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On the 29 March we held our 1st Thokoza dlozi seminar at Catalinar theathre. Here is the presentation paper presented by one of the speakers at the seminar, Madoda Mditshwa...

Christian Religion and Africans in South Africa: Facts and Consequences by Madoda Wilson Mzimkhulu Mditshwa


Good morning my brothers and sisters, it is an honour for me to be given this opportunity to share with you my knowledge on this sensitive and troubling topic about the impact of Christianity on us as Africans. This is a topic that most people would prefer to avoid for fear of being castigated and ridiculed as non-believers, pagan, devil worshipers or Satanist. Well I am not afraid because my our ancestors have already taken all this insult on our behalf for thousands of years yet they still keep on encouraging us not to forsake our spirituality and true identify in the midst of an onslaught, an onslaught which is no longer perpetuated by the white man, but by our own brothers and sisters in the name of their newly found Jesus – their new God ancestor.

We must never forget that our people - our ancestors, didn’t just accept Christianity because they thought it was a great religion; rather they were forced, coerced, indoctrinated and tricked to accept this religion if they were to be regarded as civilised and be able to benefit from that white man’s civilisation. exp

Hence after the conversion (UKUGUQULWA) of some Africans who received Christian missionary education, a distinction was made between the Christianised Africans (amagqobhoka) and the non-Christianised ones (Amaqaba). Exp -  

This is still the case, only now we are called non-believers if we don’t want to follow their Jesus.


With that short background, let me share with you some facts about this foreign religion that has done so much damage in African society and resulted to the kind of people that we are today – a people who is confused and lack self respect when it comes to a sense of spiritual being. No wonder we now have reported cases of humiliating behaviour such as the one that took place right here in KZN, where grown – up, matured woman and man, unquestioningly followed the instructions of their Pastor to go down on their knees and eat grass just like animals, all in the name of Christian healing.  If this does not show us how much we are lost, than nothing else will.    


Facts about Christian Religion

Why is it important that I tell you about these facts about Christian Religion in Africa? Mainly it’s because I cannot sit back and do nothing when I know my people are being misled and lied to about the true nature and foundation of this religion. I believe that if African people knew what was being sold to them, was a belief system that is based on the worshiping of cosmological features and other nation’s ancestors; they would have rejected it outright. (Sun-day) exp

Christianity was first introduced to the African continent by the Roman occupiers of Kemet (Egypt) under the leadership of Emperor Theodosius in 391 AD. “Christian Emperor Theodosius banned all ancient religious systems of Egypt and ordered the closing of all Egyptian temples.


Christianity has always worked with the oppressors of African people. Every country that was invaded by whites have three things in common; 1. Its traditional leaders were killed, humiliated and imprisoned. 2. Its land taken/stolen from its owners by violent means. 3. Its people converted to Christianity and given the Bible. We as South Africans, have firsthand experience of these events. What kind of God allows this kind of cruelty to happen to His own creation? Or the Christian God is there only looks after the interests of white people? Slavery took place over 300 years,(over 10 million Africans suffered the greatest injustice ever committed by a human being on another)  where was the Christian God to save us from the Arab and White oppressors? Coincidentally both these religions together with Judaism are regarded as the Abrahamic faiths because they draw from the same founder - Abraham.


If we look at the Christian Bible, In terms of content (not interpretation) it focuses on three main issues,


1. The Old Testament is about the history of the Hebrews (Jews) in Africa (Egypt) and their journey to the “promised land” – that they call the Exodus led by their leader Moses. The Jews call this book the Torah and it’s their Holy religious book not the Bible.


The New Testament is about the story of Jesus the Christ and the Romans political manipulation to nullify all other existing indigenous religions through politically motivated doctrines and laws designed for social control.

Stolen and distorted Egyptian mythology, (The miracle virgin birth of Jesus (is a direct copy of Miracle virgin birth of Egyptian Sun God ‘Horus’ 15 centuries before Christianity) also the Ten commandments which were stolen from the 42 laws called the Declarations of Innocence or Admonitions of Maat. The trinity concept is even more telling because in Ancient Egyptian mythology, trinity meant Ausar – the Father, Aset- the Mother and Horus- the Son. The founders of Christianity stole this concept and distorted it to mean God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Ghost, effectively removing the crucial role of mother figure in creation. These myths are incorporated into Christian doctrines.


The Council of Nicaea in Turkey in 325 AD was about the finalisation and agreement on these reconfigured Egyptian religious concepts, doctrines and laws to produce the new religion - Christianity. This new religion was officially made state religion by Emperor Constantine in 333 AD and he instructed that all conquered nations must be forced to accept Christianity and host the cross (crucifix) as a symbol of conquest.


Consequences of Christianity on Africans

My main aim here is to present to you the impact of Christianity on Africans so that we as Africans can have a clear understanding of our situation in order to find pragmatic solutions to remedy our state of spiritual being. If we think we can resolve many of our spiritual and socio-economic problems without understanding the underlying reasons for our present condition, we might as well accept defeat.

Introduction of Christianity in African society negatively affected us in three ways; Socially, Psychologically and Economically.



The destruction of social order, value system, marriage institution the relationship between individuals in society. exp

Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” (Mark 7:13)



The spiritual void creates mental and emotional instability and other psychological related abnormalities. Who are we talking to if we are not talking to our ancestors, a channel of communication given to us by the Creator to communicate with Him/her? 

Our understanding of death as opposed to what Christianity tells us.


“…the literal and ignorant acceptance of the Judeo-Christian sacred text, what they call the “Bible”, as absolute and it is now forced to be used as a point of departure in all South African affairs. By so doing African participants are manoeuvred to move from the unknown (Jewish history) to the known (African way of life) and that approach result into mental disorder which is called a ‘Spiritual Displacement Mental Psychosis (SDMP) differing in the levels of contamination.”[19]


Christianity is a learnt foreign religion that can be unlearnt at any time.



One of the reasons African people continue to suffer today is because they still worship the “God” that was assigned to them by their former slave masters and conquerors. Christianity went hand in hand with the colonial disposition of Africans from their lands. ‘Here we had religion and robbery the allies of each other’ In this relationship Christianity is seen as a partner that provides loyal, obedient and civilised labour force that is willing to work for a wage.  

When Africans were converted into Christianity, they had to get rid of their traditional dresses and dress in European cloths. This meant they had to find money to sustain this new way of life, where do you think they will find money if their economic system was never based on the monetary system (paper or coins) but on real product exchange

The culture of consumerism we see today was long planted by our colonisers in the 1800’s. The replacement of African way of life by European lifestyle creates a demand for western goods; hence we are still consumers of everything made in the West and the East of late. It’s not our dress codes, food, technologies, that is in demand, it’s that of the western civilisations. We have been reduced to just a nation of consumers with no appetite to invent or manufacture anything

Over 400 years of Christianity has done nothing substantial for the development and advancement of the Africans. For centuries our people’s energy were used to serve the white man interest and worshiping his “God”. Till today our people are still spending valuable time worshiping the white man’s “God” instead of using all those valuable hours and resources to develop themselves. Are we so hopeless that we think that only “God” will extricate us from this state of desperation?



It is scary to know that the very foundation of our society is based on lies and deceit that are perpetuated by religious institutions led by Christianity. The moment you open your eyes you will see a religious institution that preys on human fear of the unknown, desire to escape the socio- economic hardship created by the system and desire for hope which they readily sell to people. You see, the psychology of Christianity is that once you are consumed by it, it becomes very difficult to separate between truth and deceit, especially for those with spiritual void or are under the hammer of the cruel capitalistic system, who happens to be both black and the poor in South Africa.

What I have observed in the black community is that Christianity has become the opium to dampen the pains of life just like drugs are to a drug addict. Basically Christianity and other organised religions provide intangible emotional solace for those at the receiving end of men’s created distorted social order. The fact that drugs make a drug addict to feel good during a fix, does not make the drug good. The false feeling of hope that Christianity creates, does not absolve it from the massive destruction it is causing to our way of life and value system (Ubuntu) that is supposed to be the glue to hold our communities together.

Christianity causes our people to ignore all the negative damage it caused on its arrival which our forefathers tried to repel from our lands but were defeated. Look where we are now, social and moral decay is at its peak in a country that is claimed to be more than 80% Christian.

You then ask yourself what is the purpose of this religion if moral decay is in the increase in a country that it claims to be in overwhelming majority? Obviously the pleasure of hope it creates is the only form of escapism from the social ills and personal hardships created by the white man’s social order. Just like the negative effects of drugs to the drug addict, the pleasure created by the fix of hope becomes an irresistible feel good state of mind.

So why am I telling you all this? Well firstly let me be clear that my target audience is my African brothers and sisters and those who seek the truth about this faith that is being forced on them. To my Africans I am saying to you, come back home; your original understanding of creation and the Creator has more substance than what you have been sold in the form of Christianity and Islam or any other foreign religion.  Christianity has nothing that African way of life does not already have and more, the Bible has nothing extraordinary to offer than what we already know about the existence of the Supreme Being (uMvelinqangi or uQamata) , peaceful living with fellow human beings and good moral values. To me Christianity and its Bible is nothing but a bad reminder of how our resources and intellectual wealth were plundered in the name of”God”.






List of References


Browder. A.T, Nile Valley Contribution to Civilisation,194)

BBC, ‘What the world thinks of God’, Survey February 2004, www.bbc.co.uk

Holy Bible, King James Version 1 Corinthians 15:14

M.Ballard, (2008:175)

Dr N.Mndende, (2010:02)

Baird. Vanessa. “In the name of God” an article on New Internationalist magazine of August 2004, pp9

Holy Bible, King James Version, Exodus 15:3

Blue Books on Native Affairs 1880: Special Project: Missionary Settlement in Southern Africa 1800–1925”



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September 2 2013 1 02 /09 /September /2013 11:16

From time to time I am frequently asked certain questions about what I do, who I am and how I use my gift. This is one of those articles where I attempt to answer these questions with the hope that someone out there will relate, find meaning or find an answer to their own problem at hand. Pls enjoy the read


Please explain to us exactly what it is you do and what you work with (eg. Bones, prayer, water  etc.)

