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October 12 2012 5 12 /10 /October /2012 12:01

When we talk about ancestors people immediately jump into conclusions and think of all the hearsay and unfounded facts and myth on the subject. This is because people who were involved in doing ancestral rituals in the past have not been upfront and open about it. There is a lot of information out there about ancestors but most of it is not true and it is misleading.


In the past people were not allowed to share or even speak about what happens when we are doing ancestral rituals. This has made the subject to be more complicated and a mystery, to a lot of people, leading others to jump into conclusions, becoming judgmental or paranoid when it comes to the subject. Some people have no clear knowledge of the ancestors and rituals because healers in the past did not want to share their work with their patients. They did this because they supposedly were afraid of disclosing “secrets of the trade”. It is this attitude that has sunk the ancestry field deep into darkness. Another reason why healers did not share so much was simply because of their ignorance and or lack of education as we know that most of the healers in the past did not have much of schooling. Most of the healers would leave school early or not even get a chance to attend school thus leaving them in the dark when it comes to ways and means of growing in the field and empowering themselves and others people out there.


There are healers, even today who are not too keen on answering questions about how they work or how they got their powers to start with. When one starts to probe deep into the subject and ask for reason you are told not to ask too much because some information about ancestry is the secret of the trade.

In the past healers, would just tell you what to do and not tell you exactly why you have to do it. They would go on to say that asking too many questions could sabotage the whole healing process, leading the patients to do rituals that they didn’t even understand with the hope that it would help them with their problems.

The other reason why the healers kept some information to themselves was because when the western religion came to our country, ancestry rituals were sidelined as something evil and backwards. This lead people to believing that doing ancestral rituals was not right and against the will of God. Most people turned into Christianity and those who remained were outcast until just recently when the church became more lenient when it comes to people and their culture. 

Not talking openly about ancestors and educating people what ancestors really are has opened a door for unscrupulous healers to take advantage of the helpless, desperate and unsuspecting people who come to them for help.


We are living in the times when the studies are leading us in discovering and uncovering so many things about our lives. Studying is used to predict the future and to separate the facts from myths. It paves the way forward for the future with its discoveries, while looking at the history of the earth / world. Through sociology we look at human society, its development, its institutions and its problems. When we turn to anthropology we look at the study of human kind, especially that of societies and its cultures. We then talk about study psychology to know more about the human mind, its workings and especially the behavioral effects thereof including mental characteristics. It then puzzles me how we forget to include our ancestry into all of these forms studies, discoveries and science.

I know that science is more of a study of a physical world where we observe experiments and results thereof but on the same note I would like to say that ancestral rituals have also proven to have substantial results in healing people with  difficulties be it in the physical form or on the emotional level.

May be we need to link ancestry and its rituals to scientology which focuses more on the seeking of self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment but either way, ancestry also need some form of examination and deep study and understanding that can render it a science in itself.

Once again, I am going to blame this on  the lack of knowledge and the will to empower others on the subject matter because ancestry is also a bigger part of  science and its discoveries than one can ever imagine…

It is about time we started talking openly about ancestors, what we mean by ancestors, what they are and what they are not.

Christian religion came into our country and turned people away from ancestral rituals thus taking them away from the only spiritual link that our people had with God. It is not true that our people did not believe in God before Christianity. People always knew that there was God almighty, who was beyond human understand and was responsible for human life. People had their own form of a God and they had their own prayers that included ancestral rituals in them. When we accept, honor and acknowledge our ancestors, it does not mean that they take the place of God. It only means that they act as a passage way to our God almighty. They are our guardian angels who help guide and protect us once they are with God.

It also not true that people call upon the dead and try to wake them up so that they can praise them. This is just a myth which is spread by those who are still in the dark when it comes to ancestry. People need to know that ancestral powers are there and they exist whether one wants to admit to this fact or not. Ancestors come through and touch the lives of people in one way or the other, and then people start to listen and respond to the needs of their ancestors. No one wakes up and decide to become a healer out of the blue. When one becomes a healer we say that they are answering a “calling” because of this fact.

All healers are called to this field while they are living normal lives and trying to get on with life. Something happens in their lives that points to the direction of answering a calling and then they start to “listen” and then answer a calling. Some people are against this as they say that people are disturbing the “dead”. I like to differ because I am a living proof that it is not until the powers “touch” your life in some way or the other, that you turn and start to do or follow the calling.  

I was living my life normally, having set goals and visions for my own future when I was called to become a spiritual medium. Yes, I had been doing ancestral prayers before because it is something that was done in my house but this does not mean that I had planned to grow up and become a healer, one day. So, it worries me when I hear people say that we must leave the dead people alone because we are disturbing them, when in actual fact it is them (the dead) who come back and touch our lives, asking for help.

People say that when we are doing ancestral rituals we are praying to the demons but it puzzles me when that same demons ask us to pray for the people and provide healing to the troubled souls, here and on the next plane.


Yes, when the ancestors first approach you, they are in an angry state because they are caught in between worlds. Their problem is that they are carrying with them powers which are no longer needed in the kingdom of God. They then contact us so that we can use these powers here on earth to do good and help one another. Once they are cleansed and happy they operate as guardian angels and move on to the next form of life in the kingdom of God. All ancestors who come back to disturb peoples’ lives they complain about one thing, being stuck on their way back to the source(God) They complain that there are things which are holding them back and they want us to cleanse and pray for them so that they can move forward and rejoice in eternal happiness.

People say we are praying to the demons and yet the same demons ask us to help other people with these powers here on earth. They ask us to take care of our children and teach them to love and not to destroy that which God has created with love. They ask us to teach people that God requires us all to fill our hearts with love and not to judge anybody because we are all just humans trying to unsolved the mystery of life. Our ancestors ask us to open peoples’ eyes, hearts and minds in order to find that love and peace that we all seek here on earth.

