a lot of tension and problems in a relationship that may even extend into the bedroom at times…

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June 22 2011 3 22 /06 /June /2011 07:04


I am sure by now you understand the significant commonalities between God and ancestors. They both operate in the spiritual form. We turn to God and ancestors for our prayers when we need help. Some of us do remember to send our gratitude and praises even when we rejoice, in our lives. Newsflash: God does not discriminate, and so does the ancestors.


People still find it hard to pray to God and the ancestors on the same prayer. This is because we have been told that our ancestors are demons who come back to disrupt our lives so they must be cast away and be forgotten. If this is true, why then do we suffer so much when we don’t listen to our ancestors, to such an extant that once you start to honour them your life goes back to normal and even better than before.


Going back to the similarities between God and the ancestors, I wish we can understand that the ancestors are there to protect and guide us but God is above us all, he makes that connection possible. If it wasn’t for God we wouldn’t be to dream when we sleep at night. The messages that we get in our dreams guide and warn us, and at times they are just mind games that need to be pointed out.

God is for the good and so are our ancestors. The difference between God and the ancestors could be that with the ancestors, they need us to set them free so that they can help us, but God is always there to guide, lead and protect us. For all of this to take place harmoniously we need to unlock and establish our relationship with our ancestors and then honour God as a creator who is above all things, living and dead.

I know that there are certain rituals which are performed by people doing ancestral ceremonies and these seem to clash with the bible and I accept that difference. For me doing ancestral rituals does not have to be something dramatic and horrific, one must be careful not to contradict the work of the Lord with human cultures which are designed to benefit only man(humans).


God does not discriminate so does our ancestors. God wants us to believe in him and do away with muti usage, so does our ancestors. God treats us all the same, male or female and so does the ancestors. Once we start to discriminate and put a lot of rules and regulations in the ancestral practice we then move away from that which is Godly and start to shift towards manly desires instead of focussing on the Lords way. As long as you know what God expects of us you will be able to do what is right when it comes to doing your rituals. (we will talk about the rituals some other time)


One thing that has been revealed to me ever since I started helping people was that my ancestors have a lot of similarities to what God stands for. They do not discriminate between male and female persons. Anyone can do what ever they want to do when ever they want. Any person has a right to do their own prayers without having to rely on others for this. As long as someone is old enough to burn impepho and say a prayer that person can carry on and perform their prayers should a need arises. If people decide to pray together as a family, the head of the family can lead a prayer but each and everyone of them must get a chance to say their prayer and ask for what ever they want as well.

Most healers will tell you that a woman may not do or lead ancestral prayers at home but if she is a sangoma this rule falls out. There are so many female headed families nowadays and the women do just fine raising kids just as men do, regardless of the challenges we are all facing in the world. My be in the past it was easy to discriminate women in this regard because female were lead by female guides so they were submissive. Today you get females who are lead by male guides, who can do just about anything they set their minds at. Women of today have more powers within themselves that it becomes a problem to try and put them down in any way.

Most male lead women have had a problem when doing the reading and their guides have come forward and told that they are tired of being oppressed emsamo. They demand freedom to be equal beings in the place of prayer. These situations have lead to a breakdown of communication in a lot of households and even breaking ups in marriages. Everyone is the same in the eyes of the ancestors and if we continue to oppress one another in this regard, it leads to breakdown of relationships in families.


The world is changing all around us and we need to adapt, move on and catch up. God has allowed for democracy to prevail in our country but we have not been welcoming of this democracy when it comes to other spheres of lives. This democracy was made possible by God, it should filter through our ancestors first before we can reap the total rewards from it. We have tried to make excuses so that we maintain our old ways of oppression in areas where we feel manipulation can still exist.


God wants us to do our own prayers and be accountable for our actions and so does the ancestors. You cannot rely on someone else to do a prayer for you unless that person is the one suffering because your burdens. What I am saying is that when the ancestors affect you, they talk to you or disrupt your own life. So when you start to honour them, you cannot now go and ask someone else to do these for you just because you are female and cannot be able to do these on your own. It has always been a problem to me as to why should women wait have a male figure in their lives for them to be able to pray and get through to the ancestors. These days women headed families have not choice but to do things by themselves and they are doing just fine.  When ancestors ask to be set free they actually mean freedom in all aspects of our lives. They want freedom in every sense of the word.

We need to get the information out there so that people can make their own choices and be accountable for it. In the past healers, never use to share anything when it comes to their work. This has lead to people believing that there is something special about being a healer but on the contrary being a healer means you are a servant of God. You need to relay constructive messages to the people and help them stay on the positive.

So if one is going to tell me that a woman cannot do certain things emsamo, when we are living in a world of democracy, I am going to tell them that I believe in the God of non- discrimination and my ancestors abide by all that is Godly.