A: As a spiritual medium I help people connect with their guardian angels or ancestors in their lives. As a medium ancestors or the powers use my body to communicate with my subjects. I communicate their feelings and emotions which in turn explain the problems my subjects are experiencing in their lives.


I do not use the bones or water to do a reading.


It’s a matter of presenting my body and then the spirits use me as a medium.


I use natural soils for cleansing after each and every reading. 


I also use incense to burn when doing my readings/ consultations




Please take us through the whole process of becoming a traditional healer

Is it known from birth if you are destined to become a healer? If yes, how?

Symptoms experienced that indicate that one should become a healer

How long the process of becoming a healer is


A: My process of becoming a healer was not the same as the normal one where a person goes through some form of a training called “ukuthwasa” because my ancestors refused for me to do this.

As a result my ancestors trained me themselves through dreams and visions.

-I did not know from birth that I had a gift to heal people . Even people who did a reading for me failed to see that I was going to grow p to become a spiritual healer.



What made you accept the ‘calling’ to heal?

A:  For me accepting the calling was a mixture of two things, firstly I had problems in my life as my professional life was being disturbed by my ancestors who wanted me to take the route of traditional healing and also I was fascinated and excited at entering a new world of spiritual healing which would teach me things of the spiritual world and the unknown.


I also accepted the calling because there is no better feeling that doing something that makes a difference in another person’s life. It gives me great fulfillment to see people live their lives to their fullest and at peace after  doing their ancestral rituals.


I believe that most people take up healing because they don’t have a choice, not because they wake up one day and decide they would like to be traditional/ spiritual healers.


It was not  hard for me to accept because I had been taught about the existence of ancestors from childhood, so I took and accepted almost naturally. 



Tell us a little about your ancestral guides;  what areas they assist you in, how you communicate, their likes and dislikes, and any limitations to the foods you eat or clothes you wear as influenced by them.

A:  My ancestors are a trio of a female great grandmother from my father’s side, my great grandfather also from my father’s side and my brother who was still born ( he comes two years after me)

Somehow my great grandfather is the leader even though he is not the one who had healing powers. This is because he claims he was a leader/ chief of his clan way back in Mozambique.


My great grandmother takes second place even though she comes with a gift simply because she came to marry into my dad’s family and she follows the chief’s instructions.


My brother comes as a facilitator and the one who is more active in helping me because he feels he is younger than the other two thus can be sent by the elders in carrying instructions.


My guides communicate with me by occupying my space/ body and then bring with the messages through emotions and feelings. Sometimes they use the powers of memory to create a picture in my mind or a scenario.


Their likes and dislikes:

My great grandfather as a leader likes to take the lead and does like to take instructions from anyone at times, which is the reason why they prefer that I work for myself and be self- employed because he cannot handle me having  a boss to report to now and again.

He likes to take charge of a situation.

He understands people from all walks of life because he claims that he use to lead a whole lot of people in different life situations and scenarios, so he understands how to lead and be fair to a lot of people.

He dislikes people who come into my life and act like they want to control me.

He likes people who are sympathetic, empathetic and patient with others.

He doesn’t like arrogant people who are too full of themselves.

He doesn’t judge people and he respects those who respect him, as such.


My great grandmother is a loving and caring woman who is warm- hearted and very lady-like.

She likes beautiful and neat things in life.

She likes progress and fairness in everything she does.

She is very cool, calm and collected.

She doesn’t like people who look down upon others or who thing they are better than others.


My brother is a very caring soul who cares for everybody and doesn’t like to see people suffer.

He believes in family and friendship and can be naïve at times such that he gives everyone a long rope to hang themselves before he loses his temper.

He is such a sweetheart. I love him so much!

He is quick thinking and kind.



My guides are with me all the time, so they guide and protect me and they lead me in my daily life.  If there is something that they don’t like, they come forth and make me burp or make me feel uneasy instantly.

They all prefer that I wear pants especially when I do my readings because of the nature of my work and I have been wearing pants for the most part of my life not knowing that it was something that is deeper than my practical understanding.

My guides do not particularly like me to use a phone when talking to people especially those who have problems in their lives and they want to book an appointment with me because it end to pick up on their negative energy almost immediately and this make me uneasy. I only us e the phone to close family members and friends.


I have a problem at times to attends functions with too many people, especially people with negative energies around them or people who use bad muti or do not believe in cleansing and healing their spirits.


I do not have any particular food limitations except for the foods that they like e.g red wine which I have to keep in my prayer form time to time and this does not mean that I have necessarily drink it. I also offer a sponge cake with dates for my great grandmother.

Other than that, I do not have any other limitations.




Is it possible for a traditional healer to be guided by the spirit of baby/child? Tell us a little about the influences that the different age groups of ancestral guides could possibly have on one’s personality/ character


A: Yes, it is possible as you can see in my case. (see above answer)

This baby child needs to be accepted, acknowledged and honored first before it can grow and help you properly in your work as a healer. Otherwise this spirit remains young, naïve and unable to bring healing to your subjects. It brings nothing but tears and unclear directions.

Once this spirit has been accepted and recognized, it grows and comes to you to tell you that it has grown to be your own age and can do some work for you.

The problem is if such a spirit does not grow, it holds you back and everything seems to standstill in your life. If it does help, it only does minor things which are only important to children of his/her own age group while you as a healer you grow and your needs change.


Your personality is also affected because you fail to operate as an adult in the adult world. Even people around you do not take you seriously as they brush you off most of the time and leave you behind especial in serious adult-like issues of life.

As a healer, your work as a spiritual healer does not grow and you feel like you are stuck in one place where you do not gain spiritual freedom and growth in this field.





It has been believed, in some cases, that if the traditional healer’s dominant guides are of the opposite sex, then this could have an effect on the spiritual medium’s intimate relationships (eg. Homosexuality or bisexuality). How does this happen? And is it completely spiritual or is it a chosen identity?


A:  The spiritual guide of an opposite sex can only bring with them qualities of that opposite sex but it doesn’t necessarily cause homosexuality, as such .


In intimate relationships it only shows in the fact that the only people who feel attracted toward you( and who would have possible lasting relationships with you) would be people with guides of the opposite sex themselves. Meaning if a woman has a male prominent guide as in my case, my male partners who have good relations with me are male people who are led by female guides. ( and vice versa in other cases)


So it does not mean that if a woman has a male prominent guide then they are automatically homosexuals.


In my experience, homosexuality has been a result of unrecognized ancestors or unacknowledged gifts.

I have done readings to a couple of gays and lesbians and most of them have had guides whom we may say they are appropriate but simply because they had been ignored for so long they then change them to homosexuality. A case of a male person who has a male guide who because of being ignored has decided to lower his voice and speak like a woman, is a very common cause of this condition in my experience.

Even a female person who has female guides can become lesbian simply because her guides are so tired that they even forget how to be female so they take a back seat and allow this person to be attracted to another females in real life.  Most lesbians I have done readings with have come up with guides who claim to be so tired that they don’t even know how to be female anymore. They don’t even care what happens to them such that they become submissive or victims.  And I think this is the reason why you find that females who are gays/lesbians get raped because their guides have let their guards down to such an extent that they don’t care what happens to them or who does what to them.


Lastly, I do not believe homosexuality is a chose path in life, it comes from within. We are all who we are because of the kind of guides who lead us, because of their energy of circumstances.




Christians often attribute spiritual work as work of the devil and something to be shunned as seen in Bible verses, such as Deuteronomy 18: 9-12. How would you respond to this?


A:  Lol!

I do not know the bible very well but I know that christains like to label this wok as devilish.


I strongly disagree .


I think people use the Bible to label what they see in the world but they do not look at the origin or the reason and motive of such accusations.

Christains are afraid that if people revert to spirituality they will stop going to church and then the money will stop coming into the church, thus they label this work as devilish. They ignore the fact that people do ancestral rituals to solve problems in their lives which the church cannot solve.  People go to church to worship not to be healed as such and if people can realize that there is no need to go to church then the church will lose revenue. Spirituality when done correctly seeks to empower from within and helps people to deal with their daily life problems and life mysteries thus helping people to prosper in all spheres of life. It helps people to be more balanced in life and be rooted / grounded in their own ethnical beliefs.

Going to church alone does not not solve all spiritual or ancestral problems but doing ancestral rituals solves all problems and cancels out the need to cling to any form of religion but ethnical or native as such.


There is nothing devilish about doing ancestral rituals because we cleanse the spirits and set them free so that they can guide and protect us accordingly. When this is done the correct way without any usage of bad energy/ muti or negative energy, it works wonders to those who believe and follow suit.


I do not like to quote the bilbe or even argue with people who come to me with that argument because I believe the bilbe was written about the lives of people who lived this earth just like you and  I  . The bible is based on the history of people who lived before us, how they lived their lives, how they made decisions, right or wrong and what those decisions led to.


 To me the bible is like the internet of today where people put up their status update and life experiences. It is then up the reader as to how they interpret or choose to learn from it.


If a person comes to me with an argument from the bible, I simply tell them to believe in the bible if it works for them and let those who believe in ancestors to do their own thing because it works for them. At the end of the day we should want what good for human kind no matter what it is, just  as long as it helps another fellow human being, especially Africans( considering our” übuntu”)


People have come to me before trying to criticize what I do and my response has always been that, all the religions of this world were at some stage invented by man, so I see no reason why I should follow a religion rather than a direct path that connects us human to the source/ creator or whoever you want to call it, that which is above us all, which was here before and will be here after we have departed this world.

