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September 22 2011 4 22 /09 /September /2011 21:34

This is an article, that was sent to me directly ,by the editor of ILanga newspaper. It appeared on 12-14 of September. After reading it, I took a liking and asked if I could use it on my blog. It is however written in Zulu because it is from a local newspaper. I share the same views and facts which are stated on this article and I would like all of you to also enjoy reading such a well written piece of work.

For those who are not fluent in Zulu, I can translate it for you at a later stage.

This article is about traditional healing and its categories...


Take note that on Monday 26th September, there will be another follow-up article on ILanga which will concentrate on Ukuthwasa.


"happy reading..."


ILANGA >> SEPTEMBER 12-14, 2011 NJENGOBA kule nyanga uMandulo

(September) kugujwa futhi kuqhakanjiswa amasiko namagugu eNingizimu

Afrika, kubalulekile ukuthi kubhekisiswe zonke izinto eziyinjula yesizwe ngalesi sikhathi.

U-ERIC NDIYANE, usihlaziyela enye yezinkolo ezindala e-Afrika, ikakhulukazi ezizweni ezidabuka emachibini asenkabanzwe. PHAKATHI kwezinkolo ezindala emlandweni wabamnyama kukhona eyobunyanga nobungoma. Abaningi kabazi ukuthi ubunyanga nobungoma buyizinto ezimbili ezahlukene kodwa ezihambisanayo. Kwesinye isikhathi kuba khona ukudideka kwabanye. Lokhu kwenziwa wukuthi kuye kusetshenziswe igama lobunyanga noma sekuchazwa umuntu oyisangoma. Zombili lezi zinhlaka zehlukene ngokwezigaba zazo. Buyini ubunyanga? YISIPHIWO sokukwazi ukwelapha usebenzisa amakhambi esintu. Kuyenzeka umuntu afunde umuthi wokwelapha noma aboniswe wona ngabakubo, bese ekwazi ukuwuhlanganisa asindise ngawo abagulayo. Uma-ke lowo muntu esekwazi ukuphilisa abantu ngalo muthi, usengabizwa ngenyanga. Emandulo ubunyanga bebungathwaselwa. Bekwenzeka umuntu afunde umuthi komunye walapha ekhaya olaphayo bese lolo lwazi ludluliselwa esizukulwaneni esilandelayo. Izinyanga bezichitha isikhathi eside zicwaninga imithi ehlukene ngoba zifuna injula yokunqoba izifo ebezikhona emphakathini. Kwesinye isikhathi bekwenzeka umuntu azalwe enothando lwezihlahla agcine esekwazi ukuzisebenzisa zisize abantu. Lowo muntu ubebizwa ngenyanga. Umfana obejwayele ukuphelezela ikhehla lasekhaya uma liyokwelapha ubegcina esekufundile ukusetshenziswa kwemithi ethize, aphethe eseyinyanga. Kwenye yezincwadi zikaMnu PH Mtshali, ongomunye wabelaphi bendabuko abahlonishwayo e-Afrika eseningizimu, uthi ulwazi lwezihlahla nemithi kubantu abamnyama luqhamuke ngesikhathi besagxile ekuzingeleni izinyamazane ukondla imindeni. Kuvela ukuthi abantu bokuqala ukuba yizinyanga kube yiwona amaphisi. Bekuthi uma esehlathini ezingela, elokhu edla izithelo zezihlahla ezithile, kwaphetha ngokuthi akwazi ukuzehlukanisa nezihlahla

nanokuthi zenzani emzimbeni womuntu. Bekuthi noma sekukhona abalunywa yizinyoka khona lapho kuthathwe izihlahla ezithile kwelashwe ngazo lawo manxeba kunqandwe

nophoyizeni ungambulali umuntu. Ngokuhamba kwesikhathi laba bantu babe sebehlanganisa lezi zihlahla namafutha ezinye izilwane abebezizingela, kwaphuma ikhambi elithile. Kuphethe ngokuthi izinyanga zisebenzise izihlahla, amafutha ezilwane,

amathambo nezikhumba. Bube sebuchuma kanjalo-ke ubunyanga e-Afrika. Kakukho-ke lapho okuvela khona ukuthi izitho zomuntu ziyasetshenziswa ekwelapheni. Empeleni

okuvelayo wukuthi ubunyanga boqobo base-Afrika kabuhambisani nomkhuba obikwayo wokulapha ngezicubu zomuntu. Ngokuhamba kwesikhathi, kugcine sekudingeka ukuthi nezinyanga zikuthwasele ukusebenzisa imithi. Okunye obekwenza lokhu yisimo sezulu okubalwa isomiso njengoba umuntu ubeye athande ukuthuthukisa ulwazi lwakhe lwezihlahla bese ethola ukuthi ngakubo kunezingekho. Maningi-ke namanye amagama

asetshenziswayo ukuchaza inyanga njengoba kukhona nezibizwa ngogedla njalo njalo.

Buyini ubungoma? Lo mkhakha uthanda ukujula kakhulu ngoba wona esikhathini esiningi uthinta indaba yemimoya yabangasekho. Kuzokhumbuleka phela ukuthi

thina bantu base-Afrika sikholwa wukuthi uma umuntu eshona yinyama kuphela eshabalalayo, umphefumulo kawufi. Yingakho nje kuyinto ejwayelekile emindenini

ukuthi kube khona imisebenzi noma ubone kushiswa impepho kukhulunywa nabangasekho. Ubungoma bugxile esiphiweni sokubona izinto zingakenzeki

noma ukutshela abantu ngezinto abangakwazi ukuzibona. Kuyenzeka ukuthi umuntu aboniswe izinto elele bese ngakusasa avuke atshele abanye akuphuphile. Kwesinye isikhathi bekuke kwenzeke kushone ilunga lomndeni -mhlawumbe linesifo esithile -

ekuhambeni kwesikhathi kubekhona ingane esigula ngendlela efanayo. Kube sekuthiwa lo ofile uvuka kule ngane. Lapha kakukhulunywa ngokugula okufana nomdlavuza noma isifo sikashukela kodwa kukhulunywa ngokuguliswa wumoya othile, nokho okungelula ukuwuchaza. Ubungoma nabo behlukene amahlelo amaningi, obudala base- Afrika buhlukene ngala mahlelo alandelayo: ☛Amavuma-nhloko (amakhosi): Isikhathi esiningi ahlola ngekhanda, umuntu amchazele izindaba zakhe.