I wish I could go on further and talk about the same people who say we are praying to demons and talk about all the ungodly things that they do in return while they claim to be children of God but that would be judging, so I will just leave it at that…

Ancestors are a power that comes form the souls of those who have departed. This powers come back to earth and disturb the lives of their loved ones if the person who died had unfinished business here on earth. The reason why they come back could be because they are carrying with them healing powers which are no longer needed in the kingdom of God, they have unresolved issues of family feuds and sins that are holding back or they left too quickly through an accident thus their souls are stuck in between worlds…etc-the list is endless for them to come back and “touch” the lives of those who are living.

They have an ability to come back and touch our lives because they are now living in a spirit form, which takes a form of an energy. This energy has the power to alter our lives by playing games with our mind to an extant that it culminates to even physical manifestation on the body.

I believe that we have not done enough studies when it come to ancestors, what they are, their powers, and what they are actually not. Ancestors are a power that is so close to our God almighty that it requires nothing but purity in our hearts. -This is the reason why we always emphasis the process of cleansing ones mind, body and soul before we even begin to start on this path. This is also the reason why we discourage the usage of bad muti when it comes to cleansing of the ancestors. By bad muti, I mean that muti which seeks to change the future or alter the lives of others people without their concern. That muti which is made out of that which is toxic and destructive on earth. Bad muti is the root cause of all evils here on earth as it promises people miracles but delivers nothing at the end of the day. We must also remember that there is also magic which tends to mislead people out there…


There are ancestors who are stuck because they did bad things while they were still alive so, when they come back they want to be cleansed off and be released so that they can move forward on their journey of a newly found form of life. These ancestors requires us to do good in order to balance out the energies thus setting them free. In order words, they want us to balance out the karmic energy that surrounds them and affecting us at the same time so that they can rejoice, and we can find peace here on earth…  “think about it”


Ancestors are powerful when used to do good and can provide a sense of peace to a troubled soul. Ancestors are a power that forms a part of a persons’ aura, whether one recognizes them or not.

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August 16 2012 4 16 /08 /August /2012 16:16

  • Ukukhunga part II 16 August 2012

Ukukhunga was brought to my attention by my guardian angels some time ago and I had to share it on my blog as I always do. This is the process by which spouses acknowledge each others’ ancestors or guides. Ukukhunga means accepting and honouring that your spouse has ancestors or guides in his or her life that are with them all the time, guiding and protecting them. By doing ukukhunga, you are acknowledging that you are in a union with another human being who is also a spiritual being with a soul that operates on a non-physical dynamic. We do this by doing a prayer and giving some sort of an offering in a form of a present in the prayer place of a spouse being honoured.

The starting point is for both spouses to have their own prayer places where they do their prayers separately if they are involved in a marriage or live-in relationship. From thereon, each spouse does a prayer to introduce the other spouse to his or her spirits/guides, and an exchange of gifts is done.  

If we backtrack a little we must also remember that these two people are in a relationship that accepts, honours, acknowledges and celebrates ancestors/ spirits in their lives.


Doing ukukhunga helps the spirits in each of these spouses to be set free and do their work freely and inhibited, which is to guide, lead and protect their subject.


The subject of ukukhunga was brought to my attention by my ancestors after I had struggled to deal with so many problems in the marital institution  and relationships amongst people in general. When I did an insert on this subject, it was before I decide to dig deep and look into this subject from other points of view. While I was helping people to deal with their relationship problems, I sensed that there must be another underlying cause to all of these quarrels and misunderstandings in relationships. I then took it upon myself to do some research and learn some more about the spirits, relationships and  external problems. I needed to find a clear understanding as to why do we need to fuss and fight in the first place and then blame it on our spiritual situation. I then discovered that the problem runs deeper than we can imagine. Ancestral/spiritual problems are actually psychological problems depending what your background/ culture teaches you...

When we talk about ancestral problems we are actually talking about psychological problems which are furthermore explained as spiritual problems.

I then did a bit of reading into the psychology of creation, intention and reality, then I discovered that the same principles apply in psychology as we explain them when talking are about ancestors. I know that for someone who has a problem in his or her relationship, all they want is to see the problems go away, they are less concerned about the deeper meaning or understanding of the root causes of these problems. When you know and understand the root cause of a problem , and reasoning behind the problems that you are experience in your lifetime, it helps to put things in perspective and to eliminate the problems for good. It is also a vital point of coming together in humanity, to discover that common ground, where we see our problems as the same, like those of a person next to us.

Psychologically, creation (in this case of a person) begins from a thought which is at some stage just a vibration form of a light or energy which is shaped through consciousness by a human being long before a person is born. The light or energy that flows through humans is universal. How you live your life reflects the way you are shaping the light that flows through you. The light as it is and energy can also be changed consciously by a human being through the choices that we make in life. Think about positive and negative attitudes towards life. Think about passive and aggressive personalities. And then think about feminine and masculine personalities.

On the flip side of the coin we find the ancestors which can either be male or female, which can also be from your fathers’ side or your mother’s side of the family. These ancestors come into being and shape the way you live your life but at the end of the day, you have a choice to acknowledge, accept, honour and celebrate them accordingly. When this is done successfully a person lives a harmonious life.

The same thing applies in psychology where we speak of the light/ energy, the intention, the choices of the conscious mind and the results of such choices thereof.

Once we come to realise that each human being is a form of light/ energy/ or a formation of a complex or combination of ancestors’ energies, we will then move on to understand that this light follow our choices in life in order to take shape and direction. We do this consciously and unconsciously, because evolution is in evitable.