We are all the same in the eyes of the lord.

What ever God does not allow, we cannot turn around and do it for the ancestors and claim to be children of God at the same time. And while we are on this ancestral journey, we need to make sure we do what is right with no exceptions. We need to have no fear of what other people say because they are trying to keep the ancestral revelations to themselves so that they can use it to their advantage.

Churches have done so well in the past because all the information is out there and is being relayed to people everyday. Healers must also do the same if they really want to help heal the people…


Set your spirit free…





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June 19 2011 7 19 /06 /June /2011 09:00

People say that successful women have problems when it comes to relationships, let us visit this subject and explore it even deeper.

In this life we must learn to go deep into the meaning of things around us before we take things at face value. I read in the local newspaper the other day that prominent ladies who are celebrities were complaining about not having satisfactory relationships when it comes to the matters of the heart. They mentioned people like Mara Louw, Penny Lebyane and more…

Each time we tackle this subject we always come up with the conclusion that successful women tend to be arrogant and bossy thus the men run away from them. As much as this can be true, there are factors that play a major role in the chasing away of men from these ladies. So bear with me as we go deep into this subject.     

I’m sure we all understand by now that everyone has their guides leading them and influencing us all the time. In the past I have also mentioned that peoples’ lives were rather smooth as compared to the present state of things. Usually men were lead by males who had passed away and women by female ancestors. The problem came about when people started committing a lot of sins which includes even killing of one by another. The troubled souls, as a result of these bad deeds wandered about as they were not accepted in the kingdom of God after death. They then came back to earth to ask for forgiveness from their loved ones. They wanted to be cleansed and set free. When this didn’t happen, they started to become more disruptive to the living. They must have thought of ways that can better disrupt our lives on earth so that we can take them seriously. When it comes to these matters people always want to find physical proof or evidence in order to fully accept the psychic side of things. So these spirits started to change by leading the opposite sex on earth. This way they become more disruptive with the hope that your life will be disturbed enough for you to go and find out what the problem is.

In the past when men were lead by males, everything went well. Females listened to men and obeyed them with ease. When things started to change, women became opinionated and argumentative. You hear women of today saying that there is no way they can be submissive because they also have their own opinions and democracy is backing them.(and this is all good, power to the women). When women were lead by female guides they felt okay with men making decisions and dominating relationships because everything was in order.

So now that things have changed with so many troubled souls all around us, women get lead by male  guides and men by female guides. Have you ever heard someone say that males of today talk like women, they are the ones gossiping these days? Have you seen just how powerful women have become in this world, they are doing things that were originally known to be done by men only.

It all starts with the guides that come back and want to be cleansed by loved ones. When they are ignored for one reason or the other they become agitated and look for more ways to disrupt our lives.

They also decide to lead the opposite sex so that they can disrupt our normal ways of living that we are used to. Even though this is not such a bad thing, it comes with a lot of confusion to people who do not understand the way the guides operate.

The guides live in the spirit form so they can only communicate to us through signs and feelings. If they could talk to us and have a normal conversation no one would be having problems anymore. With that out of the way, we must then understand that guides are here so that they can lead us effectively but they cannot do this properly if we do not accept and acknowledge them.

Back to the subject of ladies being lead by male guides: The main reason behind this is so that our relationships (esp love ) can be disrupted. When relationships are affected we do not attain the happiness we want, but at the same time it makes us feel exactly what our ancestors go through when we don’t accept them. They feel neglected, misunderstood and unloved. If a women is lead by a male guide, it causes a problem in a relationship where a guy is also lead by males. This women has something inside of her that tells her that she is a person of her own who must also be listened to and taken seriously. This woman will do achieve great things in life which in the past used to be done by males. On the other hand, a man in this relationship will feel overpowered and ignored. He will feel as if he is inadequate for this women. The woman will not back down easily, which may cause a lot of fights in this relationship. This kind of woman is a go getter , she is out going and has a high self esteem. A male in this relationship feels overpowered as this woman will take her own decisions and she seldom asks for help with anything. All these qualities show that this female is acting like a man even though she is a woman. This tends to be a turn off on men because they feel like they are in a relationship with another male person.

