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September 12 2018 3 12 /09 /September /2018 08:49

Visit our New Facebook Page...for health tips.

Its called Edlozini health tips

It deals with Mind Body and soul health tips that can help you to live a healthy, stress less and  wholesome life. 

It shares different kinds of herbal/natural remedies and technics to get you through the day. 

A spiritual person needs a healthy mind and body too. 

Edlozini health tips on Facebook.

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September 12 2018 3 12 /09 /September /2018 07:34

Consultations open

Consultations will be open for a while, since a lot of people have been complaining, wanting to come for readings.
If you need to come for a reading to connect you to your guides, take this opportunity cos its open for a while.
All readings still done on appointments only!!!!!!!!
Make a booking
No walk ins!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Limited number of people will be attended.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And please stick to time of your booking.

To make a booking

074    301    0370.    my husband will talk to you

Thank u

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June 1 2018 5 01 /06 /June /2018 13:37

Healing the physical body.
The time has come for us all to take care of our physical bodies.

This is time for change, even here edlozini....

Pls take note:
The journey of spiritual healing in my journey has come to an end. All questions pertaining to spirituality are answered in the 100 articles that I have written over 10 years.


What is the point of healing the soul, if the body is suffering. People are sick and suffering all over the world.

Hospitals are full of sick patients. Most of them are there because we have neglected to look after our bodies. It is very important to live a well-balanced life. A life that knows the spirit, takes care of it, but also takes care of the body....

I'm sure those who have followed my journey and my blog know that I have not been using traditional muti to heal people. My calling is based on healing the soul without the use of muti.

Now, my journey has taken a turn to heal the physical body where the spirit resides.

Pls take note:
Those who need spiritual healing must learn from this blog and seek help somewhere else.!!!!!!!!!!

I am now going to concentrate on those needing physical healing of the body where the spirit resides.

The question is how do I do this, since I have not been using muti for so long.
You should know that I have my Alvedo medication, which is the only supplement that my ancestors gave me a long time ago.

After some time of prayer and soul searching, I have been advised to partner with a company that is well established in healing the body.

For a long time I have been using a Chinese sign for all my work. I started using this sign even before I started doing readings. I did not know at the time....but my ancestors had a greater meaning for giving me this sign.
I am talking about the yin yang sign. This sign represent the negative and positive, the male and female, the dark and light. It basically speaks to the two opposing sides that balance the nature of the life that we live.
So, it is safe to say that once you know how to take care of your spiritual side, you must then make sure that your physical body is also taken care of.

On this new curve ball that I have been dealt, I decided to partner with a company that has been in this body healing business for over 200 years. Even though this company is new in my country but to me it feels like I have always been part of it from the word go.

So, people who need help with their physical body can contact me. And we can take this journey to anothet  level.

Those who need spiritual help, please read from my articles, gain the knowledge you need and seek help somewhere else. There are a lot of traditional healers in south Africa who can help you in that regard.

Now, coming back to taking care of our spiritual bodies.!!!!!!!!!
It is very important to make sure that the body where the spirit resides is taken care of. I am not only talking about the body but even the mind itself.
People are suffering from a lot of things which would have been avoided if we had taken better care of our bodies.
As a human being you need to balance your mind body and soul.

From now on we need to concentrate on the body. I mean the physical body which has been neglected in this blog.

People are suffering from things like high blood pressure, stress, depression/major depression, HIV/aids, asthma, arthritis, body toxins, cancer, cardio vascular disease, eczema, fibroids, abscess, infertility, gout, gall bladder, glaucoma, gonorrhoea, hypertension, hairloss, impotence, insomnia, inflammation of the colon, low immunity, loss appetite, lung abscess, leukemia, menstrual problems, migraine, piles, nervous breakdown, prostate cancer, pneumonia, stroke, syphillis, anemia, gastric cancer, thyroid, tuberculosis, gum diseases, halitosis etc.

These conditions and diseases are to mention but a few....
They can be taken care of if we all take better care of our bodies and remedy them.
From now on, I won't be taking questions and comments on my blog anymore.

Anyone who need more info on healing of the body please contact me on whattssap.
And people please, please, I beg of you!!!!! Do not say Hi and expect me to respond. I deal with so many enquiries on a daily basis.
Please get to the point and explain  briefly your querry, then I will get back to you. State your name, where you live and your short and sweet question.
And please leave your message and wait for me to get back to you.
My whattsap numbers 0653598943 and 0644124077
For calls please speak to Khanyi on 0783730702.
I usually attend to all messages at the end of the day. So, please be patient.

And wait for a life changing experience that will blow your mind.

The time is Now!!!!!

We have come full circle!!!!!!

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February 8 2018 4 08 /02 /February /2018 07:56

I dlozi/ancestors/inner voice is the power that we all have. It speaks to us all in different ways and form. 

The key is to learn to listen to is and be grounded in your belief. 