When two human beings come together in a relationship they each bring with them this complex or macrocosm into contact with that of another thus creating another form of creation which now needs to be aligned in order to function in a direction that is beneficial to both, in that relationship or union.

Spiritual awareness helps us to honour, accept and celebrate each others’  personalities with an understanding that it reflects the deeper complexity of person we are involved with. The knowledge of this complexity alone helps us to understand that honouring the presence of another persons’ spirituality will not only help us grow individually or in that specific relationship  but it  will also help in the evolution of the human kind as  whole in the process of creation.

Spirituality is teaching us a new way of looking into relationship problems where we dissect the problems and get to the root causes of conflicts that are breaking us apart.

When we say people must khunga one another in a relationship, we are saying that they must do just that...( honour someone else ’s guides in a relationship)  but for people who want a deeper meaning of the root causes and remedies it is always wise to have a vast knowledge and understanding of what we are really trying to do. 

Once we have agreed upon the fact that each and everyone of us is a complex individual, we must then go on further to accept that each individual in a relationship should be treated equally respectable, in order to come to a harmonious flow of energy in such a relationship.

When we look at this energy from the point of view of it being ancestral energy, we simply do an exchange of presents/gifts and prayer that honours both parties, which usually works very well not unless there are other underlying causes or intentions that might have been overlooked.

When someone gives you a present, they bring about good feelings from your conscious self thus making both parties feel happy. The same thing applies to the unconscious self/ ancestral/spiritual  plane,  which then works out well for people who want to live happily in their relationships.

When you accept a present or a gift it touches your inner self and makes you feel happy and you humble yourself in front of that person giving you a present. This is that same thing that happens on the spiritual plane and we need to understand that when we honour others, we are not only honouring the physical human being but we are humbling ourselves to their spiritual complexity that makes them who they are. We are then accepting them for who they are and promising to help them grow as we also grow in the same way in that relationship.

A relationship/marriage that is not built on a spiritual plane or acknowledgement of ancestors often suffers conflict as it lacks the fulfilment or the very core that creates each human being. We then end up with so many relationship or marital problems because people dwell on agreements that are done on paper or in front of a somebody, without thinking about the spirituality/complexity of the creation of each individual, that needs to be acknowledged and satisfied in order to ensure and that growth takes place as it is imposed by evolution on each and every human being here on earth.

When you involve yourself into a relationship with another, you bring with yourself the whole of your complexity/ macrocosmic self to another person, thus creating the archetype/ original model of spiritual partnership into being. If that relationship is a spiritual union, both parties, in such a relationship live by the values, perceptions and actions that reflect equality within that union and also with a commitment to the spiritual growth and development of one another. One begins to set aside their wants in order to accommodate the needs and wants of a spouses’ spiritual growth thus allowing one to grow, themselves. That is how the spiritual relationship works…

When it comes to ancestors and ukukhunga people tend to confuse things and look at it as a power struggle between two people and this approach has damaged so many relationships in the world. We tend to think of the roles that we assume in relationships as power struggles that satisfy egos instead of looking deep into the constituency of a human soul that we are involved with in a relationship.  

At some stage we will need to come to an understanding that ancestors are merely an energy that we describe according to our upbringing and culture, but they are the same kind of energy that affects everybody anywhere in the world no matter what terminology we use.  At the end of the day we are all talking about an energy that is universal which is “light” that can affect us all, whether positively or negatively depending on our choices and intentions in our different personalities.

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August 8 2012 3 08 /08 /August /2012 21:17



On the 6-7 July 2012 we held a kiddies camp here edlozini with the aim of teaching our children about ancestors/spirits and the work that we do here edlozini.

We accepted children from the age of 7 to 22 whose parents already come to edloznini for healing and prayers. They ranged from grade 6 to 2nd year varsity student.


Here is the program for that weekend..........................................................

Learning material

1. Respect….

Do say :

Please and thank you

Have respect for elders

Get up and have the elder in the room have your chair

Lend a helping hand to those in need

Hold the door for the person behind you

Excuse yourself when leaving the table

Love people for who they are and not for what  you get from them

Treat people the way you want to be treated




  1. What are ancestors? / Liyini idlozi ?  Ancestors refers to the spirit that remains when a person dies and we bury the physical body  under the ground. The spirit goes back to the source (creator)

Idlozi abakithi abangasekho. Uma sesishonile singena endleleni ebuyela kumdali. Uma lokhu kungenzeki umphefumulo ayaye untante ubuyele emhlabeni bese siwubiza ngedlozi.


3.      Umsamo

Umsamo is a prayer place where we pray to God and our ancestors.

Umsamo yilapho sikhuleka khona, sidumisa umdali futhi sicela kwabakithi abangasekho.

4.      Imphepho/ Incense

We burn incense when we pray to communicate with our ancestors.

Impepho siyisebenzisa ukukhuleka uma sicela edlozini lethu. Impepho siyayishunqisa emsamo bese senza umkhuleko siecle umdali ukuthi asixhumanise nabakithi abangasekho.


5.      Ukuhlola/ to do a reading.

A reading is done to connect with our ancestors in order to sort out problems in our lives.

Ukuhlola kusho ukuxhumana nedlozi ngenhloso yokuthola izinkinga bese silungisa izimpilo zethu.

6.     Ukugida/ ancestral celebrations

This is when we chant, sing and dance to celebrate our spirituality. This helps us in communicating with our ancestors and solving our problems in life.

Ukugida kusiza ukuthokozisa amadlozi asezimpilweni zethu bese kulunga izimpilo zethu ngoba zonke izinkinga zinimsuka edlozini.

7.      Ancestral problems.

Ancestors can cause problems in your life if you do not accept and honor them.

Idlozi elingnakiwe lingazidala izinkinga empilweni yomuntu olizibayo. Idlozi lidinga ukuthi silifunde silazi ukuthi lisebenza kanjani ukuze silungise izninkinga zethu.