☛Abangoma Bankomoyolwandle (Amandawe): Bayahlola kanti iningi labo lisebenzisa kakhulu amathambo.

Imvamisa babizwa ngonyamsolo futhi baphiwe ukukwazi ukuhlunga imimoya emibi ngokuthi basebenzise indlela okuthiwa wukufemba, okuwukukhuculula imimoya kumuntu.

☛Abangoma babaLozi: Laba bahlola ngabalozi basolwandle futhi bayathwasisa.

☛Abangoma bamajoye (abashaya umhlahlo): Laba bamandla kakhulu ekushayweni komhlahlo besebenzisa izindlela ezahlukene.


Ngaphansi kwabo-ke ubungoma kukhona futhi nalabo abaphiwe ukwelapha ngokomoya kuphela. Bona bavamisile ukubizwa ngabathandazi ngoba bayakwazi ukuchazela abantu izinkinga zabo ngokuthi bapholofithe besebenzisa iBhayibheli, abanye bafunda isandla, abanye basebenzisa amanzi, abanye babhala ephepheni nokunye. Ubungoma buyaphoqa ukuthi

umuntu abuthwasele ngoba kabugxilile elwazini lomuntu kodwa kulandelwa izidingo zalowo moya osuke ukungenile. Umuntu akaveli nje asukume athi ufuna ukuyothwasa

ngoba yena usecabanga ukuba yisangoma. Ngokwale nkolo, umuntu uyakhonjwa

yidlozi lakubo bese likuveza ngezindlela ezahlukene ukuthi

selifuna abe yisangoma. Kwesinye isikhathi kuyenzeka

ukuthi emndenini kakukaze kubekhona umuntu onomoya wobungoma kodwa uzwe sekuvela eyokuthi kufuneka ayothwasa. Phela umuntu uyakhonjwa yidlozi lakoninalume kumbe kube wumoya walapho kuzalwa khona uninakhulu njalo njalo.

Emandulo izangoma bezingagxili ekufundeni umuthi ngoba okwazo bekuyikho ukubhekana nesimo

semimoya. Kunalokho bekukhona ukusebenzisana okukhulu phakathi kwezangoma nezinyanga. Isangoma besikwazi ukumxilonga umuntu bese simtshela ukuthi makahambe

aye enyangeni engusibanibani yiyona enomuthi wokumelapha. Ngokunjalo nezinyanga bezingahloli. Bekuthi uma zelapha umuntu bese zibona ukuthi akalulami, zithi makuyiwe esangomeni esithile kuyobhekwa umhlola. Inyanga beyazi ukuthi uma sekubuywa izotshelwa nanokuthi yiliphi ikhambi okufanele ilisebenzise ukuze umuntu asinde.

Ubonakala kanjani ongenwa ubungoma?

KULEZI zinsuku sebebaningi abantu abathi banedlozi lobungoma bese beyothwasa kanti cha kakunjalo, bahlushwa ngokunye nje.

Nayo imimoya yabangasekho yehlukile njengoba uke uzwe kukhulunywa ngamandiki namandawe, Isithunywa, izizwe, imimoya nokunye. Kwesinye isikhathi umuntu kuyenzeka aguliswe wumoya othile hhayi ngoba sekufanele ayothwasa. Ngeke-ke ngakuchaza konke okwemimoya ngoba kuningi, kuyodinga olunye usuku lwakho. Yize kunjalo kodwa bekubakhona izimpawu ezibonakalayo kumuntu osengenwa yidlozi. Ngizokha nje phezulu zazo. ☛Ukuboniswa ngephupho ulele: Lapha umuntu uvamisile ukuvuka axoxele abanye amaphupho ajulile, kwesinye isikhathi aboniswe abadala balapha ekhaya bemtshela ukuthi bayamdinga kulo mkhakha. La maphupho avamise

ukubelesela isikhathi eside. Kuyaba yizinsuku noma amasonto elandelana. ☛Umzwangedwa: Kwesinye isikhathi kuyenzeka umuntu avele angathandi ukuzihlanganisa nabanye, aphenduke umuntu onenhliziyo encane. Kuyenzeka futhi kubekhona ukudla umuntu angasakuthandi nokukubona, okuthi uma ekubona noma ezwa iphunga lakho, kuthi makaphalaze. Kwenye inkathi umuntu angakudla akufele uma ume emuva kwakhe noma umthinta amahlombe.

☛Ukugula emoyeni noma enyameni:

Kuyenzeka umuntu ahlale engathokozile emoyeni noma angenzelwa into enhle kanjani, angatshengisi ukukuthokozela lokho akwenzelwayo. Kwenzeke kwesinye isikhathi elele ahayize sengathi unezipoliyane. Ngokunjalo nokugula ngokwenyama kuyabakhona kanti umuntu usengenwa wubungoma. Omunye uvele abe nenkinga yokukhohlwa kakhulu ezinye izinto.

☛Uvelelwa yingozi: Umuntu uba nebhadi lezingozi kodwa angalimali.

Noma-ke nje ahlale ngokwephuka.

☛Uvelelwa ngamashwa: Kuvamile uma umuntu enqaba noma ebalekela idlozi ahlelwe ngamashwa. Oganile uthole eselahlekelwa wumendo. Omunye kuyenzeka ahlale ebhekana nezinkinga zokuboshwa kwesinye isikhathi aze aboshelwe nezinto angazenzanga. Kowesifazane kuke kwenzeke abhekane nenkinga yokuhlale ephuphunyelwa yisisu. Kwesinye isikhathi nosebenzayo uvelelwa yizinkinga aze alahlekelwe nawumsebenzi. Bekuthi uma sezibhekwe zonke lezi zimpawu bese abadala bomndeni beyohlola hhayi kumuntu oyedwa, kwabehlukene.