Edlozini , I help people to connect to their powers and cleanse them in order to sort out problems their are faced with. 

The next step is for each and every person to learn to listen to their guides and abide by their rules. 

We are all not the same. ...meaning our powers are different because we come from different cultures, bloodlines and different backgrounds. 

Once you have connected with your powers you need to appease them according to their own form. 

Some people come to me because they want to find and connect with guides in their lives. Others come to me because they want to find out which guides are causing problems in their lives. And there are those who want to find out which guides have given them a gift to heal others. 

My work is only to connect you with your guides, cleanse them and then you appease them in your own home according to their liking. 

If your guides want you to go and thwasa in order to help other people or they want you to learn muthi in order to heal the sick, it is upon you to find a good gobela to help in that regard. 

My work is only to help you connect with ancestors leading you or ancestors causing problems in your life and then cleanse them. 

What happens after the cleansing is out of my hands. 

Some people cleanse their guides and find that their spiritual journey is finished. Meaning there is no need to do any further ancestral rituals. Others cleanse their guides and then go on to do other rituals and listen to their guides. 

If your guides want you to go and thwasa or to go and learn muthi,that is out of my hands because that is not my speciality. 

There are other people who are lucky in that after connecting and cleansing they never need to go and thwasa. Their guides teach them how to heal people on their own. Most people usually have problems with their gobelas because they go and initiated themselves without giving their own powers a chance.

It is not necessary for each and every gifted person to go and be initiated through the thwasa process. In some cases all you need is someone to help and guide you along the spiritual journey without being initiated. 

Reason being if you have powerful guides who were healers , they usually refuse to go and abide by another healers rules. All they need is to connect with you( their subject/chosen one) and they help you at your own home. 

If you are not well informed on this subject you may take the wrong route and go through initiation thus making matters worse and end up fighting with your gobela. 

The key is to relax,take it easy and listen to your inner voice.

If you take your time and stop rushing things your ancestors get a chance to lead you through. 

Ancestors do not operate in the same time zone like we do. They need you to be patient and obedient. 

What holds us back after death is not always the same things. 

Our spiritual journeys are different and so are our gifts. 

Even the healing powers that we have are not the same. 

Which is why it is very important to appreciate the diversity that we all have. And honor your own guides the way they want you to. 

No two healers can posses the same kind of gifts or specialities even if they are related. 

Each and every one of us is gifted in our own unique ways. 

We need to appreciated and honor this diversity by not forcing issues. 

Trust that inner voice that speaks to you and follow it. And your life will be much,much easier. 

Even if your guides need a special ritual or muthi to unlock their powers and gift in you, you much remember that you are unique. 

This is why I always stress one thing amongst our gifted brothers and sisters,..... And that is to know your speciality. Specialize in what you are good at. Honor your gift and do a perfect job. And you will never go wrong

I am Nontobeko Patience Toba-Goldstone.

I am a spiritual medium who helps people to connect to their powers and cleanse them in order to sort out problems in their lives. And that is my speciality. 

I do not talk on the phone. I only use emails,in boxes, and Watsup.I am based in kzn and work on appointment only.

When making a booking pls do not call or Watsup call me. My phone is always on silent. However , for those who want to call, you can use my husbands number which is 0789784947

My Watsup is 0653598943

You only get directions once you have secured an appointment.

Thank u




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January 30 2018 2 30 /01 /January /2018 11:13

From time to time I change my contact details, because of privacy reasons.

People need to understand that I do not talk on the phone. As I tend to pick up on peoples feelings/emotions and I become ill. So, pls respect this.


You can only watsup me on 081 556 9474

For calls, you can call my husband on 0743010370

Watsapp him on 0743010370

But he will direct you to my wataup,anyway. 

Thank u in advance for understanding 

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October 2 2015 5 02 /10 /October /2015 11:54


Celebrating your spirituality is about being grounded in who you are as a human being, knowing your roots and being proud of your ancestors an celebrating them openly and proudly. It is about having a prayer place where connect and pray to your guides in peace. This prayer place may not necessary be the main prayer where the head of the family conducts family prayers and rituals. Even a space or a corner in your room beside your bed where you find peace and quiet before bed can be demarcated as your own prayer place.

Most people only turn to ancestral prayers when they have problems and they do it behind closed doors, not wanting people to know or find out about it. Ancestral powers can only work for you if you practice your ancestral prayers and celebrating your spirituality with no reservations. It”s a pity that most people are still confused when it comes to spirituality and religious tendencies.