Izinkinga eziningi zisuka edlozini.

8.      Problems in the world.

The more people in the world who ignore their roots and ancestors the more problems we experience in the world.

Ukwanda kwabantu abangawagcini amasiko edlozini kudala izinkinga eziningi emhlabeni wethu.

9.      Global warming: Bronwyn………

 What we can do to help

1.      Global warming

(Bronwyn to give a lesson.)

2.      Human care. Taking care of the elderly. Take time to listen to your elders and learn from them because they have a lot of experience in life and they can help you in solving your problems.

Nakekela abadala uchithe sikhathi nabo ukuze ufunde kabanzi ngempilo yasemhlabeni. Buza imibuzo uthole ulwazi olunzulu.


3.      Saving the planet through global warming initiatives)…

(Bronwyn to give a lesson)

Nature conservation eg saving the rhinors and animals in general. Plant trees etc…………


10.  Health and nutrition



Skipping breakfast is a big NO!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It doesn’t have to be bland. An ideal breakfast could be toasted bread with eggs, a slice of tomato and fried bacon or sausages. For cereal lovers you can jazz them up a bit with yoghurt and fruits like apples, oranges and bananas. Bananas are the most recommended fruits since they are high in fiber (meaning you feel fuller for longer) and they also help to release stress and keep you happy.



It doesn’t have to be the old boring peanut butter sandwich. You can make a fancy cheese and tomato sandwich with ham, a bit of herbs and mayonnaise (not too much!), noodles with viennas, stir-fry vegetables with pasta topped with sauce or rolls with fish and mayo topped with green pepper and tomatoes (Fish helps your brain stay fresh and helps you to remember things for longer. Lol! ☺ How cool is that!) Mmmmm! Doesn’t sound so boring now does it? You just need to be creative and play around with ideas! Who knows? You could be the next Jamie Oliver! Just let your imagination run wild, be careful with the cutlery though, and have fun!



Always  enjoy your dinner with your family at night. Dinner can be cooked meals with vegetables and salads. Always enjoy your veges as they provide the nutrition we need to keep our bodies healthy and strong.

Eat slowly and maintain good manners at all times. You can share the stories that happened during the day at school while you enjoy your dinner with your family.

Go ahead, enjoy and be happy!




I must say that I really enjoyed spending time with the children and I learnt a lot from them as well. I was suprised at their insight and knowledge about ancestors, life in general and even politics. I tell you, our children are well clued up and very clever these days.



The main aim of doing this camp was to get an idea of what our children are thinking and how are they coping with the problems at home, but most of all we wanted them to have some fun.








At the end of the day we all enjoyed ourselves and felt really blessed to be around the young minds........






Umgidi/healing session for adults started thereafter...



We will be hosting another childrens' camp in December, during school holidays.


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August 8 2012 3 08 /08 /August /2012 10:04

Transitional period…

We are living in a transitional period where everything is changing in front of our eyes and yet we are stuck in one place because we are afraid of change. It has always been a mans’ weakest characteristic to be afraid of change and to choose the norm than to dive into the world of the unknown, since we fear so much that which we do not know. Fear has always misguided  and lead mankind to doomsday in this life but still we fail to learn from our past mistakes.

A transitional period means a time of change where everything will be unusual, and the future will not resemble the past. What we take with us into the future is the knowledge, memories and wisdom which can help us to master the winds of change and steer us away from harm when this new phase is beginning to settle in our minds. This period has already started but we fail to see that the ball is in our court now, and we need to act now and make things happen in order to save the future generations and the world at large. There are certain things in life that we cannot stop from changing but  still we cling to the past with our clenched teeth, hoping the wheels of change will suddenly stop and take us back to the way things used to be. Nothing will ever remain the same in this world we live in and this is because of the fact that the earth rotates on its’ axis and we are evolving with times at it does.

Change is never easy but to accept it and embrace it is a battle half won and a victory to those who have seen the light. The rest of the fight will be to maintain the momentum and keep the fire burning…

Change has taken place in so many spheres of our lives in these past years and we have managed to accept this and move on regardless… It is time now we take a look inside our minds and see what we need to change in order to adjust and move forward into the future that lays before us all... Now is the time to see with our ears and listen with our eyes.

Yes, now its the time to do what has never been done before. A time to bring about a change in our lives that can see us through this new phase of life which seems to upset the norms. Nothing is the same as before so why must we keep on using the old methods in sorting out new kinds of problems.

We need to learn from what we have been told and then take only that which seeks to strengthen us but make sure to discard the things that have lost meaning and value.

In as much as change is frightening, it is also in evitable...so let us go ahead and accept that things are changing right in front of our eyes and if we do not take this opportunity to adapt we might end up  hopeless and lost forever...

Walt Witman said, "Re- examine all you have been told and Dismiss what insults your soul."

I never met him but I strongly agree with him because most of the time we are afraid to bring about the change we want to see in the world, with the fear of being ridiculed and outcast by societal norms.

I am reading a lot about people who came up with inventions in the past and I realise that most of us are tired of discovering things or we are just lazy, such that we lay back and use what have been discovered before instead of searching to keep finding the mysteries that this life has in store for us all...

This transitional period is upon us, so we need to be aware of it and not get stuck in the ways that take us back instead of moving us forward. We have spent a lot of time learning and grasping a lot of information in the past, now is the time to start using that information and be inventive in our own ways.

Dictatorship has ceased, leadership must prevail in all our lives.

Listen to your innerself and ask for wisdom...