I also feel that people who do ancestral rituals to solve problems in their lives and they do it in a very clean/pure manner they should be left alone because the power of the soul does not judge, so people should stop judging one another. The soul has no right or wrong, it only knows its purpose which is to reach for the highest level of power…that which is LOVE. So what is so wrong about that?



What is the importance of what you do in today’s world and do you do this work with economic gain in mind? If not, why?


A: What I do is very important to those people who believe in it and they have ancestral problems. People come to me because they have unanswered questions or problems in their lives and once they have appease their spirits or ancestors, they live harmonious lives and at peace.

It is very important to understand that we are all energy beings who need to know and understand the type of energy that surrounds us at all times, so that we can make sense of daily life problems and puzzles. This energy can affect the mind, body and soul of a human being if it is neglected which is why it is important to help and teach people about these powers.

Hence I created my blog www.edloziniover-blog.com where I teach and empower people about these powers. Most people find meaning in this blog, they relate to my life experiences and those with major problems go on to call me on 0746240970 and make a booking to come for a reading in my prayer place.

There was a time when I did this work for free because I strongly believe that it is a gift from above that no one can never claim to own but at some level we all need to make a living.  And people of today are not honest enough to come back and thank you or give you something to honoured  your powers once they are happy with their lives.

So, as a result I was forced to set up a fee to do my work because we are living in the world that is ruled my money and I also have needs in this world.

I have also learnt that people do not take you seriously until you charge them for your services and this very unfortunate.

So at the end of the day, time is money in this world that we live in, I also have expenses, so I cannot carry on as if I do not expect to be paid for my time. J

You always emphasize reading as an important aspect of your life, why is this the case?

A: I love reading because it teaches me a lot about this world we live, about the people I deal with on a daily basis and mostly about life and its mysteries. What you don’t know is a mystery until you read about it in a book and realize that someone else has thought of it already, talked about it already and even wrote a book about it already…

Reading enrichers’ ones mind and it helps to broaden one’s knowledge in any given subject.  

For me it was essential that I take up reading in order to learn more about the powers because I was not sent to any form of formal training for the work that I do.

Since I have taken up reading as a full time hobby, I have learnt that it helps a lot in being more tolerant and understanding to other people because you get a broader perspective of human behaviour.

My favourite subjects to read about are anthropology, spirituality and history.

Anthropology has taught me a lot about human behaviour when it comes to cultures, norms and societies. As human beings we use our circumstances to define life before us at that moment in time thus bringing about the kind of evolution that determine out future. Hence the saying “our choices determine our future” .

 I have also learnt from spirituality that we all posse a certain aspect within each and every one of us which is part of the human soul that prompts us to behave in a certain way at certain stages of our lives and through evolution of humankind. We all are reaching for a higher purpose in this world, which is to attain authentic power of LOVE.

 History has taught me that all human beings are the same no matter where in the world we come from. Our circumstances may be different but at some stage we come together as a collective union as we develop as a species naturally and / or psychologically.   Science has also played an important role in the evolution of mankind even though in the past, it has been shunned upon because it seems to contradict ulterior motives of those who want to rule the world through politics.

In the past people use to live their lives with the guidance of diviners who would communicate with the Gods and bring messages from the higher source but at some stage this changed as the world evolved.  People started making their own rules to be followed thus side stepping the diviners. Propaganda was instigated against the diviners at some stage in the history of mankind. This is the reason why people even today are unsure of where they stand when it comes to spiritual healing, religion and politics.


My favourite authors are Paulo Coelho, Dan Bown, Credo Muthwa, Neale Donald Walsh. 

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July 2 2013 2 02 /07 /July /2013 18:16

 We live in a world that is diversified in so may ways-more than you can imagine but we fail to see that, at the end of the day, we all are just ONE. We are diversified in so many ways, from our belief systems, our cultural backgrounds, our upbringings and not to mention colour of our skins. But all this does not mean that we cannot live together and accept one another as ONE.

At the end of the day we are all just human beings.

Whether you believe in the theory of creation or that of evolution, it really doesn’t matter because we all have something in common…LOVE! Love is the ultimate most authentic form of energy that affects us all in the same way. There is only ONE LOVE. Love is the highest most evolved form of energy that only the most enlightened people can understand. Love accepts, does not reject, it does not judge nor it fears. The only way we can live together in peace, accepts one another in this world is if we can stop judging one another and start to accept others as they are because we all have a purpose to be here on earth. Let us help one another to grow in their own way and evolve as their journey takes them without judging and hating them.

We are all on a journey to find our purpose, to fulfil that purpose and return back to our source in a most evolved state. It doesn’t really matter how we live or evolve while we are here on earth because each and every one of us has a purpose to be here and be who we are. What matters is how we react to the experiences of this life. When we begin to judge and reject others we refuse to accept our paths here on earth as they are. That tempers with the way we evolve as a human species. Other people, their attitudes towards us and what they do contribute to our own evolutionary experiences here on earth.

The choices we make while we live on this earth not only affect us during this lifetime but they also affect other generations to come. We all have a free will to make choices but we have to be well informed about the consequences of such choices in order to reap favourable results from them, not only for us but for our children and other generations to come.

At the moment we all seem to know how others should live their lives and the way they should conduct themselves but few us live by example. We are also so focussed on converting others to choose our way of living such that we reject them if they choose something different. We fail to see that all roads lead to finding authentic LOVE and LOVE accepts us all as we are. That is the reason why you find some religions use the words like “we are all the same in the eyes a creator” This is because love is at the core of our existence. Love accepts, does not judge. It is universal and is the highest form of energy. It is free! Edlozini we say “set your spirits free”- meaning “let it be” whatever your path in life call for… When you live your life bearing in mind that we all must achieve authentic love in the end, you tend to live a peaceful life that is in line with your sole purpose. I am praying for the day when people of this world will learn to accept one another no matter what religion colour or creed they belong to. I am praying for the day when people of this world will stop trying to convert one another before they accept them as their fellow human beings. I am praying for the day when our people in this world will start to practice what they preach and stop being hypocrites who delude others for the sake of their personal gain. I am praying for the day when people of this world will encourage others to do what they believe as long as it works for them for the betterment of the human race - Not a few people or a certain group.

Nowadays we find people openly discouraging others to consult with spiritual healers just because they think it’s wrong to do so. My question is who are we to judge and control others? People go and consult with healers because they have problems that they believe spiritual healers can help them with. When you begin to judge and ridicule these people you are simply acting as a judge and jury for others and the way they should live their lives.

Nobody goes and do ancestral rituals because it is fun to do so or they just enjoy it per se. People are forced by spiritual problems which strike while they are busy with their lives to go and consult. And if doing so helps them to ease their problems and get their lives back in line who are we to judge them? If we are to judge them then maybe we must first have our facts in order before we do so. People have openly and tried to ridicule me when I do my interviews on radio regarding spiritual matters. It puzzles me though that they use the bible as the basis of their argument. I then ask them; how can they judge me based on a book that was written over a period of thousands of years, when I am merely trying to help people who are faced with real life problems at hand. People who come to me come here out of their own free will and they understand spirituality and ancestors as part of their life.

So who are they to judge people who are solving today’s problems using practical/ relevant solutions of today? People need to understand that spirituality is at the core of our existence and it will continue to be so until we realize that we are wasting time with this negative energy of judging others. Spirituality is something which cannot be seen and in some cases cannot even be heard. At the most it can only be felt. It is within each and every one of us because it was here before our physical existence, it is here now within us and will still be here when our bodies have perished because the soul is timeless. (check: Trinity Mind Body and Soul article) Spirituality is at the core of all forms of life weather you think you were created or are a result of evolution.

Spirituality is the Nothingness from which came about the matter that will one day perish- but spirituality remains because the soul travels in space and time. Before you are born, you are Nothing but a thought, then an intention, from an intuition and then you become matter only after you are conceived. If history really repeats itself, I can bet you that one day scientists will find out just how did the matter that which we call earth / our universes came about from Nothingness ( but let us not worry ourselves about that for now because it is not for our lifetime to maybe comprehend now)

There are so many things that were invented by human beings here on earth religion being one of them, not to mention language, education systems, subjects e.g. science, history, politics, mechanics, electronics etc. Have you ever wondered how some people just come about and invent things as if they have lived this life before while others are overwhelmed by such discoveries and they follow their leaders in such discoveries? That is because the soul evolves and has been doing so since the beginning of time. Each time it evolves it grows as it learns from one life time to the other. The changes take millions and millions of years that it is impossible for anyone to realize them in one lifetime. The soul has been the source of life and has managed to produce living organisms because our planet earth is the most favourable for life to thrive in our universe. With the help of the moon which helps to balance and keep our earth on its axis we are able to use the sun so that life can go on living and then we evolve as time passes by here on earth.

Before we start to judge people for what they do and what they believe in we must understand that life is a mystery that each and every one of us is trying to master the best we can, so there is no need to try and play God to others as we are all on a mission to find ourselves in this big mystery of life. How about we support and LOVE one another in whichever way we live. How about we accept one another no matter what religion they belong to?

Our African brothers and sisters were doing fine before we were introduced to Religion. We had our own polytheism going on and it worked well for us. The minute we adopted the monotheism all system fell apart. We began to have unruly kids, generation gaps and the communities are in chaos as the whole society fabric is falling apart.

There is nothing wrong with doing your ancestral rituals and praying to your ancestors so that they can pass on your messages to your God. Just as long as you practice rituals which are motivated by nothing but LOVE and praying to set your spirits free all the time. LOVE does not oppress one another or does it dictate or play God to others. We are human beings, who have evolved to a stage where we know the difference between that which is right and wrong, - this brings about the concept of free will. So, why can’t we use this free will to motivate ourselves with nothing but LOVE when we do all our ancestral rituals.