We cannot go back to the past and do things the way they used to be done. We need to accept the presence and make the best of it. We must do something about our guides which have been ignored for years because that where the problem starts, before it manifests itself in our relationships. These women are not arrogant, its just that they have too much power surrounding them thus it creates a problem to those who don’t understand this. Which is why it is very important for people to accept and acknowledge another ones’  guides (ukukhunga) if they are in a relationship. This is the only effective way to sort out relationship problems. Firstly, everyone must know who the leading guides are in their lives. These guides must be accepted and embraced into our lives. They must be asked to help us live in harmony with other people on earth. If we accept our guides, they will stop disrupting our lives. Only when our guides are acknowledged and accepted do they move on and become positive guides in our lives. They float freely in the kingdom of God and watch over us all the time. Someone once asked me why do we set them free if we still want help from them. Setting them free doesn’t mean that we lose them. It means that we set them free from the burdens that are holding back on earth. Once set free they then proceed to be accepted by the Lord and this is the ultimate glory any one can ask for. So you can imagine that once they are happy, they can do wonderful things for you. Once they are free, they begin to do their duty which is to look after us, guide and protect us.

We are having so much problems on earth and its’ getting worse simply because were told that our ancestors are bad spirits and they should be forgotten. We must all learn to include our ancestors in our daily prayers, that way we make things easy for them and for us here on earth at the same time.

Now that we already have people being lead by guides of the opposite sex, we need to find a way to live around this occurrence (I don’t want to say problem because may be it is just Gods’ plan). We need to know and understand that people are lead by different guides and guides play a major role in our relationships. We must accept that already there is so much uncertainty in the world and things seem to be getting worse but it is never too late to try and remedy the situation.


Successful women are also very powerful when it comes to their spiritual side. This means that they are lead by guides who had powers themselves or were even healers. This may not necessarily mean that all these women must also become healers. It may just mean that they themselves feel powerful such that they can achieve anything they set their minds at. When one is successful, it come from a place where there are powerful guides behind and if these guides are not honoured, they can take away all that success in one day. This is the reason why you find that some people become successful for a while and then you hear that they have lost everything, all of a sudden. Even if you don’t know who your guides are, its important to acknowledge and be thankful for the life you have at some stage in your life before it all gets taken away from you.


I remember a long time ago before I even knew I had these powers, I told a guy I was in a relationship with that I was a man. We had an argument and I started shouting at him and told him to pay attention when I talk. He made a remark that I was acting like a man. I then told him straight in the face that I was a man and he was stunned and backed down. Years later he reminded me when I discovered that I had powers and was lead by my great grand father. We laughed about it then but it taught me that sometimes we do things without realising that there is a greater power working behind our reasoning.


For a woman who is lead by a male guide it is better when you are in a relationship with a guy that is lead by females. In this relationship harmony is guaranteed because the guides resume their normal duties of being male and female in a relationship. A woman can lead spiritually without a man feeling ignored or oppressed . The best and everlasting relationships I have seen are those that come from this scenario.


If the roles are reversed, it creates a problem in a relationship. Such relationships have a high level of spousal abuse/ domestic violence.


If these couples come forward and do the necessary, their problems go away almost immediately. They begin to see each other in a different light and even if they do have arguments still, they embrace it as a sign coming from a deeper place in our journey of life.

Yes, successful ladies are complaining about men running away from them, but this is not such a big problems. All they need to do is re-visit their relationship with God and then find out who their guides are, embrace them in their lives and ask whatever they want in life.

This subject can be complicated to those who are new on this journey, which is why I always advise people to look around them and see these examples among the people we live with. It is there in front of us but we are too busy trying to find solutions that we don’t stop and analyse our lives in an honest way.

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June 18 2011 6 18 /06 /June /2011 22:24


Umehluko esiwutholayo ezimpilweni zethu ngemumva kokwenza/ ukwelapha idlozi mukhulu kakhulu. Owelapha idlozi ngendlela emsulwa evumelana noNkulunkulu uyakwazi ukubona imiphumela elandelayo.

-          Impilo yakhe iyashintsha, kuhlehle izinkinga nokuxakeka.

-          Izinhlungu emzimbeni ziyehla, zigcine ngokuphela.

-          Umqondo uyakhululeka nenhliziyo ithokoze.

-          Ikhanda elibuhlungu lemithambo yemihlathi liyadlula.

-          Amazinyo abuhlungu wonke ayaphola.

-          Izibhobo nazo ziyaphola ikakhulukazi ezomgogodla.

-          Ukusinda kwamahlombe kuyaphela nya.

-          Kuyadlula nokuhilizisana ngamazwi nabantu, ikakhulukazi                    

           emsebenzini nase mphakathini.

-          Uvalo nokuzenyeza kuyadlula.

-          Abantu bayakwamukela kahle beze kuwe bekulethele usizo.

-          Amaphupho aba mahle abe nomyalezo ozwakalayo.

-          Umuntu uthola isibindi sokuqhubeka nempilo wenze izinto ezinkulu


-          Ubudlelwano kwezothando buqala kabusha bube ne ntokozo.

-          Umuntu uba nesibindi sokukhohlwa yizitha nabathakathi.