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June 23 2012 6 23 /06 /June /2012 17:23

Diversity      June 2012


In my line of work, I deal with different kinds of people from different backgrounds and different walks life. Luckily for me there is no need to classify and group the kinds of people and personalities I come across on a daily basis. People in this world are too diversified but it is important for us to find some sort of common ground when it comes to sorting out our problems in order to minimize misunderstandings and quarrels in the world.


I deal with people who are traditionalist, Christians, cultural conscious individuals and people who are just living their lives minding their own business not wanting to belong to any culture whatsoever, and this is just to name a few different kinds of people I come across. I haven’t even mentioned people who are lost between cultures, religions etc. I can even go on to mention that I also deal with people who are affected psychologically whether they are aware of this fact or not. I also deal with my “favorite” kind of people who are affected psychologically but they try to hide it by doing all that they can to “act” as normal as they can. 


First of all, it is important for an individual to have some sort of a background where they can drain the energy we all need to move on and persevere in life. These backgrounds may differ from one person to the other…And yet in my line of work I have to overlook all these differences and find a common denominator that affect us all as humans in the same way. This is the reason why I always stress the point that ancestors “speak” a “Universal” language that is divine.


Secondly, we find people who think that they don’t care about any culture whatsoever and by doing so they are creating a new culture or trend which in turn is a culture in itself. These people will come to me and say that they only want what is best in their lives without any affiliation to any religion or background referral. They always claim that those ahead of them have never taught them anything about any culture so they have no background and would like a fresh start that can steer them in the right direction. These people are open minded, willing to do things that make sense and they are not afraid of change in their lives. These are the kind of people who are go getters and risk takers who put no fear in their way towards achievements in life.


Thirdly, there are people who  have some sort of cultural background that they follow but they still find some loop holes and mishaps in their lives, so they come to me seeking guidance and explanations. They claim that since they do everything according to the culture that was taught to them from childhood, it puzzles them that they still find themselves with so much problems in their lives. These people will recognize stumbling blocks in life but they are too afraid to change the culture that was taught to them from childhood. In as much as they listen to what their ancestors say, they still want their ancestors to refer to the culture that they know when sorting out ancestral problems. These kinds of people will only see a change in their lives first before they accept that a culture needs to move with times and change at times when there is a need.


Lastly, I deal with people who have psychological scars  be manifested either consciously or subconsciously in their lives. Others are aware of these scars and yet they act like they are in control. When others are totally unaware and they just need answers to their unsolved mysteries. Those that are aware and are just acting as if they are in control are the kinds of people who take long to receive healing through doing ancestral rituals. These kinds of people act like they understand everything and yet they fail to see that what they understand clearly is the main reason why they are stuck in life. It doesn’t help one knowing where their problems come from if they are not willing to do what is supposed to be done in order to solve that kind of a problem. It doesn’t help to analyze and present dissertation of your problem when you are unable to open your heart and accept help from those who can help you.

What these people need is some sort of affirmation which can be introduced to their minds in order to subconcinsciously put their minds at ease and to let them open their eyes and see the light which is always shinning bright in front of them. Yes, the light is always shinning bright in front of us but we sometimes fail to “see” it. We sometimes allow psychological scars to block our conscious mind from helping our physical body to work properly. This is the reason why we all need some sort of a balance in our lives before people can give us names like crazy, abnormal or loonies.


It is even worse where you find that a person has complications that come from all of the above, and yes it happens. This person will have psychological scars and yet they do come from some sort of a cultural background or upbringing but because of problems in this world they tend to ignore it all and act like they have no culture whatsoever.


I think by now, you have an understanding of the kinds of complications I come across in my line of work. And the next time you see me drawn to myself and rolling my eyes with no response, you will have a hint of what’s going on in my mind.


I also think that may be you have found yourself a category where you belong and will try and do things right in your own life.


People should be empowered about all these conditions in order to make them understand that all our problems come from within each and everyone of us. We draw the kinds of problems that we encounter on a daily basis. We draw to us the kinds of friends that we keep.


There may be no way one can change their path in life but I believe that once a person has been taught about their circumstances it is then up to them to use that in a way that can take them forward in life. Empowerment in these matters is lacking tremendously and this is the reason why we view others as different to us simply because we lack the knowledge to deal with these negative forces that tear us apart. Showing sympathy and understanding to someone else’s’ problems is one step in the right direction.

We need to stop judging others when they are in trouble but help them to deal with their problems from within, because no matter how much we try to help them, it doesn’t take effect until they believe it from the heart that they can do it. And from the heart we draw the most powerful energy…of Love.


And yes, we all have a heart, we all are capable of Love. It is the love of money that makes people steal. It is the same love of money that makes others work hard. Those who have seen the light must do all in their power to help those who are still in darkness so that they can also be empowered and steered in the right direction. As we do this we need to be non- judgmental…


Human beings are a creation of love but we make these demarcations amongst ourselves that result in so much diversity in the world and then we complain about other people who are propelled by the same love that work within ourselves.  


And yes. Love is at the core of this Universal language acting as the engine from which we drain the power to move on in life. It is the Love that draws us and prompts us all to act in whichever way we act. It is only through this love that we can achieve and conquer all…


Let us love this diversity…so that we can only reap what is positive from it…




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June 21 2012 4 21 /06 /June /2012 22:37

Umgidi celebrations (Umgidi (9 June 2012)

We gather each month for umgidi celebrations and this is when we celebrate our spirituality, pray to God and our ancestors- we ask for guidance and for God to set our spirits free. During these celebrations people make a booking and come to pray, praise and celebrate but I have noticed that some people still feel uneasy or unclear about the goal of doing such a ceremony.


As we all know that we have our guides that guide and protect us all the time. They lead us in our lives, make us happy in our lives when they themselves are happy, and make us sad and unhappy when they themselves are unhappy with our conduct. It is then up to us to know exactly what is expected of us during these celebrations in order to gain the full benefit of attending such a function and to go away with happy guides instead of the opposite.