Do our prayers and channel them to God/ Source/Universe whichever we believe in as long as it work for us. Why can’t we LOVE and support one another in everything that we do as long as it is for the betterment of us all. When you help a person you are helping yourself in return.

In all my years of practicing as a spiritual medium I have realized that the people who criticize the most are those who call themselves Christians and yet they don’t even follow true Christian doctrines because some of them are the one who come and consult, at the end of the day when they encounter problems in their lives.

People who do their ancestral rituals have no problems doing it openly and going to church at the same time. So, why can’t we live together in truth, just for once?

“Why this controlling, judging and name-calling?

Let us understand that we are here on earth for one purpose only, and that is to attain the highest form of energy which is LOVE.

So, whatever you do in this life must be motivated by nothing but LOVE. LOVE for one another for the betterment of all of us, because we all are ONE!

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June 20 2013 4 20 /06 /June /2013 11:51

My journey as a spiritual medium has been very difficult, simply because we live in the world that has fundamental rules about one’s religion even though we claim to be a free generation…

At first I thought it was going to be easy because in South Africa a vast number of people consult with spiritual healers when they encounter problems in their lives, but in reality these people do not come out in the open and admit to this fact because at the same time we are also a so - called Christian country, so this tends to contradict the values of a true Christian.On the other hand we are, also said to be a secular state but the people at grass roots level have no idea where they really belong.

When I started out helping people with their problems I sensed that Christians who came to me for help were unwilling to come out in the open and admit that they consult or connect with their ancestors. I then had another negative reaction from the hard-core/ old school type of healers because I was bringing a new way of dealing with spiritual/ ancestral matters, and as we all know that change is never an easy thing for people to accept or adapt to.

A lot of Christians come to me when their lives are deadlocked and I help them to communicate with their spirits, do ancestral rituals and to solve such problems. I also help even the born again Christians who are so desperate for help that they have no other choice but to come and consult. All these people do see a change in their lives but they do not tell others where they received the healing from. I bet most of them even lie and say it was the power of prayer that was answered. I never use to worry much about this at first but as time went on, I started asking myself as to what it was that I was doing that made people so ashamed to admit that they were consulting with me.

I then educated myself more on religion and spirituality. I discovered that religions of this world were created by mankind at some stage in our evolutionary process as a human species, and they were invented for a certain purpose amongst which are to make sense to the unanswered questions about the purpose of life, to either manage or control growing masses of the population of mankind, or they were a result of a natural selection in the psychological development of human consciousness as we evolved as human beings etc.

The reasons why we have religions in this world are endless and have many categories hence we have a lot of religions, some are very big and successful whilst others didn’t even see the light of day so to speak. Changes in the world occur to the human race almost simultaneously no matter where we are, but we fail to see this phenomenon because each one of us is so concerned with our own lives and our own problems/challenges that we tend to be carried away and then be deceived so easily even when common sense could have just saved us. In my opinion religions are based on people who lived this earth ages ago, according to how they lived their lives, made decisions and how those decisions changed their lives for the better or worse. Each religion is invented based around a certain figure that lived during a certain time/period or around traditions that were followed at that time. With each religion people find a way to feel like they are a part of a society or have a sense of belonging. People get comfort from knowing that they belong to a group that is sympathetic to their daily troubles and is forever trying to give them comfort no matter what situation they are faced with in life. As human beings we have a need to want to belong and be needed or to feel like there is a purpose or reason for our existence. We want to know that everything happens for a reason and religions give us that comfort zone to be able to face up with life experiences be it good or bad. I have learnt that religions grew concurrently with languages even though religions existed before the languages. Religions were spread by language and are now more effective in their growth because it is easier than before to spread the word and keep record.

We have Abrahamic religions which are the Judaism, Christianity, Islamic etc. We also have Indian religions which originated in the greater India which include Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism etc. There are also African diasporic religions (dispersing of Jews beyond 6th century and later) apparently these resulted from Atlantic trade slave and have African origins in them. Then we get Indigenous ethnic religions, formerly found on every continent now marginalized by faith but persisting as undercurrents of folk religion. These include traditional African religions. We also find religions of Iranian origin namely Zoroastrianism, Yazdânism, Ahl-e Haqq and historical traditions of Gnosticism (Mandaeism). And lastly, we find new religious movement which is the term applied to any religious faith which has emerged since the 19th century. A lot of new religious movements have emerged over the years under which fall even the Rastafarian and a lot of other Japanese and Korean movement religions. However there are also other religions like scientology, Satanism etc. which fall under medium sized world religions.


This information alone really opened my eyes in terms of understanding just how complicated this concept of religions of the world is. Some people are very closed minded when it comes to their religions, they fail to see that some African countries took a certain religion simply because that religion belonged to their colonizers. This brings me back to the point that, as an African, I believe that we as Africans had our own ways and means of communicating with the divine powers long before we were “discovered “or colonized. When our colonizers came to our country, they discredited our own ways of communicating with the divine powers and then we were forced to follow their religion, which in this case is Christianity here in South Africa. Christainity came with a concept of monotheism and then our people became lost because they still feel the need to communicate to the divine powers through our ancestors but this was discredited and that is where we lost the plot. Nonetheless people continue to do both but they will not admit it publicly because they somehow feel ashamed to come out in the open about this. Our people believe that they are christains and yet they don’t even understand what Christianity means or when it started and how.


I have learnt that Christianity was introduced formally in Rome by Constantine Constantine had a revelation or a vision where he was told that he could only win the battle under the protection of Christian God. After he had won that battle at the Milvian bridge, he endorsed Christianity in Rome. The roman empire was falling apart at that time because it had been predominantly under pagan religion and Christianity was on a rise. However Constantine was not baptised as a Christian until at his death bed in 337 AD thus becoming the first Roman emperor to be converted to Christianity. Constantine commissioned the council of Niccea which took place in Turkey 325AD to discuss and come up with a Christian doctrine which included the relationship of Christ to the father-God, christ’s divinity and the certain Christian dates. This council debated on a number of subjects which included accepting and rejecting gospels. I believe that it this council also which agreed on the monotheism that was going to change the polytheism that existed in Rome prior to this meeting. However Constantine is believed to have allowed the Romans to continue worshipping and putting up statures of the God- sun which was of the Pagan religion even though he was endorsing Christianity at the same time.

At the moment in South Africa we are in a situation where some of the Christians will voice out their concerns about polytheism and will even lash out verbal and negative comment to those who practice it but when they have serious/ spiritual problems they do not think twice about consulting with traditional healers. If more than 70% of our people consult with spiritual healers this automatically proves that people here practice polytheism.


Personally I do not have a problem with what people do because it is their own personal choice and their lives. I, however, have a problem when people become hypocrites who do not practice what they preach and they do all that is against what they claim to stand for.

Our people should learn to celebrate their spirituality and their African traditions as they please because this is the only way that connects us to our roots. It revives our spirits and brings us closer to the source. Religions of the world will come and go. They will evolve as time goes by and they will even change or adapt to modern trends but spirituality will always link us to one thing which is our source/ the soul source/ the purpose of life.


Sources of information… Free Encyclopaedia, Google any reliable sites, read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins (scientist) and also The seat of the soul by Gary Zukav.

Last but not least (not by a long shot) listen to your inner self, we all do, everybody must!!!!

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May 2 2013 4 02 /05 /May /2013 12:05




To formally accept a calling is to do ukuvuma ceremony which allows for the purpose of ones soul to be fulfilled. To fulfil the purpose of the soul is to allow the powers within you to flourish freely and lead you through in order to bring back a balance into our lives that we all long for.

People who have a calling or have an old soul need to do this ceremony so that they can have peace and harmony in their lives. These kinds of souls needs to be accepted formally and be re integrated into our modern day life so that they can continue to guide and protect us in a world that has much evolved since the last time they were here.

Planetary changes have made us more sensitive to these spiritual powers, hence we see now more than ever before, more people who have problems of the soul. These can be problems of people with a calling or gift or people who have what it called an old soul. The soul travels from a non-physical state before birth into a physical world during our lives here on earth and back to the non-physical state when we die and go back to the source.

Conscious evolvement and choices that we make determine our evolvement.  We are now more aware of the powers that affect our lives and have a chance to correct the bad choices of the past -and not saying that they were wrong so to speak.

Energy of the soul thrives on nothing but LOVE. It does not judge. It knows no wrong or right. It seats at the heart centre, which is why we love with our hearts. And love controls us hence we have crimes of passion. When passion overcomes you, it clouds or overpowers your judgement. This is simply because the soul knows not how to judge. It renders you powerless and unable to decide clearly and freely. The power of the soul is the ultimate one which is above all powers. Love is the highest form of energy. Love is the greatest form of energy and is the greatest level of power. It is the authentic power at its best. It controls and confuses many of us who still don’t understand what it really is. An old soul has been here before and it is very old.  It comes with genius knowledge of the past and the power of the soul. It comes with expertise from the past and is ready to take human species to the next level and even higher form of evolvement. An old soul is powerful possessive of its host and ever so passionate and yet it does not judge. We need to learn to let it flow from within. So that we do not cloud it with material or earth bound tendencies of this physical world. In other words we need to learn to allow it to be and let it flow through ourselves because it comes from nothing but love which directs us back to the source in our mostly evolved nature, and having attained the utmost evolvement or purpose for lives.

No one can resist love when it hits… No one can ignore the feelings forever. But what we need to learn now, is to separate the myth from the truth by listening to our inner powers from the heart. We need to understand that the intentions of the soul are and not cloud them with our own physical judgement based on the rules and or limitations of our physical world.