Konke lokhu ukuthola uma:

1.        Wenza konke okucelwa abadala kuwena.

2.        Ungajahi ukubona imiphumela. Hlukanisa impilo yakho   ngezigabana zezinyanga ezintathu bese ubheka imiphumela. Ngemumva konyaka usuke usuhlomule kakhulu.

3.        Qikelela ukuyeka umuthi omubi. Thembela kuNkulunkulu nedlozi lakho. Wenze lokho otshelwa kona ngemiyalezo.

4.        Thandaza ubikele idlozi lokho okudingayo.Zimisele ukushintsha impilo yakho, usize abaswele ukuze nawe uthole izinhlanhla.

5.        Yenza okuhle nsukuzonke ukuthokozisa bonke abaseduze nawe.

6.        Qikelela ukuthandaza njalo endaweni yakho yokuthandaza ubikele abakini ngazo zonke izinguquko ezenzekayo empilweni yakho.

7.        Yiba isibonelo esihle ezinganeni zakho, nakubantu abasha umhlaba wonke, jikelele.

8.        Yenza okuthile nsukuzonke ukuthokozisa noma ukwenza ngcono impilo yomunye umuntu.


Ukwelapha idlozi kudinga isineke

Isineke nokukhulu ukuzimisela yikona okusiza kakhulu kulowo ozimisela ngokwelapha idlozi lakhe.

-    Akumelanga sijahe ngoba asazi ukuthi kubathatha isikhathi esingakanani abadala ukuze bamukele lokho esibanika kona. Abanye bayashesha ukubona umehluko ngoba izinkinga zamadlozi zehlukene imizi ngemizi.

-    Ukwelapha idlozi kungathatha isikhathi eside uma abakini benezinkinga eziningi nabo futhi bebaningi.

-    Kumele ubekezele, ulalele, uthandaze. Abaningi bayazona izinto ngokujikela emuthini uma bebona ukuthi izinto zihamba kancane. Lokhu kudala ukuthi idlozi lithukuthele libuyela emumva bese uba mkhulu umsebenzi wokuqala phansi lincegwe kushwelezwe.

-   Ukuze usheshe ubone umehluko kubalulekile ukuthi umndeni wonke welashwe idlozi kanye kanye ukuze kutholakale ukuthi umuntu ngamunye uhamba naliphi idlozi.

-    Uma uzelapha wedwa kumele ube nesibindi sokumelana nobunzima kanjalo nemiphumela emibi engase yenzeke kulabo bakini abaphilaka noma abavala idlozi.

-    Ukwelapha idlozi kufane abantu abadala ngoba imiqondo yabo isihluzile ngokwanele futhi sebeyazazi izinkinga zomhlaba.

-   Nomncane onomqondo okhaliphile angalelapha idlozi kodwa intsha ilibala ubumnandi, kuze kuthi uma umuntu eseshaywe umhlaba, esebona eguga kube yikhona eqala phansi efuna izimpendulo.

-    Abazali kumele bafundise izingane ngedlozi zisakhula. Babuye bazihlolele ukuthi ziphethwe amadlozi anjani ukuze sigweme ukungalaleli kwentsha nokuxabana emindenini.

-    Ukwelapha idlozi kusho ukuthi. Lindela impilo yakho ekufanele owawudalelwe yona umdali.

-    Akusho ukuthi ngoba usulelaphile angeke wena usaba nezinkinga emhlabeni. Yebo zikhona izinkinga kodwa uyayithola indlela yokuchusha noma yokuzivikela.


Okubalulekile okumele kungakudidi uma welapha idlozi

Abantu abaningi bafunda sebebadala ukuthi kukhona into ekuthiwa ukwelapha idlozi. Ngaleso sikhathi basuke sebevele bengene bethe shi ezinkingeni zomhlaba. Abaningi basuke bephila impilo enganelisi futhi engenayo injabulo ephelele. Lokhu kusho ukuthi basuke bengaphili impilo ababeyidalelwe uNkulunkulu.


Manje ke uma uqala welapha idlozi ukulesisimo kumele wamukele ukuthi impilo yakho izoshintsha njengomuntu ozalwa kabusha. Uma wenza konke ngendlela efanelekile impilo yakho isenokushintsha yonke ithathe indlela entsha.


Okunzima ke kubantu ukwamukela ushinstho nezinguquko. Okokuqala nje abantu abaningi abafuni ukuhlukana nomuthi, abakujwayele ukushisa impepho futhi abakwazi ukuhlanganisa idlozi noNkulunkulu emithandazweni yabo. Abanye abanayo idawo yokuthandaza- (umsamo-prayer place), futhi abanso isineke.