Kuthi-ke uma kucaca ukuthi usiphecelengwana lowo ungenwa yidlozi ngempela, bese enzelwa umsebenzi wokulivuma. Abanye baye bathi yimvuma-kufa. Inkolo yobunyanga nobungoma isalokhu iyingxenye enkulu yosikompilo lwabase-Afrika kanti bebekwazi

ukuyisebenzisa ukulungisa. Uma ufisa ukuphawula ngokuthile ngale nkolo ungangithumelela umbono wakho kwethi:


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September 21 2011 3 21 /09 /September /2011 10:18


Name of the NPO is Edlozini Spiritual  Organisation.


Shortened: ESO


The main purpose of this organisation

The main purpose of this organisation is to heal and teach people about spirituality. We will help people understand the root cause of their problems. This will be achieved by connecting them with  their ancestors and also through the power of prayer. We will also teach people about spirituality and the way it affects our daily lives. People need be taught ways and means of connecting with the ancestors in order to achieve harmony in their lives. Teachings of this organisation emphasize the faith in God while  helping people to form a strong bond with their roots.



Edlozini spiritual  Business Enterprise is a non-profit organization operating in KZN. The business was established in 2011 and registered the same year as an NPO . The NPO has six founding members namely, President: Nontobeko Toba, Vice President: Bongekile Toba, Treasurer: Zodwa Phohlo, Secretary: Khanyisiwe Toba, Deputy Secretary: Mrs S Luthuli, Co-ordinator: Lungile Chiliza.

All founding members are previously disadvantaged individuals (HDI) hence have through hard work and dedication strived to a level of competency in their specialized field. Members have through experience and education acquired expertise in business administration, skills facilitation, financial management as well as business management. Members have also been involved in the ancestral spiritual healing of people in and around our country for more than 7years now.

 We use traditional healing methods that promote the power of God to lead people in everything they do, thus providing a type of healing that is modern and in line with the changing world that we live in.  We accommodate individuals and professional who want to explore and learn more about spirituality while they continue working in the corporate world.


Since the establishment of this NPO to date, the NPO has been mainly focusing on the following: 

1) Establishment of the NPO. 

2) We have created a blog that teaches and answers peoples’ queries on   spirituality and ancestral problems: edlozini.over-blog.com

2) Doing readings and healing people spiritually.

3) We have encouraged people strengthen their faith in God.

4) We have also discouraged people from using muti in healing spiritual problems, with the aim of trying to curb the killing of witcrafts in our country and in Africa as a whole.                                                                        

5) Capacity building on: *Skills training on trainees from all spheres          *Provide necessary knowledge for sustainable development of their spirituality.                                                                                                                                                  

6)Building ties with necessary stakeholders.                                         

7) Outsourcing funds (financial resources).

8) Holding prayer meetings and  celebrating peoples’ spirituality in a safe environment that is conducive to traditional healing.


Committee members:

















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  • 16 June 2011, a meeting was held in Umgababa/Mnini to establish the NPO
  • 2July the NPO was founded and members were registered.
  • 2 July- Umgidi function was also held on this day.


  • 7 August 2001  ,a woman”s day celebration- where members laid out the aims and the vision of the NPO.
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2 September 2011

·        Umgidi function was held, where people come for readings, cleansing, offerings and actual umgidi celebrations.




















What is spiritual healing

Spiritual healing means helping people with their problems by using the power of God that allows us healers, to connect with our loved ones who have passed on. This way we get to understand the root cause of peoples’ problems and solve them accordingly. People may suffer from different kinds of ailments and emotional destruction but at the end of the day, there is only one root cause of their problems, spirituality. When our ancestors are not happy on the other side, there is no way that we can expect harmony in our lives here on earth.

Our work deals with the ancestors and making sure that they are set free so that the patient can lead a normal life.



The idea is:


-         To try and change peoples’ attitudes towards life, to create a better  country and to promote national unity.


-         To provide the service of spiritual healing and understanding to the people of South Africa, especially the under privileged.


-         To revive the lives of people in distress by making them understand the root cause of their problems and daily life challenges.


-         To provide the people with a tool that will help them in their daily life struggles and also strengthen their hope for a better future.


-         To create a state of mind where people feel good about themselves in order to have committed and caring people in our country.





We hope to:


·        To bring people together, to restore humanity and rebuild the social fabric amongst nations of the world. To make people understand that we really are all the same in the eyes of the Lord and the problems of humanity apply to all of us no matter where, in the world we come from.


·        To create a place of safety for those who are effected by the spirits and need support, guidance and understanding in their lives. To open the channels of communication amongst the people in order to challenge the unspoken problems of this world which often result in broken relationships and in some severe cases, suicide itself.


·        Promote goodwill and understanding amongst people all over the world. To do good unto others as one would have them do unto them. To spread the love of God, restore humanity and create a better world for coming generations.



The need for such an organisation in our country


People in our country have lost hope, humanity and respect for one another.

There is a problem in our communities where you find that people have lost the sense of respect and the crime is escalating, all because people have lost their sense of spirituality.


When our ancestors are neglected they tend to disrupt our lives. Most traditional healers at the moment deal mostly with healing ailments but they don’t concentrate on the root cause of all the breakdown that’s’ taking place in our society.


People need to be taught about their spirituality in order to begin to mend the social fabric that is deteriorating in our country.


This organisation promotes the use of prayer and acknowledgement of ones’ ancestors, instead of trying to use muti when we solve our problems. We also emphasize the use of prayer in order to rebuild humanity, tolerance and understanding amongst our people.


We are not saying that muti does not work, but it is the faith in God that has more power that all evil. Those that prefer to use muti can do so but first they must consult with their ancestors and understand the relationship we have with God.

People need to be taught to use the power we all have inside each and every one of us to unlock and solve problems in our lives.


This organisation will empower the poor and give them confidence to believe in the power of prayer, and to gain confidence so that they can go out and find ways to participate in the mainstream of our economy.


There is already a huge market for people who are using traditional healers in our country and yet there is nothing to help those people who do not work and wish to access such services.

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September 18 2011 7 18 /09 /September /2011 12:20


I am not your traditional, hard core sangoma who is defined by what she wears.