Ukuvuma lets your the soul to flow through freely bringing with it eternal wisdom, its mortality and authentic love.

We vuma idlozi(accept the powers/ancestral guides) so that an old soul can get used to the modern day life we live in our time. So that it can familiarise itself with the changes that have taken place since the last time it was here and also to allow it to use us in the successful evolvement of human species. Anyone with an old soul can never use its powers or its wisdom without the proper ukuvuma acceptance ritual or acknowledgement of its powers.

The soul is possessive of its host and so powerful, so it needs one to fully understand that it is in control before one can reap from its wisdom. It needs one to fully understand and accept its presence in one’s life before one starts to reap from its powers. When one accepts and understand what the soul wants one can live in peace knowing that the divine powers are in control, leading and guiding their lives accordingly. It is at this stage that one fully understands the connection between Love and faith, Love and passion and Love and  being Non-judgemental.

Ukuvuma allows  an old soul to thrive in you bringing with it eternal wisdom to help you live your life in peace. Have you ever wondered why so many people who have problems in love and relationships in general are required to do ukuvuma ceremony? This is not to become a healer so to speak but it is done so that one can get access to the purpose of their soul. It is done so that one can be able to understand their souls” eagerness to evolve successfully and attain authentic power of Love…

Once the key to these powers has been unlocked, only then can a person begin to see clearly through the illusions of this world and attain that fulfilling relationship or love they have been missing in their lives.

In this life we have been accustomed to being told what to do and what not to do. We have also been taught how to do things but at the same time we are told to refrain from doing them. The only thing that has never been emphasized in the past in the WHEN to do these things. All we know is the NOT to this and that, but the WHEN is left hanging… Now is the time to start using all the knowledge we have learnt about how to do things and put it to good use by doing all that we can NOW and not later. Now is the WHEN we have been missing in our dialogue…It is about time we stared to put all the knowledge we have learnt to good use. We need to use that knowledge and start doing, in order to see the results of what has been learnt in the past. May be this is the reason why the soul is more possessive now more than ever before. May be this is as a result of the planetary changes coupled with collective conscious evolvement of human kind. The conscious evolvement of human species has allowed us to choose wisely because we still do have a free will when making decisions.

It is about time that we take all that our souls have learnt in the past and collectively use it to our advantage in order to correct the mistakes of the past. Remember these are mere mistakes and not the wrongs…as they were mistaken for the truth when in actual fact they were just illusions of this world which needed clear and open minded people to see through them and be very objective when making decisions. These mistakes have come back to haunt us a human species because we are the only soul-collective that is highly evolved here on the planet earth.  So now, is the right time to use the knowledge learnt form the past for the betterment of others because now more than ever before we are more evolved and can see through the illusions of this world.

When we begin to use this wisdom and use it wisely, we begin to help and empower one another without any judgement of our past mistakes because now more than ever before we understand that Love does not judge. We also understand that Love is the highest form of energy and it is the greatest of all…

We can never begin to see through the illusions of this world unless we acknowledge the power from within, unless we unleash our powers that lie deep inside our souls, unless we formally accept them and let them come to play in our lives. We do this by ukuvuma idlozi and allow it to lead us because we are that of an old soul which was here before, here now and will come back again and again in the future. We are the past, the presence and the future. Trinity is everywhere in this life. It is at the core of spirituality, at the deepest corners of the heart where greatest passion is found. Passion that is so powerful, it clouds human judgement.

Have you ever wondered why a person can fall in love with someone that everybody else cannot stand? A human being can turn their backs against their family to be with someone that none of their family member wants. This is the power of Love. This is why we say that people “fall hopelessly and helplessly in love. A person can be with another who abuses them, but they stay and remain trapped by amongst other things the power of love which in this case is clouded by earth-bound illusions. There is always a lesson to be learnt in these cases. This lesson is an experience which is necessary for the journey of the soul so that it returns back to the source in its purest form.

When we fail to align our lives properly through balancing of the mind body and soul we do injustice to the journey of the soul. We have done these mistakes in the past and have ended up with a lot of distorted personalities. These have resulted in the breakdown of the family structures, and relationships, in general, hence we have such distorted societies in our world.

We have interfered with the divine powers and mistaken the free will through manipulation of the systems of this world In order to control one another. We have done this by making rules and regulations that not only control and oppress others but also interfere with their spiritual growth, which is a birth-right of each and every human being.

It is high time we went back to the drawing board and started to see everything with nothing but LOVE in our hearts.  LOVE for everything that we experience. LOVE towards one another. But most importantly LOVE for the human experience- because its purpose is for the journey of the soul. When we ignore the journey of the soul in our daily lives, we ignore the utmost purpose for our existence.

So we might as well go extinct... 


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April 10 2013 3 10 /04 /April /2013 23:28

We all are... mind, body and soul.


Everywhere I look I see this trinity…

I see this trinity in me, in my mind, my body and my soul. I also see this trinity in my belief in ancestors and it exists as me, my ancestors and my God/ my Creator/the Source.

 My body represents the physical side that exists on this planet earth to act a vehicle to fulfil the purpose of my soul. My ancestors/ spirits exist as a belief that they are the spirits that came as a result of death of those who lived before me, and they are now acting as a go-between for my body and my Source/destination.

 My ancestors are the most part of my mind, as they exist in a belief system that manifest itself into a physical world if I am not consciously aware of how much they can affect my life in the physical plane. The brain has a mind which can accept  and/or reject this belief system, depending on my education on the subject, my evolvement as a human species and my empowerment in terms of growth as a human being in this world.

My God/ my Creator or the Source is the ultimate beginning and the end of life, whichever one believes in, that which was here before and will be here after…It does not really matter what one believes in or not believe in, as long as one exists on this earth one has to have some form of explanation as to how we came about to be HERE and NOW. My God may not be your God but my God is the archetype of the soul from which we come (- to and from).

I also see trinity in the mother, father and child.

This trinity is also in -1, 0, +1.

Your trinity may be the same as mine but that is also fine and WELL! For he who does not judge is on a journey to achieve the ultimate goal of the soul…(Nontobeko Toba)

The trinity in me

I am  body, mind and soul.

The trinity edlozini/ ancestors   

Myself, my ancestors/ spirits and my God/ Creator.


The trinity in me…

I know that I am mind, body and soul. My mind is powerful in that it can affect my body if I am unconscious of how it works. It is very important that I understand the power of my mind so as to control my thoughts and in turn have a conscious role to play in the way my life turns out. The role that I need to play in my life is that of aligning my physical life with its purpose which is that of my soul.

I see this trinity in me as I see it in everyone I come across in this life. I have noted though that so many people are not aware of this trinity, but I strongly believe that it exists in each and every individual on this earth. So many of us have problems in our lives because we fail to recognise this trinity in ourselves. Some people end up with split personalities simply because they refuse to follow the journey of their soul on earth. Each and every soul chooses to come back to earth and to occupy a certain body for a certain obligation or for some dues, growth, retribution, etc.

The problems we face in our lives are as a result of the lives we are living, which are so influenced by the physical world such that we tend to ignore the utmost core of our existence. Our lives are controlled so much by the physical world that we live in, to the extent that this creates an imbalance which affects us negatively and then our lives become distorted. We need to be consciously reminding ourselves each and every day of our lives that, there is a greater purpose to our existence, that of aligning our lives to the purpose of our souls.

The world that we live in has set rules which were created by other human beings who lived this earth before us. Some of these rules and obligations are learn in the home, family environment, school and the society. Most people end up with a lot of conflict in their lives because it is not easy to please everyone while you are trying to live your own life. What we tend to do is define ourselves according to what other people expect of us. We live our lives according to what is expected by society and take little time to sit back and listen to our hearts…where the power of Love comes from. They say that the heart is the seat of the soul and I agree with this a hundred percent. It is very hard to listen to your heart when you live in a world that has rules and regulations set by people who had their own ulterior motives when setting such rules. This creates a lot of conflict within our society and then we end up with distorted lives. So many people are unhappy, they feel empty inside and have no means of expressing their feelings, simply because no one is talking about this void that we feel.

When you speak your mind you get a label as being rebellious and yet when you speak your heart you are seen to be losing your mind.  This is where the aspect of alignment comes into play. One needs to be fully aware of what the heart is saying and then train your mind to control your thoughts so that your life can be in alignment.

People feel this emptiness inside and yet they have jobs, have families and are well off. Some feel inadequate at their jobs whilst there are others who would give the world to have those jobs. This is a result of distorted personalities in our  society which culminates from frustrations that are brought about by the lack of spiritual food for people.

I see this kind of distorted personalities on a daily basis in my line of work and yet it is very hard to help people until they accept that what they really need is something which they had all along, which is readily available and in abundance. People need to understand that for our society to live fulfilling lives we need to be in touch with our spiritual side. We need the food of the soul, that which can feed the hungry and empower the weak mind.

I believe that if there is God then I am a created in his image, I am just a smaller version or a splinter, an image of God waiting to recognise my true self. I also believe in the power of Love to be the greater power that can conquer all… If my mind is not aware of this I may not be able to utilize the abundance energy of Love that is available on earth in order to align my life with the greater purpose of my existence. 

Love is the energy of the soul. It is the power from the soul. It does not judge or discriminate in anyway. It seeks to set the spirits free so that the soul can reach its destiny. Edlozini, we set our ancestors free and cleanse them so that they can float freely and play an role which is advantageous to the journey of our souls. Nothing but love can set our spirits/ ancestors free. This is the reason why we do not use muti when dealing with spiritual/ancestral matters. Love conquers all… Pure LOVE, that which does not judge!