Uma ukwenzile konke okufunwa abadala impilo yakho iyashintsha ubone imiphumela emihle. Imiphumela eminingi iyethusa uma ungumuntu othathela izinto phezulu, yingakho kudingeka kakhulu ukholo lomuntu kulendima.



Owesilisa onobudlelwano obubi nowesimame wakhe, ulungisa idlozi. Owesilisa ungumuntu olungile kodwa uqinelwa owesimame futhi baxana njalo kodwa abahlukani. Ngisho umndeni usukhathela ukuxabana kwabo babuye babuyelane. Impilo imile, ngoba abashadi futhi owesimame akasebenzi. Owesilisa usothandweni kakhulu yize ehlukumezeka ngokomphefumulo. Ukuba kuya ngaye ngabe uyashiya kodwa unokwesaba.

Uma owesilisa esukuma elungisa idlozi lakhe kuyaye kube noshintsho kulobu budlelwano. Owesilisa uthola isibindi namandla okubona lo wesimame njengoba enjalo. Kusuka ingxabano bahlukane.

Emumva kwesikhathi owesilisa uhlangana nobambo lwakhe ngoba phela useyilungisile impilo yakhe yabuyela endleleni ayedalelwe yona, kwaze kwajabula nedlozi lamupha injabulo. Angeke siyithole injabulo ephelele nebusisekile uma sinagathokozisi abadala.

Abaningi ke baye bathuke ukuthi kungani sebexabana nomuntu wakhe uma elungisa idlozi. Kanti kuhle ukulinda, wamukele ishintsho  wehlise umoya ngoba kuba mnandi kusasa uma usuthola umaqondana. Idlozi likuvula amehlo likufake endleleni eqondile ngisho kuthiwa ubudlisiwe.


Uma wenza idlozi bese ubona sengathi kuyonakala kumele udle imihlathi ngoba ukuwa kwenye indlu ukuvuka kwenye. Yingakho ngihlale ngigcizelela ukuthi idlozi alelashwe umuntu onomqondo ophusile, umuntu ozimisele ukukhohlwa umuthi kodwa ozobambelela emandleni kaNkulunkulu ngoba phela uye kuphela ongasenzela imilingo.

Idlozi livamile ukuqeda ubudlelwano obungalungile. Kungaba yilobo obakhiwe, noma ubudlelwano ofakwe kubo yilo idlozi uqobo ngoba linolaka lifuna ukuthi uzwe ubuhlungu uma sebuphela lobudlelwano. Kwesinye isikhathi idlozi likupha okuhle ngoba lifuna ukukuphuca bese uzwa ubuhlungu uma ungumuntu ongalaleli futhi ongalenzeli elikudingayo.

Ngakho ke uma welapha idlozi kume uvumele ushinstho empilweni yakho ukuze usheshe uzuze.


Omunye uba novalo athi unele wenza umsamo izinto zabheka phezulu. Kanti phela ukuze kulunge kumele kusetshenzwe futhi nathi siyona nsukuzonke manje ukulungisa lokhu kumele sikumele nokujeza. Okubalulekile ukushweleza ngoba kwesinye iskhathi siyona sibe singazi.

Elinye idlozi likuxabanisa nabangani uma ulelapha. Lapha lisuke lifuna ukukubusisa kahle uwedwa ikakhulukazi uma abangani bakho bengakholelwa edlozini.

Idlozi alikubongi uma usenabantu empilweni yakho abangakholelwa kulona ngoba alifuni ukukunika umbuso ozothi wena bese uwudla nabantu abangalithandi.

Abaningi bazilibazisa ngabangani ababi baze baphuthelwe yizinhlanhla zakubo.


“Idlozi lonke lelashwa ngedlela efanayo bese kuthi lona ekugcineni likhethe ukuthi lifuna  welaphe abantu noma uqhubeke nomsebenzi wakho wasemhlabeni. Lokhu kusho ukuthi noma ngabe awusona isangoma kodwa nawe kumele welaphe idlozi lakho ukuze impilo yakho kube ngenezibusiso ezikufanele”.

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June 14 2011 2 14 /06 /June /2011 23:49


God speaks to us everyday.

“God has spoken to us since the bible times, he still speaks to us even today.

He spoke to Moses and Abraham in the bible, he still speaks to us even today but are we listening ? Do we ever listen? God is everywhere, he is more than a spirit form, he is the reason why we are alive”.


Some people think that God is only for the Christians and that he doesn’t listen to those who believe in ancestors. This is the reason why some sangoma didn’t want to believe in God, in the past, let alone acknowledge his presence in our lives. People believed in God long before colonialism came to our country. They knew about our creator who is above us all. The problems came about when they were told that worshiping ancestors and doing rituals is wrong. This took them away from their rituals and into the church. People were forced to choose between the church and their ancestors. Those who wanted to do it both, were discouraged and removed from the church.