At a gathering like this, those who have powerful guides or those who are healers always enjoy it the most because they are much more sensitive to the spirits, so they connect easily as their vibrations are already raised and they help those who are still struggling spiritually… When people “connect” they pick up on peoples’ energies and help them together with their guides in the healing process. The mistake that other people make when attending such a gathering is to stand on the sidelines and watch others instead of participating and enjoying themselves.

When you attend a gathering like this, but still find that you are uneasy with what is happening, it means that your guides are not ready to be healed and your problems will take long to be sorted out. It is very important for people to participate in singing and praising in order to unleash the powers that we all have inside each and everyone of us,and to gain the utmost powers that can change the status of our ancestors. After attending umgidi one should feel refreshed and revitalized to tackle the problems and stresses of this world.


During such a gathering one must always be in touch with their spirituality and be consciously aware of their mood swings and feelings. If one is feeling down and under during a gathering, they must realize that such a feeling is a representation of the status of their own ancestors/guides on the other side. It is always up to an individual to free themselves and be “one” with everybody attending in order to gain from the prayers and take all that is positive from attending these prayers.


I always try and warn people not to watch others and act like they themselves have no problems in their own lives as this turns to hinder them and their guides on a spiritual journey. When we gather we sing and dance and then pray. Participation in both is imperative. One can even clap their hands and make sure their ancestors are happy at the end of such a gathering so that they don’t go away with negative vibes from attending umgidi.


The mistake that others make is to watch and stand behind others when they should be helping their own guides on this spiritual uplifment. This is the reason why we always begin a gathering with talks which are aimed at putting peoples’ minds at ease when it comes to the whole idea of attending such gatherings.

Just before we start, we always say a few words to welcome people and to remind them of the reasons why they have attended. There are so many other activities that take place before we start umgidi and these are all aimed at making people realize that they must be at their utmost best behavior and be relaxed through out the gathering. Learning sessions take place where we explain the need to attend, the reasons why we have to do this and most importantly the fact that we all are “one” during this gathering. We all are children of God seeking guidance from above and we are merely trying to set our spirits free… And this helps us in our lives in terms of lowering the stress levels and opening new paths and also sorting out unnecessary problems.


When one participates wholeheartedly and be one with the function, one gets the full benefit from attending umgidi. One needs to totally forget about all earthly things that can hinder them from being “one” with the people. We always remind people to leave their negative or preconceived ideas behind so that they can gain and leave with a positive mind. When you “forget” about who you are, e.g. your, wealth, your educational level and your pride during the such a gathering it helps in gaining the most and taking all that can help you and your guides in your own life. We always emphasize that “we all are one” and people must feel free to share and treat one another the same. This is the reason why we even serve our food and eat together without separating males from females or adults from children. We even serve our healers and normal people alike without making a distinction between the two in order to make everybody feel at home.


We need to understand that we all are the same in the eyes of the Lord whether you have a spiritual gift or not.


…and yes we always gather once a month and celebrate while boosting our spiritual energy thus creating a balance that we all seek in our Aura.


It is important to enquire about attending such a gathering and making necessary arrangements beforehand….


We gathered once again on the 9th of June on a day that was full of fun and laughter at edlozini. The theme behind this gathering was to show that we all are just normal people at the end of the day even though we have these powerful guides in our lives.


Umgidi 9 June 2012 Theme: “Pampering edlozini”


The day started with the manicure and make up session which was done by sister Olive who took her time from her beauty salon and decide to come and pamper our ladies at “edlozini”


Nails in action …




Later during the day Caryl Donna-Bridges from Somata Yoga studio of Warner Beach came and conducted a Yoga class to our ladies….



Thandolwethu also brought us “cake” in celebration of messages we receive from our ancestors….and then umgidi started.

DSC02016.JPGUmgidi took us to the early hours of the morning… …and we really had a remarkable experience on this day!


Thank you all!

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June 20 2012 3 20 /06 /June /2012 07:00


Ancestral powers were taught to me since childhood because I grew up in a culture that honors ancestors and do prayers through ancestral rituals. As I grew older I realized that other people from different backgrounds and walks of life also have their own beliefs and means of worshipping the “divine” being that is inside all of us. Later when I started helping people spiritually, I saw the need to educate people on this subject and try to bring clarity to all the misunderstanding that surrounds religion and belief systems.


I talk about ancestors because I was talk about it from childhood and I strongly believe that someone who grew up in the Hindu community would talk about different kind of powers that they believe in. I have also learnt that the Yoga that we do today originated from India and it talks about energy points(chakras) which are almost the same as the way we interpret our ancestral problems.


I have gone on to see people calling ancestral powers demons simply because they are staunch Christians who do not believe in ancestral rituals. I  have also seen Christians saying their messages come from the holy spirit, when I believe it is simply their ancestors communicating such messages to them.  All this has made me to realize that people all over the world are caught up in a lot of misunderstandings around religion and belief systems simply because we fail to open our minds and be accepting of one another. The fact that I don’t understand the way of your religion doesn’t mean that I have to judge and ridicule it.


At the end of the day we  all are one from the same source no matter which name you want to give it and we are all affected by the same powers as long as we define ourselves as human beings. Every human being will bleed when poked and fall down after jumping up so why make so much fuss when it comes to powers that affect us spiritually?


I think for us as a people, we need to get to a point where we study these different walks of life and belief systems, understand them so as to be comfortable with the subject and then stop judging one another in order to achieve some peace around the world.