I believe I am a normal black/ African woman and its’ not easy to tell that I am a medium just by mere looking at me. I am not so many things that people expect of a sangoma, hence I call myself a spiritual medium.

I believe there is a God and he is ready to show us his powers here on earth. I did not attend any kind of training to do what I do. Through the power of God, I accepted the gift from my ancestors and started using it straight away. I helped a lot of people who also had a calling but I didn’t enrol them on any thwasa training. I only help to unlock their powers through consultations and doing what ancestors want from them. Most of these people became healers, in that they managed to do readings and receive messages from their own ancestors. Some of these people are employed so they did not have to quit their jobs or change their life styles in order to accept these powers.


Unlocking the powers means getting the ancestors to talk and vent out their anger and also opening the channels of communication so that they can bring relevant messages across. Once this is achieved a person accepts the powers and ask for permission to carry on with their life, employment etc.


I did not have to go around in public wearing the sangoma attire. This attire is something physical that we use in order to persuade the spirits to come through. It is also used during the reading if the spirits ask for it. So there is no need to walk around in this attire especially in public. Remember that the attire is something physical so the power of god doesn’t need it. Because it is physical, we only use it to satisfy and set free the ancestors who are still stuck on earth and thereafter we can just leave these clothes in a prayer place or may be use it at gatherings.

I do not use muti in healing people. Not all muti is bad but people need to know where to draw the line on this subject. At the beginning stages I also used muti because my ancestors would tell me what muti to use.These were just basic herbs for ailments.  Later on they told me that muti was not important and it had no power over the will of God. I was actually relieved because I never liked muti to start with. I do use impepho/incense though and ubulawu because it goes hand in hand with ancestral powers.


I am not superstitious at all…

When you receive a calling and accept the powers, it makes your ancestors happy so they want to share their happiness with you. They then give or unlock the gift of healing for you in return. When they hand over the gift, they tell you to use it wisely and right way. They tell you to use it whichever way you want as long as its’ for the good and healing purposes.

I am a child of God and he loves me very much. I am grounded in my faith and my belief in God. We are all the same in the eyes of the Lord and just because I am a female it doesn’t make me less of a person.


So, most, if not all female sangomas will not go to the prayer place during certain times in a month and I am not like this, at all. I can do my readings normally at any time of the month and my guides have never complained about this. God created women out of love and he loves us each and every day of the month, so anything contrary to this is just degrading and disgusting to me.

I once asked a friend of mine who happens to be a white female and she said to me that God(and the spirits) are less concerned about anything physical. Come to think of it, why must we punish ourselves for something natural that was created by God himself.


There are a lot of other superstitions that people believe in but I don’t. Some people will not eat pork and fish at certain times. Some of these beliefs stem from muti usage.

May be some of the beliefs had some basis in the olden days but I think times are changing and they have lost the original meaning and relevance. I think that democracy has played a major role in these transformations.

The mere fact that ancestors have allowed and embraced democracy in our land, means that we should also do the same. King Shaka said that we were not going to be able to rule this land and for many years that followed thereafter, people suffered under oppression in their own land.

Now that SA is free, we should also free our ancestors from the burdens of the past oppression. From the other side, our ancestors have moved forward to allow the freedom to prevail but we must also accept and embrace them in that state so that they help us in the way forward. We should celebrate this newly found freedom and acknowledge our ancestors in their move before we can actually reap  the rewards of this democracy.  If King Shaka has forgiven us from the misdeeds of the past, we must also make praises and proper appraisals to this so that we can attain love and peace in our country. We must go back to our ancestors and acknowledge them with the aim of re- uniting the whole country and then sing praises to our ancestors without shame.

We need to understand that we are all ancestors of tomorrow and when we do come out of a reading we will demand different things to what our ancestors are asking for, today. They make referrals to traditional mats and beads because that belongs to their time. Some demand  a cup of tea, even biscuits. So what will you demand from your great grand children?   …………. I know, I will ask for a plate of prawns…..hahaha!


Lastly, I do not wear a skirt when I do readings. My ancestors instructed me so because with a skirt it becomes difficult if I have to portray a male person. I  welcomed this with open arms, I must say.  Even during a gathering, I always advise ladies to put on some pants/tights underneath their skirts.   



The moral of the story…

  • Ancestors come to us with their problems and we set them free when we accept the calling.
  • We help heal other people while simultaneously setting our own ancestors free.
  • Once they are free, you go back to your normal life and they thank you, whichever way God allows.
  • A qualified healer should not be controlled or subjected to all these regulations that are created by human beings on earth.
  • A healer must accept the presence of God and abide by him all the time.
  • It doesn’t matter who you are and what you do or don’t’ do, as long as you heal the sick and counsel the troubled mind.
  • God loves us all, let us use the powers only to heal and not to destroy.




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September 9 2011 5 09 /09 /September /2011 09:43



We gathered once again for a weekend of celebrations, healing revelations.


I would like to thank all who participated and made it a function to remember.


This is a gathering done by traditional healers whenever there is an initiation, graduation of healers or just to celebrate their spirituality.

I had never attended this type of gathering before until I became a healer myself.

It is very important for me to fully understand something before I can take part in it. With umgidi, I also wanted to find out the reasons why it is done so that I can relate and then take part. Ever since I started becoming a healer, I have learnt  a lot about the ancestors, how they communicate and what is it they actually want from us. Umgidi is one of the things that makes them happy on their journey.


Umgidi is celebrated by sangomas but this doesn’t mean that normal people cannot participate and get the healing form this event. Which is why we have created a place where people, gifted or not can come and experience healing through spiritual upliftment and prayer.


We have also registered an Ngo which will work hand in hand with over-blog.com in educating and empowering people about spirituality, ancestors and rituals. It has come to my attention that people have little knowledge about ancestors and yet they act like they know so much. People have a tendency to act like they know so much when in actual fact they are so off the mark, it is not even funny. The first mistake people make about ancestors is to mix them with muti usage. It is going to take a very long time for people to understand that ancestors are now working closely to the Lord and they have nothing to do with the physical aspect of our lives. They now want that which is pure and uncorrupted. Ancestors are in a state of transformation hence we catch them at their state of death. During death, a lot things are revealed to us, things that makes us change from being physical beings to spiritual ones. This is the reason why people change when they are in their death beds, Those that held grudges usually change and want forgiveness from those they wronged. This happens as a result of the spiritual light that touches  and remind them that what we hold dear on earth has little or no bearing at all, in heaven.