People who believed in ancestors never stopped doing it but they kept it a secret from the church. They would do their rituals quietly and then go to church on Sundays. As time went on, the church realised that more and more people were doing ancestral prayers to such an extent that some of them would choose to leave the church, so the church started to become lenient towards this group. They began to accept and not be too harsh on those who were found to be practicing.

Ethnic people find it hard to accept the God that came with the religion because this would mean that, they never had a God before then. It would mean that they lived a life which had no spiritual background until religion came and this does not make any sense at all. People believed in God and he spoke to them in a way they understood. Even today God still speaks to his people and only those who have an ability to listen, do hear.


The question we need to address in the future, is what is a God?


I think that if we understood the concept of God and his existence in our lives, it would be much easier for us to listen when he speaks.

God is above us all, he makes everything possible whether its good or bad. God speaks to us everyday through our life experiences. God is behind each and every lesson that we learn from this life. He is the reason we grow and become better human beings.


We need to realise that our daily life experiences are orchestrated by God himself and he brings to us that which can help us move to another level, in our lives. God speaks to us through other human beings everyday. He expects us to take lessons from our daily life experiences, as they are meant to teach us one thing or another. Your interactions on a daily basis must teach you something. Never say that you can only learn from good experiences. Try and find a message from everything you go through in life because that is the main intention behind our existence.

When you begin to accept your life the way it is, that is when you begin to get closer to your purpose in life. That is the time when you are mature enough to accept the reality of this life. We live our lives concentrating on what we want for ourselves and this takes the most of our youth life. I wish someone could tell us earlier in life that we need to work towards finding our purpose in life. And that could bring us closer to happiness and a much fulfilling life.

Children should be touch much earlier in life about these things. They should understand the importance of God in our lives as well the connection we have with our ancestors. We need to teach our children how to listen to the messages from God. They must never take anything for granted and should embrace all life experiences the same way, whether good or bad.

God speaks to us through the messages we receive from other people everyday. Sometimes you talk to a person and realised afterwards that you have learnt so much from them. You realise that you are a changed person after that conversation. At times you feel bad after an interaction with someone, and this leaves you with bad feelings. You try and avoid such situations in the future, but the truth is we learn and grow after each and every life experience. If you say you don’t want to go through hardships in your life, if means that you don’t want to learn and grow in the department of strength. Stronger people achieve more and go far in this life. Wiser people have said that when we know better we do better. We need to work on the betterment of human kind because it will take us far in this ever challenging life.

God put us on earth and gave us freedom to live and be able to separate right from wrong. Everyday of our lives we get tested by tricky situations where we have to make decisions or choose a side. It is at times like these that we need to listen to our inner self and use the wisdom that God gave us. When faced with challenges we tend to look for an easy way out. We are forever worried about doing something that will be accepted by others and at times we even put our own needs behind just because we seek acceptance and understanding by other people.

This is what can happens to you, if God speaks to you, directly. I say, directly because most of the time we forget about Gods’ existence in our lives until we are in trouble when we need the power of prayer. So by the time you kneel down and pray for your troubles, Gods’ presence is  there as always and you can almost feel it. When you pray, you imagine that he is somewhere close and listening as you beg and plead.

So when God starts to talk, he doesn’t give you solutions that make sense to you at the time. He only expects you to have faith and trust that things will get better. Sometimes when you are in trouble you think too much about people around you. You wonder what they think of you and your problems. You even wonder if they still care, but when God speaks, he takes your focus away from other people. He speaks in such a way that you begin to doubt yourself. You wonder if you should implement this advise or not.

Sometimes after a prayer you feel like you have a solution but you get scared to take that route because you feel that, it will alienate you from your friends. A little voice inside will tell you that, this is the only way you can get out of this situation but you don’t listen. It usually takes us a long time to get used to this voice inside and follow instructions. In the end we say that, “ there was nothing else I could have done”, as if that was your last option. We forget that it was this option that came first but we gave excuses because we were afraid of being judged by others.

This reminds me of the time I had to accept my calling. Sometimes we say it lightly that we must accept and acknowledge the powers, but when it actually happens, it takes a long time to give in fully. Yes we accept and follow procedures but at the same time we always wait for a sign to tell us that we  have taken a correct route. It is hard to have a belief and faith in something which we cannot be able to prove to other normal human beings. Firstly it becomes hard for you as a person faced with that challenge to finally accept that you are really getting these messages. Secondly, once you have accepted, you then have to make people around you understand what you are going through.

 While you are still deciding and trying to make sense of things, a little voice speaks inside of you and tells you what you need to do. The reason why it becomes so hard for us is because we are then faced with a challenge to always prove to the people that you have not gone mad. People will then begin to test you and try to prove you wrong in everything you do or say.