We also need to realize that as the earth rotates on its axis, it brings about the same effects and changes to humans no matter where in the world we come from. So, these changes are bound to create havoc in our lives, in one way or the other. It is then up to us to teach ourselves, empower ourselves and be open minded in order to understand and accept other peoples’ actions and reactions towards us. At the moment there are so much problems in South African schools with school children being affected by spiritual powers where our kids go into trans simply because of the changes on earth that we fail to educate ourselves about. These changes have made us all to be  sensitive now more than ever before.


We need to realize that as the earth evolves so does our way of living and it’s important to keep up with times and be on point when it comes to religions and belief systems as well.


Ancestors in my world are simply the powers that we get from our loved ones who have passed on. These powers manifest themselves in different ways and can cause different problems in ones’ life if not  properly honored or accepted. There was a time when the belief was that a female person will always be lead by the female guides and a male by male guides but off lately, there are changes in the way we are guided by these ancestors. Nowadays you find that a female person can have male guides and when this happens it comes with problems in the life of such a person. The reason why this has happened is because we haven’t been listen properly to start with and we have not keep up with the changes that affect us in the world as the earth revolves….


Nowadays you also find males who are lead by female guides and this has made our ancestors to be unhappy in such a way that it manifest itself in unhappy lives on our people.


When your guides are unhappy it leads to an unhappy life.


Unhappy guides/ancestors are cause by ancestors who are not honored, accepted and celebrated properly and openly. These powers possess us they want to be proud of our roots while doing rituals and celebrations. These powers lead, guide and protect us in our lives because it is their duty to do so. The problems is they cannot keep on guiding, leading and blessing us if we do not accept honor and give thanks to them.

When we make our ancestors happy and we accept them we need to understand that it is through the powers of God that these powers are able to affect us in the first place. Whether you believe in God Almighty or the Universe, it is through the power of the divine that we are able to be in touch with our spirituality, so when we do our prayers let us start from the source and then branch off to our different belief systems.


There is only one source where we all come from and after death we all go back to the same source. It doesn’t matter what religion or practice I abide by while on this earth as long as I know my source that can keep me grounded let me understand that there is a power that is greater than all human understanding. The power that is the main source of all life forms on earth. The power that was here before, it is here now and will be here after life.


I call it ancestors because I understand these powers to be ancestors…

I go on to say there are ancestors who at an angry state and those who are happy.

Then there are those who come from my mothers side and those from my fathers’ side.


When doing ancestral rituals I need to satisfy all these aspects of ancestors and make sure that my ancestors are at the happy state before I can attain peace and happiness that I long for.


On the flip side of the coin now,  for someone who practices yoga, I understand that there are different energy point or chakras which come form the nervous system which can be further explained as coming from the Physical and Energy body. This practice continues to talk about the central nervous system from which we find the physical body control and also the non-physical body that comes from peripheral nervous system. In yoga practice we also talk about the Autonomic nervous system or energy that is non- voluntary which can either be sympathetic(energetic) or parasympathetic( calm state)


With such an insight one comes to an understanding that we are all governed by the same energy which comes from the same source. The differences that we see are only a way in which we relate to these forces depending on our up bringing, backgrounds and belief systems.


Studying and practicing yoga has taught me that the Universe has an abundance of knowledge that is readily available for us to take advantage of but we need to be very careful how we approach it. People should stop pointing fingers and judging one another, but we must make use of this knowledge and use it to our advantage. We need to be open minded about how we deal with such topics in order to create a better world for all… It is also important to move with times, as the earth revolves so that we don’t get stuck in practices that have lost meaning simply because we are afraid of accepting the change that mother earth bring upon us.


Let us take from our cultures that which helps us grow as people and do away with practices which seek to destroy the humanity in all of us. The choice is ours to balance things out and treat one another as human beings that we are from one source and stop judging and name-calling…

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June 18 2012 1 18 /06 /June /2012 23:00

Please visit www.edlozinimnini.yolasite.com for more up to date  information and what is happening edlozini....




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May 7 2012 1 07 /05 /May /2012 22:28

This past weekend we celebrated at edlozini, praising and praying to God and our guides for good health, life and prosperity. It has become a norm that we gather for these celebrations once a month in order to help those who need a place where they can communicate with their guides and honor them amongst the people who share in the same intersts.




The evening began with a brief program as usual where people were once again reminded on what it is that we do here edlozini, which is honouring our ancestors by allowing the power of God to work through us without using any muti. Cleansing of our ancestors is also an important aspect of what we do as it helps them to float freely and become good guides to us. People were reminded about the importance of accepting their guides, honouring them and

making sure that they are consistent in the way that they do spiritual rituals.



Highlights of the evening:

-Yoga introduction by Caryl Bridge ( Yoga Instructor Warner Beach) Caryl spoke to the people about the importance of practising Yoga, its origin and benefits it has in ones’ life.


-Thandolwethu Ngidi (Radio DJ) spoke to the people about her experience since she came to edlozini, starting from how she got to know about us when she wanted to do an unveiling ceremony for her mom.

she reminded people that it is improtant to know what you want in life and do just that and be strong against peer pressure.





What was clear amongst everyone present was that everything happens for a reason and God allows for us all to go through life experiences good and bad. It is up to each and everyone of us to accept our guides honour them and then embrace life experiences as they come before us. We also learnt the importance of living a well balanced life that feeds the mind, body and soul, hence we welcomed the Yoga talk by Caryl.She reminded us that Yoga is not a religion but a practice that helps anybody who wants to live a well balanced life and be more productive in their lives. In the future we hope to have a Yoga demonstration, that will actually show what Yoga is all about.




After this talk, people asked some questions those, who had some queries and then we continued with the order of the day- Umgidi.

People participated, celebrated and prayed the whole night through. It is always such a refreshing experience to attend umgidi because it boosts the energy for those who are healers while it heals those who participate and pray wholeheartedly.