During this stage a person is touched by the power of God and it gives them assurance that the way ahead is full of harmony and joy. So during a reading we get in contact with guides during this time of spiritual revelations and they tell us things that held them back. They ask us to do what is right in order to set them free thus sorting our problems in our lives. It is sad though that so many people will always ask for amuti to do this and that, when in actual fact they should be praying for their guides to be accepted in the kingdom of God.


What happens during Umgidi


The day starts in the morning with readings that are followed by cleansing of the participants. Readings reveal guides in your life and what they need for you to do in order to set them free. It gives one an understand of why things happen the way they do in ones’ life. It also gives you an idea of why you act or react to situations the way you do in your life. This is just an outline of your character and the kind of people and/or problems you attract into your life.


Cleansing follows after a reading in order to cleanse and accept those guides that came through with messages. This is done so that we cleanse ourselves of all the burdens and anger that was expressed by your guides during a reading. When cleansing people we use natural soils, which were given to us by our ancestors. These soils are a source of all powers, as we know that everything comes from the soil and we go back to dust and ashes after death. The soil is the greatest source of spiritual energy as opposed to muti, which grows in that soil. It is best to take the source of energy than to use the product of that source. Some of the soils we use have a bearing to the initiation and training of sangomas during the thwasa process. It helps those people who have powers to accept the calling and set their ancestors free.


We also use the incense during this cleansing process, depending on the specific needs of ones’ ancestors.



Offering are done after the cleansing. This is when we give our guides the power they need to help us with the problems in our lives. Offerings give them strength to rise up and be active in our daily lives. We offer them braai meat and a white cloth, which helps them to gain the power and to enter our lives gracefully. Ancestors always come to our lives and say they are hungry, tired or feeling cold. During this process we give them the meat( as we eat it ourselves) in order to give them strength, through the smell and cover them with a white cloth to accept and comfort them. This physical aspect of healing helps them to transform from the physical state to a spiritual form. It is like a key that gives them the “last meal” so that they can accept death gracefully. Remember that our main aim is to set them free so that they can move away from the physical aspect of life, which does not apply to them anymore.

Once they accept death gracefully, they live in harmony and become good guides in our lives, so they guide and protect us all the way.


What we do during these functions is to educate people about the powers within each and everyone of us. How one can use these powers in a positive way to sort out problems in their lives. We are encouraging people to go back to God and understand that these powers are made possible by him and if one goes and mixes these powers with muti it messes up everything that which is holy.



During the offerings stage we also give our ancestors some clothes that they demand. These may be sangoma clothing that they used while they were still practising themselves. These are given as a sign of accepting the calling and the powers. All this is done to satisfy them so that they can move forward on their journey with no burdens at all. These clothes can be used by one until such time that the ancestors tell you to stop. This is when they have managed to move forward and live happily in their newly found state of life. While one uses these clothing it becomes a very difficult time because the guides are also working on the other side. A lot of things are revealed along the way, which help both the living and the death on their journey. Apart form the ancestors problems, these clothes also attract a lot of negativity from people here on earth. They draw attention towards a person wearing them thus making things even harder for them. Some thwasa prefer to use these clothes only when they are at home while others are forced to wear them where ever they go. The meaning behind usage of these clothes is something that needs to be re visited, studied and analysed by sangomas in detail. There are pros and cons but we do not encourage our people to use these clothes in public because they are used during a sacred time of healing. I believe that when one takes medication for a headache, one doesn’t go around and show people what he is taking or what type of pills one is using. So why now when sorting out your ancestors must you go around advertising it to the world. The worst part is that this behaviour tends to attract even more negative energy towards you including stray angry ancestors.



During umgidi, we pray, sing and dance in celebration to our ancestors and guides. This is another way of accepting the powers and helping them to move forward in their journey. Umgidi is relevant to everyone whether you have a gift or not. It sets your spirit free and gives you a chance to unwind and recharge your powers. It also releases a lot of stress that we accumulate on a daily basis.  During this time, we sing and remember our ancestors. We also pray and ask God to accept them in his kingdom. For those who went to church while they were still alive, we do their prayers as they come forward and ask for them. We also participate in dancing and chanting as most of them preferred these things.  During this time everyone is free to remember their guides and celebrate in which ever way they prefer. Those who are gifted also do readings on the spot in the case where ancestors come forward with messages.


During this ceremony, we do not use any muti to bring the ancestors forth. We only burn incense and start to pray. Even during the readings and offerings, there  is no muti that is used to make the ancestors talk. All this is just proof that these powers are here amongst us and there is no use to enhance them with muti which in turn pushes our ancestors away from us. People can wear what ever type of clothing they want to wear during umgidi. Anything that feels comfortable to you is acceptable.


What we do during this time is a milestone in the healing process of our ancestors.






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August 28 2011 7 28 /08 /August /2011 07:59

Spirituality is a way of life


We come to this earth to live our lives, fulfil the purpose of life as we evolve, learn and teach others through our existence and then move on to another from of life as we go back to our creator.


Our connection and understanding of the spiritual world depends upon our connectedness to the ancestors. When we are born, we are more of spiritual beings than we are,when we are older. This is because our minds are pure and uncorrupted by life, its complications and our opinions of it. As babies we are still closer to the Lord so we take what comes before us as it is and we ask no questions based on common sense and reason.


As we grow older we forget about our innocence and we lose it all as we try to live our own lives and form our own opinion of it. We get lost in the busy life as we learn from life experiences and challenges. We tend to acquire new skills and listen to each and every technique that promises us better results in our lives. As we acquire education and we learn what other people found and put together for us in order to shape us into what this world expects from us. At this stage we lose the connection we have with our creator. We do things that other people expect us to do and then end up thinking the way society wants us to think. At some stage we live our lives for others peoples’ expectations  and forget about what is inside of us.