This is the time when one needs to really be grounded and strong willed. You must know to know where you stand with God.

For me I had always known that I had my own special relationship with God, of which I am forever proud till today. From an early age, I got to understand that there is a God. Even though I didn’t know about the co-existence of God and ancestors at the same time, but I still believed that God is the first and far most reason for my being.

When my ancestors approached me personally, I didn’t panic either because I had always known, somehow that they would get in touch with me one day. Suddenly the little voice that I had always believed in became stronger and clear in my mind. It was awoken and brought to life. When I looked back, I realised that this was the same voice that has been talking to me all along, only this time, it had taken another form, of my ancestors. I continued to listen to the voice and asked for guidance until today.

Today I know that God speaks to us all the time, but when we have major problems with our ancestors he allows for them to become active in our lives. As they become active, they may cause havoc in our lives because they are supposed to have moved on to another world already. When the ancestors rise up in your life, it is not an easy thing to go through. It is a process that needs to be followed until your ancestors are happy and you can carry on with your life. Once you have finished this journey things go back to normal as the ancestors become more friendly and less disruptive towards you.

What is important is the relationship that exist among God, the spirits/ancestors and an individual. As long as you understand that God is there before, during and after this time of challenges then you will be able to focus and be more grounded.

So when God speaks, do not be afraid or embarrassed of what the people might say. Just follow instructions and relax. People may judge you all they want but in the end God comes though and saves the day for you.  

I know how hard it is to listen to this inner voice and follow it because we shy the risk of coming across as crazy, to other people. The downfall to this is that the longer you take to listen, the longer it takes for you to grow as a person and understand that, there are no miracles in this life, only God can create wonders for us but if you believe he will see you through.

God lives in each and everyone of us, which is why we are always advised to tap into those powers on the inside and use them to our advantage. When we free our ancestors we are actually working to wards a greater good, so that God can allow our ancestors to be accepted in his kingdom. So when God allows us to listen to our ancestors and cleanse them, it is a blessing in disguise for us. This journey is very hard but with the right support from family and friends we can share the load.


The next time you think God is talking to you, kneel down and pray about it, your answers will come.


“I am very grateful to all those who subscribe to this blog and would like to encourage you to ask more questions and put comments. That way we can reach more and more people who need this information. Those who prefer to email me, I also appreciate it and will always try and bring all the subjects that we discuss to light.

It is also very important to interact with me whenever you can, so that I can also receive your answers from the other side.

Thank God for allowing me to be able to share this information with all of you. …And the fact that you came across this information today, trust me, its’ not an accident’.

“God bless you all”


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June 9 2011 4 09 /06 /June /2011 19:32

All healers will tell you about the energy that affects them when they receive the calling. Once this energy is unlocked, it releases the healing powers that they use to help others. It is also well known that we are all surrounded by energy because we are all living beings. This energy is either good or bad.


I watched Oprah the other day and they spoke to a little boy who claims to be affected by negative energy. As from the age of four this boy started throwing a fit and having prolonged scenes of madness around the house. He wouldn’t listen to his parents and would get upset each time he was given an instruction. Mostly he would fight with his mom and threatens to kill her. He was later diagnosed to be suffering from some mental illness and is now on medication for this. The medication seems to have helped him a bit but, just by looking at him you can tell that he is affected by angry spirits.

So my question is, is it all in the mind?

While Oprah was talking to this boy, he said something that really caught my attention. I actually felt the hair at the back of my neck standing and I got shivers. The boy said that the only way he managed to fight the negative energy was through the use of white light/positive energy. He said that each time the negative energy approached him, he would pray and invite the energy of white light to protect him.

 I noticed that the boy used this technique despite the medication and counselling he was receiving. Even though the parents and everybody else believe in the medication, the boy insisted that it is his usage of the white light that has helped him.


All ancestors/spirits affect us in the form of energy. This energy is either good or bad (positive or negative)

Usually the energy is bad/negative because most people don’t acknowledge the ancestors until they experience problems. It is up to us to accept these powers and free them so that they can flourish to help us with our problems. This negative energy shows itself in different ways in our lives. When affected by negative energy you become unhappy and miserable.


Even though it is little boy who is sick, I think the mother should look at her own life and try to listen to what this negative energy is saying to her. When something about our children is making us unhappy, it becomes a problem which is directly intended at causing us heartache. If a child is getting out hand ,we should try and find the root cause of that problem instead of blaming it on peer pressure/ bad influence.

As a parent, if you didn’t accept your ancestors, you may encounter problems when it comes to raising your kids especially by the time they become teenagers. If may be you were stubborn and ended up ignoring them altogether, you might end up experiencing the same problems with your kids, only this time you would be on the receiving end. Your ancestors will say that since you didn’t listen to them, they will make you feel what its’ like to have kids who do not take any notice of you.