There are people who come to me and say that they are torn between doing their ancestral prayers and being christians. This is because Christians are taught not to do ancestral prayers because ancestors according to them, are called demons. They forget that Christianity is a religion, something which is learnt. It is something that is being taught to people. This is something which stem from christian faith( to make an example). A Faith is very dangerous because it is a trust in something or someone or a belief not based on proof. One thing I always tell people is that it is very hard to unlearn something that you have learnt. People need to understand that a religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that seek to explain the meaning of life, the origin of life or the universe. Christian faith was taught to our grandparents and parents. They were forced and tricked into accepting Christian faith. Those who rebelled were deemed outcast and punished until they submitted to it. Our parents accepted this faith from their parents and taught it to us. In our black African culture we are taught to respect our parents and never question anything they teach us. And for a long time we accepted Christianity with no questions asked because it is a faith and a practice learnt from our elders, not because it is something we felt from the heart. So, are we still going to continue teaching our kids this Christian faith even though we have proof that it has damaged the strength of our spirituality and connection to our ancestors?

Yes, our parents were forced into this faith and as time went on life presented its reality to us, and we began to realise the truth of how our ancestors were forced into accepting this Christian faith. Reality has taught us that ancestral problems present in our lives are as a result of us neglecting our roots and following the western religion. We also learnt in school that our ancestors were victims of colonisation which in turn forced them to take the religion of their colonisers. This is the case in every country where people are forced by circumstances….to take after their colonisers and follow them, be it the religion, language even culture.

Looking back at Christianity people need to realise that, it is one of the powerful religions of the past after the Abrahimic religions which were there before the so-called Christ figure. Christianity was not as powerful until about 325 AD when Constantine used it to rebuild his Roman emperor which was falling apart. Before then, people in Rome were worshiping the sun and they were called pagans. They had different symbols and statures that they were worshiping. Constantine had a vision that he was going to win in battle with the power of the cross, so he mobilised his soldiers to use the cross and thereafter summoned Christianity to be the only religion in Rome, after winning in the that battle. He himself also did not become Christian until soon before his death. Constantine is believed to have only been baptised on his dead bed. When you look at this history you can see that Rome was forced into Christianity because of political reasons and not because of the love of the faith itself. Since then, it has been in the christian religion to conquer and convert people into Christianity.

Our ancestors also fell victims of being conquered and then converted into Christianity. Most of them tried to rebel but they failed and ended up submitting to it.

So, now it is very hard for our black African people to understand where they stand because this Christian religion was taught to us by our parents and grandparents. But most people do not know or understand that even our grandparents were forced into accepting this christianity to start with.

When you celebrate your spirituality, you honour and accept your ancestors. The conflict comes into play because our ancestors themselves were also Christians. We just need to take a step back and understand that this Christianity was forced into them. Yes, some of them when they come through to us they will come across as Christians because that is the religion that they practice but this does not mean that it is our religion. This is a religion that we were coaxed and forced into following.

We can also go another step back and look deep into this Christianity and understand that it is merely a collection of books or so-called gospels that were compiled into a big black book. Studies nowadays are also showing that there were more gospels that were rejected when this book was compiled and that makes you wonder why. Could it be that maybe these gospels were not in line with the motives and political agenda of Constantine, when he commissioned the Council of Nicaea. The council of Nicaea took place 325AD. Its aim was to compile the bible and discuss different topics like the existence of one true God, the relationship of the son of God to God himself and the divinity of this so-called Christ.

Celebrating your spirituality is about being grounded in who you are as a human being and an individual, knowing your roots and being proud of your ancestors and celebrating them openly and proudly. When you neglect your ancestors and follow other people”s religion, you become weak spiritually. When you celebrate your ancestors, it starts with knowing them, accepting them and honouring them. You can know them by connecting through a reading /consultation, cleanse yourself and your spirits and create your own prayer place where you appease them.

Do not allow the influence of western religion to inhibit you from celebrating your spirits. Know that your spirituality is something that no one can take away from you. It is something which is in your blood, something that our forefathers were robbed off. It is about time that we reclaim what is ours and practice it with pride. Do not be confused by the influence of the religion that was brought to this land in order to oppress and weaken us as a people.

You need to realise that this religion, like all other religions, it is man-made. It was orchestrated so that it divides and conquers us.

There is nothing new that they teach us in church, which we already don’t know from our parents or culture. We all know that there is wrong and right out there in the world. We all know that it is wrong to kill and abuse one another. We were all taught to respect the elders from our homes. No one needs to go to church in order to learn about these things.

When you celebrate your spirituality, you become strong from the soul. You focus and become energised to do even more in life. Ancestral practice teaches us to set our spirits free so that they can guide and protect us.

There are people who are afraid of accepting their calling because they feel it is barbaric . Others prefer to accept it and use it in church so that they are accepted by their peers. And yet they suffer because of not accepting and acknowledging properly. When you fail to accept your ancestors you become sick, emotionally and eventually it affects you physically. You also suffer under a dark cloud of uncertainty and depression. When you fail to go to church you only feel the guilt because the teachings of the church instigate those feelings in you. When you become sick because of the ancestral calling, the church does not help you. They just tell you that you are possessed by demons. When you accept your calling and stop calling your ancestors demons you begin to see the light and your life changes for the better.

There is no need to be torn between accepting your calling and listening to the teachings of religions because at the end of the day ancestors operate from within you. Religion is something which you are taught. Religion was made by man in order to control and manipulate people.