Often kids are advised to choose their careers based on the job market, supply and demand and the status of a career. During this time, we only think about what we can achieve if we choose a certain type of work. We don’t really think about what one enjoys doing as a person. What you enjoy is what feels right inside, what makes you excel and grow as a human being and a spiritual being. It is not always what pays better but then again what type of remuneration are we looking for? Often people are pushed to achieve more and study further but at the end of the day, they don’t get the satisfaction that their hearts desire.


Our spirituality speaks to us everyday as we grow older but we chose not to listen. We worry too much about other peoples’ opinions of us and what could go wrong should we chose to listen. When we ignore to feed our spirituality we end up being successful in one part of our lives when the other part is suffering dismally. I have seen people who are forced into careers they don’t like because of the difficulties we are faced with in our society. So many people went to teaching by default and they ended up being unhappy teachers in the classroom. I know that there is nothing much we can do about this situation at the moment because we are already way in too deep in these problems. As a result of this defect, some teachers are unhappy all their lives and when you asked them, they tell you, “this was never my first choice of career”.

Others will even study further and improve their skills while they fall deep into the kind of life that doesn’t really satisfy their spirituality. Now this is a reality of this life that we live in. It gives us hints that something is wrong but takes away the options we have when it comes to the solutions.

During this stage of our lives we think mostly about what life brings us and less about what we can bring to this life. One becomes entangled in the roller coaster of life s’ challenges and realities that we forget about the  spirituality side of things. When we feel that sense of emptiness inside, when things don’t seem to add up we need to take a breather and think again…

If we force right ahead, we neglect the soulful life that presents itself and want recognition from us. We end up being left alone by the powers that be, to fend for ourselves. At this stage things normally get out of hand and everything breaks lose. Others have called it mid life crisis, being out of touch with reality or simple losing one s’ mind. I know so many people who have quit their jobs, I don’t know how many times, people who were forced to change careers or those who got fired for innocent mistakes. This is what happens when one gets into a career by default, at some stage it catches up with you and turns your life upside down.


So many people are in the wrong careers but they don’t talk openly about it because there is not platform that allows them to do just that. At times you find that it is not just the career itself but it is the spiritual side of life that is not acknowledged thus it brings about these feelings of being unsatisfied in life.


If it happens that you are unhappy about your job, why not seek help and find advice based on those feelings alone. Based on the thoughts in your head and the feeling of uneasiness inside. Talk about it and find out which piece is missing in your puzzle before you worry yourself into a sickness or mental disorder. I have heard of people who get sick only when they are about to go to work-I was one of those hahaha!. Atleast  I knew that my guides were not happy with the kind of work I was doing.


In the meantime people can embrace their spirituality and incorporate it into their daily lives. This way you can manage to communicate with your spiritual side of things, ask it to accept the job you are doing now, even if it is not your first choice of career. This way you can invite your guides into your life and have them lead you into a life of fulfilment from within. When ever you feel that emptiness inside,  it means that a part of our life as a spiritual being is not taken care of. You can change careers all you want but the space inside will not be filled until you turn to the food of your soul.


I am by no means trying to say that education is not important, no ways. What I am saying is that we have become too much of followers than leaders in this life. When we look back in the history of life, people have been inventors and founders of certain things and discoveries. People founded education, motor vehicles, radiography, nursing profession, science, insurance companies and not to mention law itself. Now, our society today, just follows on other peoples’ findings and enter into other people’s invention with no questions asked. We seem to limit ourselves when it comes to being creative, like people from the past. What controls us the most is the economy situation and our will to fit into a place that is predetermined by someone else for us. We end up jumping from one business to another trying to beat the inflation and make more money in the end. May be there is nothing wrong with this for those that it works for them but the majority of the people are seeking  answers and they end up feeling empty inside.

All I am saying is, when you feel lost and uncertain at times, tap into your spiritual side of things and find direction.


We are all connected to our spirituality but the levels vary depending on the powers we carry with us. Some people are more connected than others because, they have a calling or may be they were just taught about ancestors from an early age. Others have no connection at all because, it is not anywhere near them in their bloodline of family relations here on earth or on the other side. This is caused by the fact that ancestors work through blood relatives and they take different times to show up in our lives and if it is not time yet for your ancestors to ask for help, they will just lay dormant until the time is right. The time is only right when there is a right candidate here on earth from the family line to accept the calling and use these powers to heal the ancestors and the family.  


Our connectedness to the spiritual world hits us again when we grow older. By this time we take all life lessons and create a new perspective of life based on our own experience and the new reality of life that we have attained. They say we become closer to the truth just because we are nearing of end of lives and are getting ready to meet our creator, again. To me this makes a lot of sense because as babies we are connected but we lose it all as we learn what people teach us on earth and then as we grow older, we go back to our own intuition and think from within, this automatically makes us spiritually inspired people. As a children we listen to adults and do as we are told. During this time our spirituality is based on what our elders dictate of it. We live life and prove some theories wrong with the aim of setting ourselves apart from the norm. As we evolve we make mistakes and learn from it. What we learn makes us the adults that we grow up to be.


I wish we could concentrate on our youth in terms of teaching them the realities of life based on spirituality.  This could make things easy for them to do more and beat certain challenges that seem to hit us all but nothing is being done about it. Spiritually inspired people seem to think more rationally and have a certain way of embracing life and its challenging in a way that make this life a better place for all.


Our spirituality brings us closer to the Lord. When we are closer to the Lord we look at life in a different light, a much more positive way.


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August 26 2011 5 26 /08 /August /2011 14:42


We all have been through life changing experiences that left us numb and unsure of the future. When something traumatic happens in your life, it changes your whole perspective of life and gives you a new direction and reason to live. Surviving life threatening experiences or trauma can change a persons’ life forever. It can give you a new direction and purpose to life.


When these traumatic experiences happen we tend to get confused about God and his love towards us. We ask ourselves, “why me Lord?” and yet we fail to see that, if not me then who?  We begin to panic and expect the whole world to panic with us. We forget that other people are carrying on with their lives and, what is happening to us is for our own experience so we need to own up and live it through.