When the energy is positive, it means that the ancestors are happy with you. Once you have set them free, they start to change your life gradually until you attain the happiness you deserve in your life.

When the energy is positive, it becomes powerful and so strong that nothing stands in your way. This form of energy is amazing and it is what we all need to overcome challenges in our lives. Positive people are winners. Winners are positive people. They are overachievers and can change any challenge into victory. When you become positive your problems are automatically minimized, you look at life differently, and you never succumb to failure.


To be able to succeed in life, you need to be able to change something within yourself. You need to change the way you look at problems. You need to understand that your mind can play games with you, at times, so you must learn to return the favour. Tell your mind that, “ Yes, I can”. And before you know it your problems will be looking dim.


In the case where you are unable to do this on your own, you must someone to help you, in order to achieve this positive attitude. Find someone to connect you with your guides and follow their lead. Once you connect with them, they will give you a positive attitude that will take you through and lead you all the way.  


What we need is the connection to our spiritual existence and the rest is history.


Yes! It is all in the mind, for those who use medication and those who opt for ancestral rituals.

At the end of the day, it is the spiritual world that affect our lives and cause problems and dysfunction.

Which ever way you choose to sort yourself out, it doesn’t really matter.


 What matters is that: At the end of the day, we are all talking about the same thing, energy which is either positive or negative….


The choice is yours…..

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June 8 2011 3 08 /06 /June /2011 10:03

Social networks

I love social networks as they bring people together and help us get in touch with long lost acquaintances. They play a major role in globalisation and create a platform for those who need to put their point across.


My only problem with social networking forums is that people tend to be superficial and untrue to their own true feelings.


It would be nice if people talked about their real life experiences and stayed honest to that fact. Some people will only talk about the good things that are going on in their lives and once they encounter a problem, they just disappeared until they have sorted things out. This in itself is causing more stress than relief. These networks become a platform for people to boast and portray a perfect kind life when in actual fact people are suffering on the inside.  People should be able to talk about their true feelings without the fear of being looked down upon because we all go through some tricky situations at times.

As much as I love these social networks, I have witnessed people who talk only about wonderful experiences and when you go and see them personally you realise that things are quite the opposite of what they are letting the world  know. I know that people have a right to do as they please because its’ their lives but I feel awful that, we as a people are coming across as uncaring. People should be able to talk about their problems without feeling stigmatised.  The reason why people don’t talk about their true life situations is because we have created this illusion that it is an in trend to be on top of things, up and about, fast lane kind of living.

When people put their posts on these sites, you can tell if a person is a troubled soul but it is never easy to reach out and pry. Some people have gone on to do stupid things because they don’t find a platform where they can talk about the matters of the heart and feel vulnerable all they want.

I am dedicated to creating a place where people can meet and talk about their experiences without feeling judged. A place where people can realise that everyone goes through some problems at certain times in this life. And that there are ways of dealing with stress and depression.

Some people stay away from the social networks when they are depressed simply because they find no joy in them at that point in time. Others will seek help somewhere else and only come back to social networks when they start to feel good about themselves. This is because these networks have made us to believe that we need to be on top of things all the time and when you have nothing good to say about yourself, it makes you more depressed and you rather stay away. There are people who disappear and when they come back, they tell you they have been dealing with “stuff”. This in itself is quite disturbing because we should be able to communicate and connect with our loved ones whether things are good or bad. When someone starts to isolate themselves we should feel free to reach out and help them. It is not necessary to isolate yourself when you are hurting, because believe it or not, doing so can hurt the people who care about you. So when you are suffering inside, find a way to share your feelings with someone and you will be surprised how much this shortens your healing process. It makes you look at things in a new perspective that you have never imagined before. It makes you see that its’ only a matter of time and what you do with that time that takes you to another level. You begin to realise that challenges are here to strengthen us and God never gives us more than we can manage. It makes you understand that life is never clean cut easy but the support we get from loving people can make us move mountains.


Let us be more involved in our friends’ lives, let us communicate and be truthful about it. Let us show each other more support and understanding. Let us support those forums that seek to comfort those in need and help build  strong, loving nations. You do not need to know someone personally to be able to reach out and help them. Help comes in different forms, just a smile can go a long way… a little gesture and good mannerism can also be a start.

When you give something, you receive more in return….

When you have nothing, you can still give…


“Think about what you can do to give someone, something today…”

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  • : Ancestors/ Idlozi's name
  • : This blog deals with the truth behind amadlozi/ancestors and the people who live to tell the truth about it all.
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  • Nonto Toba Goldstone
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