Ancestors always come back and want us to cleanse them for the wrong doings they committed on earth. Even human being when they die, they ask for forgiveness from those they wronged because they are at a stage where they can see the light. Ancestors are against any wrong doing committed against one another. Even the ones who use to do the wrong, they come back and ask us to set them free so that they can see the light. Once they see the light, they begin to operate effectively as powerful guides in our lives. Ancestors who were deep in the church also come back and ask for ancestral rituals so that they can be set free and be united to their families on the other side. There are people who are born-again Christians but they encounter problems just before death, such they ask for ancestral rituals so that they can also be united to their bloodline on the other side. Religion is something of this world and ancestors are a power that operate after death. This power is there to guide and protect us all the time. So, it is up to us to accept, acknowledge, celebrate and honour our ancestors.

The next time you feel torn, you need to listen to your heart because the heart never lies. When you trust yourself your ancestral power will never fail you.

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August 28 2015 5 28 /08 /August /2015 13:30


A number of people have been asking me to come up to Johannesburg to do readings for them but this has not materialized in the past. As a result of a number of requests from Johannesburg people for me to come up and open a branch that side, I have decided to take this opportunity and make it work.

I will be available around johannesburg sometime in September for those who are interested in doing readings to connect with their ancestors and find out who their leading guides are to cleanse them and find a way forward in their lives. Those who are interested can make bookings on 0789146793, watsup 0610852866, email nontotoba@yahoo.com or inbox Nontobeko Toba Goldstone on facebook. I will be doing readings, cleansings and basic educational sessions on ancestral powers. For those in Durban and surroundings Im still available on 0743010370

A reading helps you to connect with your guides so that through me they can voice out their feelings and the state they are in on the other side. This is important to isolate the problems and the burdens holding you in back in your life. It also helps to clarify the kind of powers or a calling that you have. It also helps those who want to accept their ancestral calling.

During a reading, it is very important to sit, relax and listen to each and everything that your ancestral powers relate to you. Ancestral powers do not come across and converse like us human beings because they operate from another world of the” dead” . Their messages may need to be explained and clarified in details when the reading is finished, so it is ok if some messages may appear to be unclear during the reading. Ancestors do not speak a direct language like human beings do. They relate their messages in a universal language that it easy to translate when you mirror it to the kind of life that you are living.

It is not advisable to interrupt ancestors during a reading because they usually shut down and this causes a lot of strain, worsening your problems in your life. When you come for a reading, you need to be calm and collected, waiting to take everything that your ancestors say to heart. Only when the consultation is done can you ask questions so that everything can be put into perspective for you. The best part is that everything is written down for you, so that you can take it home with you and use it as a guide.

During a reading your ancestors use my body to voice out their feelings and emotions towards you. It is not a one on one conversation where you converse and get straight forward answers on the spot. But it is a session where you get the perspective of the kind of ancestors or powers that you have, what they want form you and what you can do in order to solve problems you might be faced with in your life. The reason why we need to have a session to clarify messages afterwards is because some messages from the other side can be unclear during the actual reading. Messages are unclear because some ancestors are still stuck in darkness and they have not found the “Light” yet.

Ancestors are now in a different kind of world where different rules apply as opposed to those we are used to here on earth, for instance, there is no force of gravity where they are. There is no physical pain because they have no physical bodies anymore. But for those who are still stuck between worlds, causing problems to you, this state can be very confusing. Hence we need to be very sympathetic to them and be very patient in trying to set them free so that we can also experience harmony that we long for here on earth.

Basically a reading is a session where we connect to the unknown world of ancestors and try to connect to those ancestors who are still stuck between worlds. Some ancestors are confused because they died before their time (so- to- speak), they died abruptly in accidents, others were bewitched and others left loved ones here on earth. Once we make that connection to these powers, we then explore their problems and try to find a solution which can help them while helping us at the same time. The key is to go in into a reading with a clear mind of helping ancestors so that they can help us in return. We must not be selfish in thinking that is all about us. Even though we know that people come for a reading because they are experiencing problems but it is important to understand that those problems stem from the status of your ancestors/ your powers. So, the aim is to harmonize those powers. Your aim is to try and not disrupt, interrupt or make matters worse by coming across as too anxious or arrogant, otherwise ancestors get disturbed. Remember they are already confused but eager to pass some messages across to you at this point.

During a reading a lot of tears are shed. Tears can come from a place of pain or happiness. Tears are a way of cleansing the soul.

After a reading there is a sessions where one can get to ask questions and get clarity on what the ancestors voiced out. Most of this is written down for you so that you can go back to it at home and revise and stick to those measures.

Readings are done on appointments only because this work is taxing on the body and it takes a long time emsamo/ in the prayer place. It needs patience and understanding.