When times are hard people turn against you and distance themselves from you. This is caused by the negative feelings that you carry around with you, at that time. Even friends will be fewer when times are hard. This brings about feelings of hurt from within. You feel so alone and hopeless and it makes you wonder why others can be so cruel. While we concentrate on other peoples’ behaviour we neglect to see that these feeling are for our own benefit so that we take a lesson from it.


Life changing experiences make us stronger in the end. These can be anything from rejection, failure, death of a loved one or surviving a life threatening situation. Usually these situations occur when one needs to accept a calling but they are too busy with their lives to listen to the messages from the other side. We tend to dismiss most of the messages we get and concentrate on our lives and what we want to achieve in life. When messages appear in front of us we ignore them with the fear of being labelled “crazy” by others.


I have witnessed people with a calling who wait until they have near death experiences that they begin to seek spiritual advice. A lot of things will happen from minor problems in life e g. money problems, bad dreams, fatigue or minor but persistent headaches. Some people even have visions at broad daylight but still they will ignore the calling, claiming that they are still busy trying to sort out their lives.

The problem is that when you wait too long to recognise your powers, it damages your life and it makes you lose everything that you have worked hard for.


The simplest thing one needs to do is to accept the powers and start on a clean slate where one is aware of the forces that guides them. This will help in giving one a correct direction in life that makes things easy for the future. If we fight against the powers, we never seem to win. The powers will divert your life so much that you end not knowing what is right or wrong in life. Some people have turned to using muti just so that their powers can disappear. This had lead to more complications in their lives and it becomes very difficult to help these individuals in the end.


I have heard stories of magical and unbelievable things that happen to people who try and run away from the calling. Well, I don’t blame people because they run away for a reason…

Some people have survived accidents which took lives of everyone except for one with a calling. This proves that one still has a purpose to live for in life. It is sad though that others have turned into drunkards or mad people just because they didn’t want to accept these powers.


There are so many life changing experiences that shape our lives and give us a new perspective in life that it differs from one person to the other. We need to try and listen to the outside forces that are busy sending these messages to us . We need to have an open mind and an understanding of how these messages are sent and the reasons behind them.


From an early age, I always wondered about life, its’ purpose and the reason for living. I used to have these thoughts that, there was something bigger than myself that other people were not telling me. I was not satisfied with the life I lived, I felt like there must be another explanation as to why I am here.

One day, at the age of 7, I was walking from school with the others kids. Everyone was playing and having a good time but I was just quite and thinking in my head. I had all these thoughts and question and then we came into a small river which we had to cross. I was the last one at the back of the line and I saw something which stayed in my mind for a long time. The earth started spinning and I must have a heard a voice or an answer to my questions. A big rock was spinning in front of my eyes and then it turned into planet earth- remember at this age I had never seen planet earth, I did not even know what it was at that time. A voice said to me ‘there is nothing to it, you can hold it in the palm of your hands”. As a child, I didn’t  make any sense of this but later on in life, it hit me that I was shown planet earth out of nowhere.  At the split of a second, the images disappeared and I felt dizzy. My sister came to me and carried me on her back until we reached home. I forgot about this incident until the time came that I had to accept a calling.


So many other things happened in between, that were life changing experiences for me and they made me believe that my life had a greater purpose and that is to help others and improve lives where ever I can.


When I was accepting the calling and my guides asked me not to go for training, I became scared and had a lot of questions. I wondered how was I going to be able to make it on my own. My guides came and reminded me of a vision I had in broad daylight. They told me that they had been there with me all along and the vision was showing planet earth to prove to me that I can “hold it in the palm of my hand, if I put my mind to it” 


Today, I deal with people who have a calling and they come to me with different kinds of stories, some unbelievable but we as a society have found a way to ignore these things. We have managed to make people feel ashamed of accepting their powers and practice their rituals in freedom. This is a reason why people wait so long before they can accept the calling and make a decision to go onto this path.


I am also one of those people who waited too long just because there is not proper guidance out there that is making all this information available to everyone, so that people can be able to make informed decisions about their lives. Our society is quick to label people with a calling and give them degrading names like being crazy or lunatics. On the other hand, these powers are spreading everyday and want us to acknowledge them. I think it is up to us healers and spiritual people to go out there and spread the information based on our life experiences, so that people who are suffering cannot feel alone anymore.


We have to put a stop to all the myths and lies that unscrupulous healers are spreading just because they want to milk the money out of desperate individuals. People need to understand that when things go wrong in their lives, it doesn’t mean that they must go out there and buy some muti that will remedy the situation. Instead they must kneel down and pray. Prayer is the first step in sorting out your life. Then you need to own up to that problem and stop blaming others. Embrace the life experience and realise that it is making you stronger, if nothing else. Also realise that there is a greater power within you that is trying to reach out and be heard. You need to learn to combine your rituals with the power of prayer and never do anything that is against the will of God.

Whatever you do, it must be for the healing purposes and not to harm your ancestors or other people. People who use muti to try and free their ancestors always end up with major problems. Well, this is the subject for another day…


Let us be on the look out for those life changing experiences and try and learn as much as we can from them…


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August 6 2011 6 06 /08 /August /2011 09:15



Everyone seems to be at lost when it comes to dealing with all the challenges and problems of this world. As adults we try that which we can afford but most of the times we end up where we started, just revolving around in circles. Sometimes we go to healers and they tell us about our enemies. If they don’t promise us miracles which never happen at the end of the day. Some people are even budgeting at the end of the month and living money aside so that they can consult or get muti to try and remedy their situations. This has become a norm but people fail to see that we are going no where in this struggle. People need to learn and understand the role that is played by ancestors in our lives. We need to get a deeper meaning of the forces that operate around us as human beings no matter where in the world we come from. We also need to grasp the fact that there is a God, who is above us all and he came first, before the existence of the beginning…

When we understand these things, we can then realise that our problems will never go away unless we stand up and come together when it comes to finding solutions. Sometimes I get worried because there is too much to be done in order to get people to get this message. It is going to take an involvement of the whole nation in working together so as to achieve any significant results. People need to understand that we are all the same and share in the same powers that God allows for us to use on this earth. We all go through the same things but it varies with the levels of intensity- depending on our ancestors powers off cause.