Amazing things happen during umgidi and it is up to the participants to give it their all and not hold back in order to connect with the ancestors. Just by attending and praying one can have their prayers answers even if one is not a healer. After such an experience one feels like a load is lifted off the shoulders because with the prayers we ask all the guides present to rejoice and listen to our daily prayers.


Once again I would like to thank all those who came, attended and made this an unforgettable night of prayer and spiritual upliftment that it was.


Our next Umgidi celebration is on the 9June 2012.

We do have another day prayer on the 26 May, which is for children, whereby parents bring their kids for spiritual prayers. This happens during the day on a Saturday from 12:00 to 16:00. It is intended for parents who have concerns about their children especially those who have difficulties in school.

Call 074 624 0970 for more info.

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May 1 2012 2 01 /05 /May /2012 00:38

I recently started Yoga classes at Samata Yoga studio in Warner Beach and I must say, it has been quite an experience…I have always been interested in anything and everything that deals with the mind body and soul and yoga seems to bring the balance that I need in my life.


When I help people spiritually, I always tell them that as a spiritual medium I will help them spiritually but if they have other problems which need medical attention, they need to consult with their doctors immediately. I am not that kind of a healer who claims to know it all or heal everything. I understand that spiritually, problems can start as stumbling blocks in life and then go on further to be emotional problems and then later become medical conditions. People who neglect their spirituality tend to be susceptible to all sorts of medical conditions. This is a result of an imbalanced life, because they tend to neglect the basic core of a human soul. When you strengthen your spirituality, you become more balanced thus enabling the body to utilize its natural mechanisms to heal itself. And when you are spiritually aware, you can even sense when you start to lose the balance and then do something about it spiritually. When you strengthen your spirituality, you allow your ancestors to work for you in guiding and protecting you throughout your living life. When your ancestors are happy with your conduct they can even warn you in dreams about dangerous situations or individuals around you.


As a spiritual medium, I deal with peoples’ problems day in and day out to an extent that it affects my own life. I deal with so many kinds of complex problems that people encounter in their lives such that it affects me because at the end of the day I am also just human. Sometimes I get stressed when I realise just how much suffering is going on out there. I am also exposed to a lot of the dark side of life, where you find that people do bad and devious things in life, just to get by. People come to me and confess these deeds and it affects me negatively because I realise that, at the end of the day life is more complicated that we think it is. Some of these things are revealed to me by ancestors during readings and I have no choice of blocking out the negative effect it has on me. As a result I decided to do something that can make me cope so that I can carry on with my calling.

I had been contemplating on doing yoga for a long time but I wasn’t too sure if it was what I really needed to do. Just recently I took a step and started to enquire more about yoga and happen to find a very good instructor who was willing to take me under her wing and teach me all about it. I find that doing yoga is making me cope better and concentrate on the important things in my own life. She tells me that yoga brings the balance into ones’ life and make us slow down to appreciate the most important things in life, that we sometimes take for granted. Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, originating in ancient India.


I take my yoga classes at Samata Yoga studio in Warner beach, which is 15minutes from my house and I find that it has helped me a great deal. I find yoga to be a form of exercise that benefits my body without straining it, while feeding my mind and giving me soul food at the same time. With the breathing exercises I get to slow down and take time to concentrate on myself and my body for its own benefit. I become more aware of my body and how it functions in order to keep me going everyday of my life. Yoga is what I needed at this stage of my life. I find that I am coping better, I have more control of my emotions and I am much more at peace. I am dealing better with the problems I encounter as a result of my work as a medium, and its all because of my yoga classes.


Believing in ancestors is very similar to doing yoga with the only difference being that both operate on opposite levels. With ancestral rituals we deal with high vibrations while yoga takes me down to very low vibrations and keeps me in touch with even the minor details about this life. Ancestral practice concentrate on the problems we encounter in life, ranging from bad luck, relationship problems to following a calling. With yoga one concentrates on the mind, body and soul thus giving one a well- balanced way of living.


Together Yoga and Ancestral practice can do wonders for a person who is open minded and willing to try new things in life. Ancestors want us to help them so we can see a difference in our lives and yet without a well-balanced life we may never achieve this goal. Putting ancestors and yoga together can do wonders for one and it can make you achieve more than you have ever imagined for yourself. Yoga gives you a self confidence that we all need to succeed in life, when ancestors can open doors and give you good luck if you honor and accept them accordingly.


When I discover something that is useful and can benefit people, I always like to share it so as to empower more and more people out there, which is why I am sharing this information with you.

I have thus started introducing some of the people from edlozini to yoga classes at Samata yoga studio. We are planning to get more people involved in practicing both ancestral rituals and yoga in order to see the results and good effect it can have in our lives.


Samata yoga studio is willing to work with edlozini in spreading the knowledge of yoga to all those who would like to get involved and practice yoga.


FirstYogaClass-012.jpgCaryl Donna Gillies-Bridge

Yoga instructor

Samata Yoga Studio of Warner Beach

Call:079 8755387




FirstYogaClass-009.jpgZodwa Phohlo

PA- Spiritual medium


FirstYogaClass-017.jpgThando Ngidi

Radio personality


Carolne Mahaye

Fashion designer


FirstYogaClass-023.jpgYoga class

Khanyi Toba in front

Lecturer at Elangeni College

and a Camera Person


FirstYogaClass-006.jpgA warm welcome



...Yoga can do wonders for you too.

For yoga classes contact Caryl at Samata Yoga studio in Warner Beach

edlozini is looking forward to umgidi celebration once again this coming saturday 5th May 2012


074 624 0970

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  • : Ancestors/ Idlozi's name
  • : This blog deals with the truth behind amadlozi/ancestors and the people who live to tell the truth about it all.
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  • Nonto Toba Goldstone
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