A Cleansing is always essential after a reading in order to help cleanse yourself, your ancestors, the tears and to balance up your energy. During a cleansing we cleanse your body but in actual fact we are trying to touch the “soul” and cleanse your ancestors for you. A cleansing corrects whatever is pointed out during the reading to be causing problems in your life. A cleansing helps take that load off your shoulders. It is designed in order to touch the soul and correct the mistakes of the past.

After a cleansing one goes home to prepare their prayer place. Directions are given on how to prepare a prayer player place/ umsamo, where one prays on a daily basis to ask and to appease your guides. This is a way of celebrating yourself as a spiritual being and remembering that Spirituality is a way of life. A prayer place can be any demarcated place in your home where you choose to pray or a place where your own ancestors advise you to pray at. Some ancestors have specific things they may need in your prayer place, depending on the type of powers you have. We all are supposed to have some sort of a prayer place/ corner at home where we connect to our ancestors. This prayer place has nothing to do with the main prayer place for the household where the head of the family does the family/ cultural rituals. This prayer place can be any place where you find your quietness and connect for prayer with your own guides.

It is always important understand that spirituality is part of life. One needs to celebrate their spirituality by knowing, understanding and celebrating their powers/ ancestors. Edlozinin we then extend this by attending umgidi sessions from time to time in order to revive our powers.

watsapp 081 556 9474

Thank you

Love and Light

Nontobeko Toba Goldstone


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February 23 2015 1 23 /02 /February /2015 15:53

When we die we go in search of the light because we enter into a new world of darkness. It is darkness because we are not used to this new world. We have to get used to it first before we can start to maneuver our way in search of the light or way forward.


Those who are in darkness are still burdened by different things, they haven"t figured out the light or the way forward. Despite the fact that we all have to go through a phase of darkness as we enter a new world, some take longer than others to see the light. Reasons for this are endless. It is the same like when we first entered the planet earth. We were young. We needed help from time to time, to learn and adjust to the demands of the earth. We had to learn to breath, to cry when we are upset to stop crying when our needs are fulfilled. All our happiness was brought upon by the lessons we learnt and then we chose happiness because it felt good.


Never stop learning if you want to stop complaining and crying. Crying is only necessary to cleanse the soul. But soon after we all pick ourselves up and move forward. Most of the time the problem that make us cry is always there but after crying we learn the means and ways to either live with it or move around it. It is not all problems that can be tackled and conquered hence we have to learn to choose our fights wisely and move forward in life. Because life goes on. time waits for no one....


The same thing that happens on earth takes place again when we die. The new world that we enter into becomes difficult but with time we get used to it and manage ourselves through. No one is exactly sure of what happens after death. What we know is just bits and pieces that we put together from the information we gather from our ancestors. Some ancestors are more open about this information than others. They all speak of the darkness and difficult way to figure out the light.


What we need to understand is that....the cycle repeats itself. What ever happens here on earth affects us after death but the rules of both these worlds obviously differ.


It is very important to open the window the of opinion on any subject and then process all the data before we dismiss it. Once you have made your own decision on your own standpoint, allow others freedom to do the same because we are all different in this world and beyond.


It is true that not all of us can agree on each and every subject here on earth all the time. Which means the same thing can also happen beyond this earth. One thing for sure though is that for every darkness we need to shine some light upon it in order to see a change for the greater good.


The light is like the truth, it sets us free. which is the reason why lies, deceit and ugliness will hold us back. All ancestors who come through after death have some sort of darkness that holds them back and they need that light to shine upon then so that they can be set free and move forward freely in search of the light. People go to healers and prophets to uncover the hidden truths that hold them back in their lives.


The only problem with the light nowadays is that it comes in different shape size and form, and the reasons for this are endless.... It is just a shame though that people tend to use what I like to call "artificial light" in trying to deal with the darkness. We tend to forget that there is only one form of darkness and one form of light. No matter what the causes of darkness are, it is very important to use a form of light that comes from a place of LOVE. Once we start judging and demeaning those who are different to us we make situations worse. Sometimes we need to agree to disagree on subject matters because there is no way we can all be of the same opinion otherwise the freedom to be ourselves is taken away. No one can judge another and we need to accept people and treat them like we would have them treat us.


Seeing the light here on earth is just as important as seeing it on the other side, otherwise we are creating a generation of disgruntled people who will be disgruntled ancestors. All this spells one thing...DISASTROUS future and uncertainty for generations to come. It is a pity that we live in a modern world which allows us healers to use social networks and document our work. This is a blessing and a curse at the same time.It is a blessing to those who use it wisely because the information is freely and easily accessible to people. But this is also a curse because I have seen people who think they are healers but they will go out of their way to compete for clients and flex their muscles on social networks. If they know that you are also a healer, they will make sure to stalk you and comment on each and every status that you put up just to put you down or show others that they are better than you. This is very unkind and embarrassing because other people are seriously seeking help here on the net.