Alignment and balance

We all need to align our lives accordingly in order to achieve the harmony that we seek. In order to feel at peace and be in a position to say that… “It is well with my soul”

We all are participating in this life, in the journey of the soul… Each and every one of us is a smaller version and an image or a representative of a larger soul which is the archetype from which we come. We are all on our different paths participating in this life on a physical plane with the aim of fulfilling the purpose of each and every one of our souls in the journey to achieve the highest level of LOVE, that of realising the purpose of our souls and returning back to the source. Lessons not learnt in this lifetime can be learnt on our return, when the soul finds the conducive physical factors that can bring about such circumstances that can make it possible for us to realize those lessons and learn or evolve accordingly from the earth school.

On our visit here on earth we should be in a position to realize the lessons before us and align our lives with the purpose our souls without confusing the goal of the soul with our own physical needs. This alignment comes in handy when we are able to distinguish the illusions of the physical earth from the real life lessons intended to be learnt from life experiences.

While we align our lives with the wants of the soul we should also be able to bring about a balance amongst the body, mind and soul. These three co-exist within each and every one of us using the body as a vehicle to bring the lessons learnt into a reality or illusion of this lifetime. Balancing the three comes with the knowledge of how to better use our minds in order to channel our thoughts in a way that is conducive to the purpose of our soul without overshadowing it with the wants of our physical bodies. We achieve a balance by accepting the fact that what the soul wants may not always be what our bodies deem to be right, and yet the alignment thus achieved can bring us to a state where we really feel that our soul is really WELL.

We achieve this highest level of consciousness by realising that the soul exists in order to achieve its goal without judging but loving each and every experience that comes before us on the earth platform. Let us not allow the circumstances influenced by the earth school to affect us in such a way that we end up judging and hating life experiences, for these are nothing but learning vehicles. And in most cases, these are nothing but illusions created by a mind that is operating from the background of fear intead of LOVE.  

The soul has no right or wrong. It only knows its purpose here on planet earth. It does not judge. It thrives on nothing but LOVE. Let us keep the balance of how we react to life experiences so that we may not fall into the trap of judging life experiences by our own misconceptions of what we expect life to be. The soul has no expectations of this life. Only us humans who expect certain things or achievements from this life. The soul only knows what it wants to achieve and not what we humans want to achieve. The longer you keep your soul from achieving its purpose the more difficult you make it for your mind and body to be in alignment with your soul. When the three is in total alignment, a human being can achieve total peace from within, because no matter what happens from thereon, one can honestly feel at peace with the outcome which is derived from the main purpose of one’s life.  If one operates from the expectations of the body and knowingly neglects the messages from the soul, one tends to become greedy and unsatisfied with ones achievements because they do not satisfy the soul.

The mind can interfere with the purpose of the soul because it is affected by what we are taught in the earth school. And yet the mind can be taught to consciously evolve in order to bring about the required alignment amongst the body, the mind and the soul.  

Be consciously aware of the feelings from within that affect you on a daily basis. Determine whether such feelings come from the mind or the source itself, for the feelings from your mind as powerful as they may seem, can halt your journey in attaining the ultimate goal of peace and harmony in your life.

If we neglect to do all of this, we induce a strain of events that come from the source via the spirit to finally harm the body that we live in.  A lesson not learnt in this lifetime can be carried on to another life in another candidate or generation that may find it easy to align itself that we do.

Align your life accordingly by re- examining your spirituality to find the message that comes from the source. Keep the balance amongst the body, the mind and the soul- Your needs, your spirituality/ ancestors and your God/ Creator.

…this Trinity is universal and forever.

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February 11 2013 1 11 /02 /February /2013 11:31


The year 2012 was a year of transformation edlozini, as we saw a lot of change and adaptability to new trends and practices. We hosted a couple of functions and monthly prayer sessions which have grown from strength to strength. Highlights of 2012 was the hosting of a children’’s prayer session in February, a children’s camp in July and a couple of ukuvuma ceremonies which were held timeously during the year.

People come to edlozini to have their readings done, to cleanse their spirits and to celebrate their spirituality during umgidi functions. They also come to learn, discuss and be educated on ancestral issues during our ancestral awareness workshops.

People who come to edlozini have learnt that doing ancestral rituals is all about cleansing yourself and working for the greater good in your life while setting your spirits free. Edlozini we emphasize the usage of the power of prayer without complicating it with bad muti or magic in order to achieve the eternal peace that we all should strive for in our lives, in this life and beyond. This helps in enticing our lives in general and ensuring a clear passageway for those who have departed from this earth. It helps them to move forward on their journey without any obligations or burdens that hold them back and keep them earthbound, when they should be in fact looking forward to eternal peace.

Testimonies from people who come to edlozini have proven that we all have these powers within us, we all have a free will to accept or ignore them God willing, and we all can use these powers to improve our lives and our state of living in general. We have learnt that if these powers are not happy with our conduct in life, we will also not achieve or get what we most long for in life. People who follow their guides with faith and do only the good things to set them free in the name of Love have seen a great change in their lives and have achieved more than they could ever imagine. We have seen these powers work through people’s lives and take them to greater heights.

The most important thing in following your ancestors is to keep things simple and clean.  Keep them pure and follow in faith and things will happen in your life. Help others with Love and your ancestors will work for you in return. Stay away from bad muti, tricks and magic and your powers will do wonders for you. Be consistent and have faith that there is a greater good in doing what is right. Accept your life and your problems without blaming others and then you will achieve this peace that will fill your heart and give you a positive attitude towards life. Sooner or later other people will pick up on your positive vibes and your life will change forever…

Over the years people from all walks of life have come to edlozini with the aim of finding answers and peace in their lives. Knowing what your spiritual being is comprised of helps in dealing and coping with your daily life problems.

There was a time when we tried to open an NGO that would help people on spiritual problems but this attempt failed because people are not willing to help one another. Our aim was to organize a group of people who will be dedicated to working and helping others in order to enlighten a lot of people about the power of the spirits. We then realized that people come to edlozini only to sort out their problems and then leave. Not many people are dedicated to working and empowering others. It made us realize that people are not yet educated about the power of giving. If you give or help someone else, you are helping and giving yourself in disguise but people do not know this… Everyone comes here to sort out their own little lives and do not think about helping others on a larger scale so that the returns can also be bigger. We have decided to work from strength to strength and hope that one day people will realize that helping yourself without helping others in return is just not enough. We pray for the day when our people will learn that it is not enough just to sort out your own life but you also have to help someone else so that we can also prosper in life and see a better tomorrow for our children and future generations.

2012 in pics...


Kiddies July camp_ Story telling by the fire





Yoga class at the bird park





Umgidi celebrations 2012




















We are looking forward to 2013 with a new outlook on how we do things and we hope to achieve even more in terms of becoming more organized and effective in our efforts to educate empower and help people with problems relating to ancestral powers and life’s challenges in general.

  In 2013 we have introduced workshops which will eventually run concurrently with our umgidi celebrations on a monthly basis. The need for doing a workshop came because we saw a lack of knowledge in people when it comes to ancestral problems and the way these problems manifest themselves in one’s life. We then needed a time allocated especially for discussions on these subjects, so that people can get enlightenment and a way forward in being consistent in the way they honour and appreciate the power of the ancestors in their lives. During these workshops we aim at educating people more about these powers, explaining the need to be educated and empowered, answering the questions that may result and also explaining the link that exists between doing these rituals and the faith that we have in our different religions . These workshops are also aimed at bridging the gap that exists between the church and the traditional custom while they also create a common ground where people from all races, religions and cultural backgrounds can find a common denominator that affects us all as human beings with no discrimination whatsoever. During a workshop a vast number of subjects and personal queries are discussed and answered.  

We held our first workshop for the year on the 5January 2013 and it became a huge success such that we have planned to do a follow up workshop on the 21March 2013. The next one will be on the 4May, which will be help on that same day that we will have ukuvuma ceremony and umgidi celebration.

We pray and hope that 2013 will bring to people of the world nothing but peace and harmony.  


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January 13 2013 7 13 /01 /January /2013 11:50

Please enjoy the pleas from a soul that woke me up one day in the very early hours of the morning and prompted me to jot these words down. It took me over a year to want to share this but I think now the time is just right! I could not go back to sleep until I turned om my pc and started writing down these words as they were coming to me like words from a poem. 
Please enjoy and see if it finds a place in your heart.

 For I am a soul!

For I am a soul travelling in space and time

 Yearning for...
There is a fire that burns 
From within, 
Which draws me back to the source
And helps me to learn these life lessons.

Yes, I have been here before.
As I ponder on these life lessons, everything seems the same but so much has changed. 
Which is why I ask of you to teach me, educate me, empower me!
So I can master the lessons of this lifetime and fulfill my life's journey.

Ask me not the reasons why or my intentions because it gets complicated from hereon.
But I know that I have been here before, as I am just a soul which travels in space and time. 
Teach me though, the life lessons for this time has changed so much since the last time I was here before. 
Allow me to grow as I ponder so I can mature and move on back to the source. 
For I am a soul on a journey back to the source. 

The fire that burns from within keeps on going, burning, yenning and longing for more,

For, the fire was here before, so this place looks familiar too.
Teach me once again so I can master the changes and embrace the lessons learnt before.

As a traveler, I descend and come once again to find nothing but change and yet I am still the same.
Just a soul travelling in space and time.

So, teach me the lessons I long to learn so I can mature and master the way back to the source. 
May be on my return once again, I will be much more wiser. 
Much different is the world. 
May be on my return I will accept without question that which is put before me without questions.

For you have taught me now and left my footprints on the sand.
Teach me more what has changed for I am just a soul travelling in space and time. 
Teach me more for I forget and the memories fade away.

But please teach me and empower me, so I can remember the next time I come around. 
Yes, I was here before. 
In a different time and space. 
And so much has changed.