Maybe this is the reason why i have not been posting in a while even though i know that I have my own blog where I share my knowledge from my ancestors but at times we meet up on other social networks and this creates negative vibes when people go out of their way to confuse the public. How I so wish that most healers can have their own blogs where they share their work and expertise from the gift that they have with the aim of helping people out there. Instead of stalking one another and sending conflicting messages to people. Let the people choose who they wanna go to because their ways and work appeals to them. Just the other day i was notified about somebody who quoted me on a certain page but neglected to say that he/she got that information from my blog.


Sometimes you will put up a status on your wall and people will flock in to contradict you simply because they want to put you down and then share their own two cents of knowledge, lol! I mean really. "Dude open your own blog and let the people benefit from your work as well".


Yes we are healers but we are also human beings who share a joke or two with our friends from time to time. We just need to be careful that everything we do or say is to help instead of harming another human being otherwise we must stop calling ourselves healers.


I have also not been able to post in a while because being a human being that I am, my ancestors blessed me with a man who loved me enough to make me his wife last year. Yes i got married on the 31 October 2014. My husband understands my work and has no problem with me being a healer. For the past year I have gone through a process of transition because entering into a marriage has its responsibilities too. I can say that i am now settled and feel that I can juggle all my responsibilities with ease.... The responsibilities of being a wife, mother, medium and a black woman in south africa. lol! All this time I did not stop consulting though. I still do readings, cleansings and umgidi ceremonies at edlozini.


at the moment we are in the process of extending our place of gathering for umgidi because it has become too small for the amount of people that come by each time we meet. I am hoping that we will resume with umgidi as soon as possible.


I also know that a lot of people have been asking me to come up to Gauteng to open a branch there. I am planning to visit Gauteng in the near future and see if I can make plans for that branch, as well... All Gauteng enquiries can be sent to this no: 0789146793. or email me at nontotoba@yahoo.com for more info. watsup only on 0610852866.


A calling is a calling....nomatter what i do, i will always be a healer, bringing LOVE and LIGHT to the lives I touch. That is my obligation until my ancestors tell me otherwise.


Thank you


Nontobeko Toba Goldstone

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July 29 2014 2 29 /07 /July /2014 13:20


We have dealt with different kinds of spirits in the ancestral world and spoke about all sorts of powers, but we have not touched on the souls of those who leave us before they even take a breath of this life.

It is of general knowledge that when we die, we become spiritual guides/ ancestors to those who are still living, providing guidance and protection to them. This is a way in which we evolve after death and reach different level of realm in the spiritual world. On this journey, the spirits take different roles as they evolve and sometimes show themselves in our lives, through dreams and visions. Spirits which are in a bad space transmit negative energy to the living and ask for us to set them free.

Spiritual/ ancestral world is all about energy and balancing of that energy. The energy is cleansed in different ways depending on the healer who is performing the ritual, thus providing a harmonious life to people in the physical world.  We have learnt that there may be different kinds of spiritual guides/ ancestors guiding a person all at the same time. These may be male, female, maternal, paternal, grandparents or even great grandparents. All these guides affect the lives of the living in one way or the other and they need to be accepted, acknowledge, honoured and celebrated. By doing so, we are simply recognising the fact that we are all spiritual beings and it does not mean that we worship them in any way.

We have not talked about the case where a soul is terminated before it even becomes a human being. This is the case where a woman has a miscarriage, abort a baby or delivers a still-born baby. We need to clearly understand that a soul of a baby which is not carried to term can still be a spirit to the mother and/or other relatives, like siblings and in some cases even the father. This happens when a person has among his/ her guides a soul of a baby that left this life before birth. This type of soul like all the other spirits can cause problems in our lives even though it was still very tender when it got terminated.

It is important firstly to understand that as we are all spiritual beings, this means that at some stage we are just a though in our parents’’ minds before our conception. This is the stage when two people are still thinking of having a baby. At conception, a foetus is formed and we begin to take shape and become matter. At birth we take our first breath and become physical living beings, and then at death we revert back to being spiritual beings as our soul returns back to the source and we become spirits again. …this is the journey of the soul.

The general knowledge is also that only old people can become ancestors and in my line of work I have seen quite the contrary to this belief. It is very possible that an unborn child can still hung around a mother, amongst all the other ancestors with the hope of being set free, in order to resolve its issues or that of the mother.

“Edlozini”we always stress that a person should understand their life and accept problems and difficult times as they come. When a mother loses an unborn baby, firstly, the mother should understand that there could be different meanings to this occurrence. Mothers who usually have miscarriages have proved to be those mothers who are led by male guides themselves and these male guides have not been properly recognised in the mothers” life. Usually women who have male guides have problems with everything that other normal women have in the physical world, these could be menstrual problems, personal/relationship problems with males, they get miscarriages or have still-born babies at some stage in their lives. All these are spiritual reasons which can trigger a series of events in the spiritual world. -these events may end up manifesting themselves as a result of such a miscarriage in the physical world. In trying to understand this, we need to realise that everything that happens in the physical world is something that has its origin in the spiritual world, as per cycle of life. Sometimes we make a mistake by looking at the problems we have in the physical world in totality without thinking deep that, they have its origin somewhere in the spiritual world. So when a mother loses a baby in this manner, obviously it affects us physical and emotionally but we neglect to look at the spiritual meaning of this.