Which is why I ask of you to teach me more so I can learn the lessons of this life and then learn from my past, present and future.
Teach me about the changes but never forget that the changes are only on the outside but the source remains the same. 
Empower me to fulfill the purpose of this life so that the deaf can hear and the dump can comprehend!
But please, remember that I am here now and have to be just that...

Open your mind, your heart, your house and home for me.
For, I will return once again with more lessons that will see us through.
Because the fire that burns from within will never die.
The fire draws us back to the source as we ponder on this life's lessons and troubles but the fire remains and keeps burning.
For, it is the source that creates and destroys...

Use me wisely and allow me to be that which I turn out to be and never dictate for I will rebel. 
But please allow me to be that which I am , for I know who I am and no one will change that, but me. 
The fire will keep on burning even when the flame flickers and diminishes in life's problems. 
But the fire from within will rekindle once again and bring with it new forms of comfort and growth.
So, accept me and allow me to grow so I can comfort you and grow with you. 

But please, do not change me to be that which makes sense to you, for you are hindering my journey back to the source. 
I may have scars from the past but my heart is foolish
I may look familiar but looks can be deceiving...
So, teach me what has changed so I can master the lessons this time around and make good of the time spent this time, to fulfill the purpose of this life. 

It gets complicated yes, it does, but allow it!

For the journey is just that...
But the fire keeps on burning no matter what.
Rekindle the flame to those who have lost faith and share the intense feelings when in abundance so as to balance up what's inside the cup. 

Please teach me this life's lessons so I can fulfill my purpose once again
Empower me to be the greatest, the conqueror 
For there is no greater love than knowing my purpose is done
Feel the love that burns within and feel the security that comes with it
For even the deaf can hear now, the dump can talk now!
But fear not no more, for these lessons are nothing but a necessity in this journey that is everlasting

For I am soul. Nothing but a soul travelling in space and time....
Do not be deceived by my looks, for I am still the same
Look to the source and find the love that was here before and you will find your answers.

I am just a soul travelling in space and time! 





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December 28 2012 5 28 /12 /December /2012 09:24



What can I say about the year 2012 that has never been said before? Each time I write my articles, I always try to incorporate as much as I can about spirituality and the way of life that we are living.

2012 has been a year of change, which has brought to many of us a new perspective to this mystery of life. It is sad though, that some people don’t seem to realize the change that the whole world is talking about. Sometimes we use phrases loosely, without realizing the true meaning behind them but when you sit and think about it deeply, you realize that there was a greater meaning behind just mere words… 

They say change is inevitable, and then turn around and say 2012 is the end of the world, but the world doesn’t come to an end. They even give us dates on which the sun will not come out but it all turns out to be just a false alarm. At the end of the day we seem to be back to where we were and sooner or later people are going to believe that there is no change which is taking because of these wild claims and the misinterpretation of the facts. Change doesn’t exactly mean the end of the world but it could mean the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. It could mean the death of an idea which has lived its purpose and the birth of a new one. It could also mean the maturity of a collective soul or a macrocosmic formation which has reached its end and has to return back to the source. It could also be result of the choices made during the process of evolution thus re-shaping the course of events for the future generations …the list is endless.

On the other hand, I still believe that there are major changes that are taking place but one needs to be open- minded and very realistic about it in order to realize these changes. I also believe that Spirituality is at the centre/core of these changes and has always been since the beginning of time. Yes 2012 has been a very significant year, spiritually and otherwise as we have seen, especially with the weather changes all around us.

 What we need to understand though is that change is constant so, it is very possible that some people might mistake it for constancy and then end up failing to see that which has been constantly changing over the years. It is also a human nature that we as a people are afraid of change as it borders on the boundaries of the unknown. At some stage we will have to look back at the history of events and learn through other peoples’ mistakes rather than learning from our own mistakes. This means that by then we would have learnt to listen with an open ear and take advice from others without thinking that people have ulterior motives each time we get an advice. We will at some stage learnt have to take that which is there to see us through these tough times, use it to get by as we evolve successfully to attain authentic power that we all should be striving for.

Yes, change is constant and 2012 has been a year of greater changes in all our lives but this doesn’t mean that people should start to look for drastic changes in an instant because this attitude may be deceiving.  The changes that are taking place in the world are spiritually inspired as they begin with an intention from the core of our interconnectedness which is the source of life, and then manifest themselves in real/physical life, but in some cases they may be interpreted as just an illusion. In as much as the weather changes have a lot to do with planetary positioning which is astronomy, they can also be explained as a result of an energy that was born of an intention from creation, to evolve the way it does and the way it has, since the beginning of time. 

So now, we must also look at the changes that are happening in our own lives and remember that they are also synchronically inspired with by these climatic changes, and together they have an origin which is an intention to evolve…

I am however, much more qualified to talk and testify more about the changes that I have seen in my line of work throughout this period of change. During the year 2012, I have seen more people wanting to do more in respect of setting their spirits free. I have seen an influx of people from all walks of life who felt it a need to do something about their spirituality. People have come out and felt the winds of changes which then helped them to sort out secondary problems in their lives. Much more people than before are coming forward to learn and understand the spirituality of this life. Those people who came with an open mind and a willing heart to accept, honour and set their spirits free have seen tremendous results in their lives.

It is almost like a miracle when people begin to feel at ease and at peace with their way of life just because they have accepted the possibility of a greater power that is behind all our existence. The second step is to align one’s energy centre with the universe thus allowing this greater power to open up the path that was created as an initial intention for each and every one of us without question. Knowing that there is a greater power which is orchestrating all our lives here on earth and then allowing your energy centre to be aligned towards the intention of your creator means that you allow your guides to lead you in the path that was meant for you on earth. It means that you stop to think only for yourself but you begin to look and find your purpose in life and then live your life trying to fulfil that purpose in order to have peace and harmony in your life.

I have seen people getting in touch with their powers through accepting their spiritual guides and asking the greater God to lead them. And I have seen changes in people’s lives just by allowing the purity of the Love of God to cleanse and protect them without going to much effort or hassle.

I strongly believe that the planetary changes have had an effect in making much more people aware of their spirituality and then seeking a way in which to align their energies appropriately. It doesn’t really matter what one believes these energies to be, as it can be ancestors, chakras, luck or progress in life and peace of mind. This had been a major change that I have seen in people’s lives…

I have listened to people talk about the changes they have witnessed in their lives as a result of aligning their energy and accepting the power of creation to lead them. People have had a lot of success stories, ranging from more progress and good luck to pure bliss of happiness and tranquillity in their lives.

All this has happened to people who chose to accept the change and use it in their advantage. The change I am talking about means doing away with all that seems to hold us back as people, and accepting the possibility of a new way of doing things in life. The change that comes with understanding the spirituality that is at the centre /core of all of our lives. This spirituality can be the root cause of all our problems, and also the key to solving such problems.

Off cause, spirituality is a way of life but at the same time it is a much more complicated phenomenal aspect of 2012 that I have witness in my own line of work. It is complicated because people have failed to accept the changes that have been happening in the spiritual world over the years. People wanted to remain stuck in the olden ways of doing things simple because they were taught it was the only way of solving spiritual problems. In doing so, people forgot to look for themselves and listen to the inner voice that speaks to each and every one of us, reminding us all that we are each a replica of the source itself. So, in each and every one of us there is a replica of the source itself. In finding that voice inside of you, you find the archetype of the greater being which can make miracles happen for you, if you tap into those powers and allow the universe to take care of you with faith…

Having faith means that you let go of your own needs and allow that purpose for which you were created to take precedence in your life. By doing so, you are aligning your life to the purpose of your soul here on earth, which is to find authentic power. Authentic power allows you to accept your life and circumstances by owning up to it and living for the greater good. It means being at peace with the path that was chosen for you on this earth by the intention of your soul when it made an agreement to come back for healing through your lifetime. 

I must say that I have seen a lot of other changes that have manifested themselves in my own life and the people that I help and that really proved to me that spirituality is also evolving and changing synchronically with the rest of world but most of these changes are people’s testimonies of the changes in their own lives and their success stories so I do not have a permission to publish these here since it could be too personal and an invasion of other people’s privacy.

2012 has been difficult but it was a major milestone to those who chose to reach out for authentic power because it empowered them, and made them understand that there is a root cause and a reason for every problem that one encounters here on earth.

Since the beginning of this blog I have been talking about acceptance, acknowledging and honouring of the powers that we all have in each and every one of us. This in itself is spirituality. This means understanding that every motion that we see in the physical world had an origin which was at some stage just an intention and/or a root cause. An intention is a non-physical aspect form of the changes that we see on the physical plane/ earth. You can even call it an idea…It is an origin from which all physical aspects of life are born. But one can never begin to understand and utilize these powers if one does not accept, acknowledge and honour their existence first.   It doesn’t really matter what one calls these powers, as long as one is aware and is respectful of the existence of these powers then one can begin to reap the fruits that comes along with such an acknowledgement.

When we talk of acceptance we are talking about agreeing that there is a possibility of an existence of external powers which are a root cause to all that is happening on a physical plane that we call our earth. Which means that for us to accept this existence we must first play around with the idea of it being a possible phenomenal and attempt to believe in its existence even though we cannot physically see or touch it.

Acceptance is very important: And the way one accepts these powers gives direction to the shape their lives take from there on. If one believes that these powers come from a negative source and they are demonic, obviously these powers will bring to that person nothing but feelings of fear and destruction. On the other hand, if one takes these powers and accepts that we can only reap what we saw, one then manages to accept them with love and use only positive energy to neutralize even the most destructive energy that might be present in their situation.


In the stage of acknowledgement, we then have to accept this possibility and take it further into realizing, its doings, its manifestations and/ or results of its existence in our lives. This can also be interpreted as having faith in the powers which we cannot see but with a belief that we can get some results if we know how to use and/ or manipulate such powers accordingly.