Firstly we need to understand that for such a mother, there needs to be some spiritual meaning hence she has a miscarriage ( abortion even). If the other male guides that you have in your life are not happy with the way you are handling yourself or you haven’t accepted and recognised them in your life, this may happen to you. It may also happen if maybe you have powers that you refuse to accept formally even though you have been told or you just refuse to believe in the ancestors and their existence in our lives. Another reason may also be the fact that your partner has not honoured your powers when beginning a relationship with you through the process of ukukhunga. All in all, such cases happen when ancestors are not happy with our conduct and they want to show us that they have the power to affect our lives that much...

In the case of an abortion, we need to understand that people make a decision to abort because of different reasons and no one should be in a position to judge...  Usually women who are guided by males are much more brave and go getters such that it becomes easy for them to take a decision to abort as opposed to women who are female guided. No matter what the case is, abortion also falls under the scenario where a pregnancy is terminated before the child is born, this being because of a medical complication or a personal matter.  And this leaves us with a soul of a child which has not lived but still can wander around as a spirit in our lives.

When this tender spirit is amongst other ancestors in a woman’s life, if feels less important and end up causing problems in that life. Most souls of these babies have come forward and complained that they are among experienced spirits who know more about the physical world than them. The tender spirits feel left out and unimportant and this prompts them to come forward and ask for help. We all know that when spirits speak, we don’t all get the message at the first go. It is usually not until our lives have been totally disrupted that we turn to the spiritual world for answers. These young/ tender spirits usually cry for help in different ways, forcing the mother to do something about their plight.

On the other hand we also need to understand the journey of the soul deeply in order to realise that the foetus/ baby itself has agreed to dying before life in this case and it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about abortion, miscarriage or still-born case.  Reason being, each and every soul chooses to return to earth to fulfil certain obligations which may or may not even include living life to the fullest of being carried to term in their mother’s wombs.

When we try and concentrate on the mothers who lose their unborn babies, we can continue to say that it is very important to know and understand your own ancestral status first before you look to the outside causes of your miscarriage. It is also important to know that there certain rituals that need to be done for that unborn baby to set their spirit free and incorporate it with other grown up ancestors so that it serves you well, instead of halting your life. Rituals necessary may differ depending on the healer who is helping you. One important factor though is always to recognise the existence of this tender spirit amongst your guides and in some cases, give it a name so that it can be set free. This is done together with proper cleansing and other important rituals which may be asked by each and every soul that is touched during such a reading.

My brother who comes after me who was still- born, came to me and demanded a name, and asked that he be given some duties to do because he was amongst very old ancestors (as he was the only child who had more energy to run around and help me in my initiation to becoming a spiritual medium). Necessary measures were taken to set him free and some years later he appeared to me in a dream as a grown man of about 26 years and that was the happiest day of my life. He came and told me that he has been set free and has grown and showed such gratitude for everything we have done for him.

Once such a soul has been tapped into, it rises and it says whatever it requires so that it can be set free and then it is cleansed and incorporated to the other old ancestors. This is a very important ritual because if it is not done, it causes a lot of problems or even halts progress in the life of the mother or other siblings of such a baby. The reason why the spirit of this child feels left out is because it is amongst other guides who were once living on earth and are experienced about the life on earth. So, when we pray and ask them for guidance, this young spirit feels clueless because it had not experienced life of earth when it died. This causes it to feel less of a guide thus making it sad and angry and yet we all know that spirits should all float freely and equally after death ( as we are all the same in the spiritual world.)

If proper rituals and recognition is not done to these tender spirits, they end up causing a black cloud over a person they occupy. They also cause a lot of experiences which end up in tears and heartache. A person who has an unhappy baby guide amongst their ancestors often has a problem of being taken lightly in the world or in any relationship they are involved in. This person may complain that others are side- stepping them or they are being left behind while other people progress in life. All this, is usually caused by an upset baby guide that is left unnoticed in a person’s life.


This is the reason why "edlozini"during the month of August, to coincide with the women's month, we will be cleansing all women, who have had miscarriages, abortions or still-born babies...



Ofuna ukugezwa ngoba waphuphunyelwa isisu, wakhipha isisu, washonelwa umntwana noma ofuna ukufunda kabanzi ngalesisimo.
Sizokhuluma kabanzi ngalesimo sokulahlekelwa umphefumulo osemncane, nendlela yokulungisa lesisimo. Bese sihlambulula labo abanalenkinga.
Details of the Event
Date: 2 August 2014
Time: 18:00
Venue: Edlozini/ Mnini
Entrance free!!!
074624 0970 bookings essential!!!