Acknowledgement deals with playing around the idea of believing or having faith in something that we cannot see yet, but we let it play like an illusion thus giving it direction which sets the wheels of motion in place with the hope that in the end we can reap only positive results from such and intervention in our lives.

The honouring stage deals with taking action after having accepted and acknowledged these powers. This is a stage where one connects these three aspects and allows them to fulfil the purpose of an intention that started during the creation of such energy in the beginning. This stage allows physics to complete the motion or momentum that resulted from an action of accepting the possibility of the existence of such external powers. The stage of honouring is more of a practical stage because it is where one gives meaning to an energy that could not be seen in the former stages. This is where we extend the boundaries and accommodate the consequences of such energy as it is required by its momentum. We must all remember that, for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction- Newton’s Law. So, now the energy that starts as an idea, an intention or a possibility of an existence of such powers can also have some results which we can see, touch or feel depending on how we open our minds and play around with the availability of this energy in our lives. Hence we have to first accept, acknowledge and honour in order to see touchable changes in our lives. This is the reason why in psychology we so often hear of the phrase: One has to first accept their problems and acknowledge them before they can gain the power to do something or sort them out. Owning up to your problems is the first stage of healing…

As we honour, we then enter a stage that deals with our physical world because it connects the problems that we have in our lives to the root cause, which is a source that is merely just an intention, idea, energy or just powers. The stage of honouring is also very important because it means one has to allow the physical aspect of such powers to take shape in one’s life but at the same time be flexible in accepting whichever way such powers were intended to take place or shape at the stage of its creation. This means that, as we honour we must try not to temper with the destiny of such energies because all creation is created out of love, so it is important to make sure that the results of such an honour must be that which was intended by the creator from the beginning and not of our own.  Remember that all creation comes from the source with nothing but love, so when we accept, acknowledge and honour the route that the results of each and every creation takes, we need to do it with nothing but love in our minds. Love conquers all…

When we talk about spirituality we are merely talking about the powers or an energy that is affecting our lives. We are talking about ancestors, if that is what you want to call it. This is the reason why when we talk of ancestors we use the same terms of acceptance, acknowledgment and honouring.

At the end of the day, you can see that these powers we are talking about are just a common energy which affects us all and this energy is universal depending on how we choose to interpret it. How we interpret this energy has an effect on how it can turns around and work for us or against us.

Some people decide to accept these powers and then change them in order to fulfil their own/personal devious needs and but clashes with the rule of creation thus causing a negative effect which at some stage has to be balanced out through usage of positive energy and cleansing.

To those who choose to call these powers ancestors: it means that our ancestors have an intention for the lives of each and every one of us but we have to accept, acknowledge and honour them accordingly in accordance with the will of God in order to solve our problems in life.

To those who believe in the journey of the soul, it means that a soul has to have an intention to come back to earth for healing first, before it takes form in the physical/life of those who are living.

At the end of the day we all have a common source which is also our destiny/home once we have fulfilled the purpose for which we come here, to visit mother earth.

Spirituality is a way of life and is at the centre /core of all changes that are taking place in our universe. It is like a super being or a master engine mechanism from which all actions that we see here on earth are born. Spirituality is, like the rest of the world also on a constant change that is aligned with the rotation of this earth on its axis.

The changes in spirituality can be seen in the trends that have taken place in the world of healing over the years. In the past people use to go to extremes in order to get in touch with their powers or ancestors but just recently people have only needed just to accept, acknowledge and honour the existence of these powers in order to connect with their spiritual guides. I have seen people who got in touch and started communicating without their ancestors just like me without even having to go through all the other channels that people use to go through in the past. In the past people use to go through an initiation and a long process of accepting their spirituality before they can get in touch with their spirituality and start to communicate with the ancestors. But just recently we have been able to connect to the other side simple by following the three steps of accepting, acknowledging and honouring ancestors or our powers.

This proves that the powers that we use come from the universe and they are also in constant change just as the rest of the world is also changing. These powers are much more available now than ever before because of the planetary changes or movements. They affect us all in the same way but can only take shape according to the way we choose to accept and describe them. There is an abundance of power here on earth that lays dormant for us to tap into and use to our advantage, as long as we do not temper with the will of the Mighty creator.

In 2012, I have seen people who accepted their powers and started communicating or helping others using those powers without any hassle at all. I have seen people’s lives change in front of my eyes in an instance just from the mere acceptance of the possibility of these powers that can help us.

Let us accept the changes that have taken place in the world of spirituality just as much as we have accepted changes in all other aspects of our lives. Change is inevitable and if you do not see it, you remain stuck with problems that cannot be solved by old solutions.

If 2012 has not brought you any changes in your life, is it because you did not look in the right place for such a change, you were not looking at all or maybe you are afraid of change? Change is inevitable but one has to have an open mind otherwise one misses it in an instant…

2013…here we come!


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October 16 2012 2 16 /10 /October /2012 12:57


Being a spiritual medium means that I have to help people who want to communicate with the guardian angels in their lives. My body is being used as a medium of communication during a reading so that the ancestors can voice out their state or condition during a reading. This means that I also have my own ancestors/ guardian angels who are the ones making all of this possible. I have to listen to my ancestors and follow their lead at all times.

I do not claim to have any special powers nor do I claim to be an angel or anything. My ancestors are the ones who have the powers to help people. I only know that I am being used as a medium to help others who want to communicate with their ancestors and also to solve problems in their lives. When I first discovered about these powers I was worried because I didn’t understand anything about spiritual healing but I was lucky because my ancestors took me through the whole process and gave me guidelines.

They instructed me on what to do and how to do it. They first came and told me of the problems they themselves were having on the “other side” They told me of the things that were holding them back on their way back to the "source".

They made me understand that accepting a calling would help me in sorting out my own problems as they were the ones creating those problems for me in the first place. They even told me that it was not their choice to make my life difficult but it was the only way they knew how, to make me aware of their presence in my life and their plight.

I accepted the calling because everything they explained to me made sense, so I had not obligations. They first told me that in order to set them free, I had to help balance out the negative energy by helping other people with these powers. When I enquired as to exactly how I was going to be able to sort others people’s problems they told me through that it was going to be through the power of LOVE. I did not understand this at first but they assured me that it was the only way and they knew exactly how to use it.

I was instructed to conduct readings and present my body so that they can do the rest… From time to time I would get instructions on how to do things and how to do it.

Basically being a medium means that you are going to be used in order for other people to benefit from a reading. People do not realize this but the most part of healing takes places during a reading. The rest is just a follow up on what happened during a reading. This is the reason why I am unable to talk to people before a reading because I tend to pick up on their energy which is in most cases a negative one. After a reading there is a tremendous balance that exists in a persons’ aura that is usually never there before a reading.

During a reading a persons’ ancestors come through and say their problems which are the interpretation of what that person is going through in his/her life. Some ancestors cry a lot whilst other are full anger and or hatred, towards the subject or other people in the family.

I believe that my ancestors have an ability to unite the estranged ancestors and balance out the energy around a person’ aura because after a reading most people feel a sense of hopefulness and at peace. During a reading most ancestors will give out instructions on what they want in order to be set free and how it should be done. Usually it is just the acceptance, the creation of a prayer place, ukukhunga(recognition of a partners guides in a relationship/ spiritual union, formal acceptance of calling or consistency in doing ancestral rituals. 

I live my life following my ancestors instructions all the time. I do not know if may be one day they will come to me and take away the powers or not but for now what I do is what they tell me. I have a problem talking to the phone with people because I tend to pick up on their negative energies. I do not wear a skirt when I do my consultations or attending umgidi celebrations because my ancestors do not like a skirt. I also don’t like a skirt and a dress very much, so I am not complaining...

Following my ancestors instructions means that there are certain things I cannot do because my ancestors do not like them, like talking on the phone. I can’t even stand the sound of a phone vibrating next me. I only carry the phone on special occasions when I really need to keep in touch with my family and close friends or when Im gonna be driving. Even then these people know that I prefer an sms as opposed to a phone call. There is something in the network and the vibrations that just doesn’t settle well with me.

As a result, I do not do my own bookings for readings, I only converse with people through email and facebook.

So when people call to enquire or make an appointment for a consultation, they do not speak to me personally. I prefer to see people for the first time during a reading and then take it from there.

Another thing is that I only see people on appointments and people have to book a day before and not on the same day. I am not allowed to make decisions for people based on their readings but I can advise and counsel them on their problems. I am also not in a position to tell the future because people become obsessed and stop to live life one day at a time.

There are times when my guides just refuse for me to do any readings and it is during such times that I don’t make any bookings at all. There was once a time when I was instructed to stop doing readings and I listened. I was also told at one stage not to charge people for readings and I did this for about the whole year. This is the reason why I say this is just a calling, not a job. It is a way in which my guides are trying to help me teach as many people as I can about the power of the ancestors. They always remind me that my main concern should be to teach and empower people.

So, these are some of the things I have to put up with being a medium but this does not mean that people should take advantage of me just because I am here to help. I still command respect because I respect other people and how they live their lives.

I have learnt a lot about spiritual problems  and peoples’ behavior ever since I started doing this work. I know now that there are those people who come to you for help and only remember you when things go wrong in their lives and then there are those who come and stay and become friends through thick and thin. This only proves one thing that even though I am a medium but I am still a human being, at the end of the day.

What is important is for me is to be able to draw the line and put boundaries where I have to, so that I don’t get taken advantage of just because I was called to help others. 

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  • : Ancestors/ Idlozi's name
  • : This blog deals with the truth behind amadlozi/ancestors and the people who live to tell the truth about it all.
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  • Nonto Toba Goldstone
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