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June 26 2014 4 26 /06 /June /2014 11:09

I am sharing this information because, over the years i have learnt that information sharing is a very effective tool in educating and empowering our nation of the status of affairs and the problems we are faced with as a society.


These are the comments and  questions I get from my blog, email (nontotoba@yahoo.com), facebook account( Nontobeko Toba and Edlozini spiritutal village facebook page on a daily basis. 

I answer these questions to the best of my ability and according to my calling and ancestral knowledge as soon as i possible can. 

On a daily basis i do readings, cleansings and other ancestral ritual for people who come to my place and sometimes it takes me time to get back to people who write to me but i make it a point to atleast log on my pc and answers questions occassinally. 

Here are some of the questions and comments that people pose to me and i mentioned just a few in order to outline the kind of problems we are faced with a society. 

...and because of my other commitments, i am unable to add new posts to my blog but God and dlozi willing, i will...

Watch this space. 

(names have been removed for privacy of enquirers:)


Q:I have always had dreams that come to pass even after ten years.  I always dream talking to the dead, them telling me what to do but the problem I am Christian.  I have prayed that

those dreams go away but they are not.


A: Hi

I think you need to read more about Christianity, what it is, when it started as a religion and then educate yourself about ancestors and dreams. 

christianity is a religion that was invented by "man" . Ancestors and dreams are a part of a human experience embedded deep in your intuition. It is something that is inside of you but religion had discredited it so that we as a people can become weak, spiritually and then listen to anything that comes from outside influence.  Listen to your dreams and ask for guidance. 

Dying is part of a cycle of life. when we die we become spirits and go back to our source, creator, or whoever you wanna call your God. 

ancestors and dreams have a meaning because they come from the very core which is your intuition. it is something that you do not learn or ask for. it is a part of you. do not be decieved by those who say ancestors are demons because they have alterior motives. 

we need to pray for our beloved ones who have passed on so that they can have peace in death. not to say we worship them but we pray for them to enter the passage of death gracefully and become powerful and good guides to us who are still leaving. 

A wise man once said to me, "if you call your ancestors demons it means you are also a demon in waiting" 

edlozini thina we pray for our ancestors and set their spirits free so that we can leave harmonious lives. 

the decision is your... educate yourself on these subjects and be empowered before you take a stand that you dont understand. 

good luck with any decision you take

If you wanna contact us for more enlightenment or prayer session call 0746240970 to attend a service. 


 Much LOVE!!!

  • Q:Sawubona Toba, ngicela unichazele lamaphupho nginoku phupha ngilwa ngiyinqobe impi, noma ngiwela emasimbeni, noma ngiwela esizibeni samanzi aluhlaza noma inyoka ifuna ukungiluma kodwa ngisinde noma ngihambaze. Ngingajabula uma ungangiphendula. 


A: im not good ekuchazeni amaphupho ngoba akuwona umsebenzi wami. mina ngisiza abantu ukuthi baxhumane namandla edlozi asezimpilweni zabo uma befuna ukulungisa izinkinga ababhekene nazo. 

uma ulwa uwanqoba unqoba emaphusheni angisboni isidingo sokuthi ukhathazeke. 


Q:Hi Toba. Wazi nini ukuthi kumele wenze okuthile ngomoya ababonayo abathi unawo? What I know is kuthiwa you must wait for your guides to approach you via dreams and show you the way. These days I am encountering diferent people who are giving me clashing information thus confusing me. .All I wana know is ngazi nini when to act on what I know and how do I go about doing that.? 


 I belive you accept idlozi and do ancestral rituals because there is something that is pushing you, like propblems an dblockage in life. 

Akekho umuntu osukela idlozi alenze ngoba engenazo izinkinga. Uma ungenazo izinkinga uyahlala njengabantu bonke but once kwaba khona oku kuhluphayo uyasukuma ulungise uze ugcine khona ezindabeni zedlozi. 

abanye kodwa babona ngamaphupho abatshela exactly what to do. 

it is never the same because we all are different and our powers vary in degrees. 



  • hi Toba

    thank you so much for the information you giving us it is helping a lot especially to me, i dreamnt of a flower at the back of my house after several days i saw the same flour exactly were i saw it in the dream

  • A:Hi

    Wow! this is what i always say about dreams... some of there are just there to show you that we all have some sort of powers withing us. powers which we caan use to our advantage,, deppending on oh we accept, acknowledge or appease our guides.

    good luck

  • Q:

  • Thokoza, your blog is very interesting, it was so informative that it sorted out or highlighted all the problems i have,Thanks and stay blessed

  • A: Hi

    I am forever grateful for people who visit this blog and find answers they seek because i believe that we all have these powers that we can use to our own advantage without even having to go out and consult. 

    all the best!!!

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  • : Ancestors/ Idlozi's name
  • : This blog deals with the truth behind amadlozi/ancestors and the people who live to tell the truth about it all.
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  • Nonto Toba Goldstone
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