As adults when we have problems, we search high and low for solutions with the hope of making sense of the situation we find ourselves in. We seek advice and get professional help where possible…now, Who is going to save the future generations? Who is going to help our children in making the right decisions and taking care of themselves? When all that we are concerned about is saving our skin.

When I talk about our children, I mean the young ones who are clueless about the challenges of this world, How do we empower them so that they can better handle these problems should they encounter tricky situation in the future. There are children who grow up with parents and they can follow on the teachings of their families and this is all good but at times you find that these kids will get out of hand even though the parents are doing all that they can. ..And then there are those kids who are orphans and have no form of a family structure that they can relate to. It is even worse with these young ones because there is no one who is concerned about them when it comes to spiritual matters. No one even knows their background and cultural aspect of their lives and family ties.


Why am I so worried about the children?

Children have no means of understanding the problems that we, as adults face on a daily basis of our lives. Children are supposed to be happy so that they can enjoy their youth. We set rules and try to instil good values and morality to our kids but sometimes they just get out of hand and we fail to understand the reason why.

I believe that it has to start with us parents, to understand that these kids that we have are a gift from above so we need to honour and appreciate such a gift. At times we become strict and lay down strict rules to be followed around the house but this does not work all the time. There are children who get out of hand even when they come from a good family. This leaves parents clueless and hopeless in the end.

When something goes wrong with “our gift” we need to turn to God and ask the right questions. It is important not to blame others or external influence but to look deep down inside and find out what feelings within us does this situation bring about.  We need to realise that something is wrong to start with and so we must find out what it is. When we ask the right questions, God will give us the answers.


When a child becomes uncontrollable, it is a good sing of an angry ancestor who is leading that child. As a parent you need to find out who are the guides leading a troublesome child. What I have discovered is that when parents bring such a troublesome child for a reading, the guides always come up and say that they are the ones causing the child to misbehave. They claim to do this so that the parents can get the message that the kids’ guides/ancestors are not happy at all (with the parent off cause).  When these ancestors come through they state that since, they are not happy with the family setup and the general conduct of parents when it comes to rituals, they would rather run away and live in a place where no one knows them. These guides usually complain that no one takes notice of them which is the reason why they also go astray and becomes uncontrollable. Now these guides will make a child behave in the same way that they feel. A child will careless about the parents and their rules. A child will get out of hand and choose to spend most of his/her time away from home. This child will then hang around with the wrong crowd and be influenced through peer pressure to do even worse things. At the end  of the day, it is the parent who suffers the most out of all this. This makes the parent to worry all the time not knowing what the child may do next. In sever cases a child may leave home and stay in the streets but when you look at the family left at home, you realise that they are normal, good people. Then it makes you wonder why would anyone in their right mind just leave such a place of comfort and go to live in the streets. This also tells us that these people who leave homes are actually sick in one way or the other and they need to be saved spiritually. They need to be understood and then taken care of by their own parents. Parents need to go back to the drawing board and find out what is it that they have neglected to do, for their children to do such shameful things.

When we look at our lives in an honest and open minded way, we can realise that we are also to blame for things that happen in our lives. Somehow we tend to draw situations to ourselves as a result of an angry ancestors that we have.


So our children need to be taken care of by us as adults, by all means. We need to accept that they also have guides in their lives and if those guides are powerful, children may show rebellious signs from an early age. When we see such signs in our kids we need to act fast before the situation gets out of hand. I don’t mind really if people consult with western doctors as well because as a parent you can do everything possible just to save your child. At the same time, I encourage parents to consult with healers and sort out their ancestors as well. This will help in avoiding the relapse roller coaster, that I have seen as a result of consulting with doctors only.

In cases  I have dealt with, I have witness a significant change with such children and the parents have become much happier people in their own lives.

Every time you are faced with a problem/major challenge in your life you need to look deep down inside and find out what feelings does this situation arises from you. Does it make you feel pain deep down inside? Does it make you feel hopeless and weak? Do you feel like no one can be able to help you with this one? Do you feel like giving up? This  the exact feeling that your spiritual aspect is going through. You need to understand that these feelings come from a deeper place in your soul and they are a direct indication of how your ancestors are feeling. Once you have captured these feelings from within, you can then go ahead and consult with a clear mind of accepting some responsibility from your part in the problems you are having.

Each time you have a problem no matter what it is, try and find the meaning behind it, try and understand what your ancestors are trying to tell you… Once you have unlocked that key, you can then gain the strength to go on and seek help with an open mind. Do not go to healers and ask for muti that will change the behaviour of your child because that may work for a while the relapse will set on, after a while.


 Remember that a times a child can be well behaved but their problems could be just ill health that keeps you worried all the time.


Now we come to the area I am most concerned about, the orphans and street kids. We have dealt with the problems of children who have families, now what do we do about those who are already on the streets or the orphans?  With these children the situation has already gone out of hand thus they are left homeless, with no parents to take care of them.

As a result an alarming number of these children end up being drawn to the dark side of life. With no one caring enough for them, they tend to go astray and do crime in the end. It is easy for a child who has no one to find some comfort amongst other kids who are also homeless and mischievous. Which is why  people are encouraged to adopt these kids and give them a home. This is easier said than done though… When you adopt a child who already has gotten in so deep in the problems of this world you must be willing to do everything you can to try and remedy that situation before you can live in harmony with such a child. This may seem difficult but in the end you will realise that it is possible even if you don’t know the real parent of such a child.

I have learnt that when an orphan comes for a reading and their guides come through, they are not really concerned about us calling them by their real names. A name is something we are given here on earth  for social security reasons. When guides come through they want us to accept them and at times they will even state that we wont be able to know who they are but all they want is recognition. So when a child is an orphan and no one knows their real parents, it never a reason for us to neglect them because the guides will always speak up even if you don’t know who they are. These guide are in a stated of remaining anonymous for a reason which is beyond our understanding. What we need to do is open channels of communication to them, accept and acknowledge them in a childs’ life. When you speak to the ancestor you don’t know, you need to tell that: “ I don’t even know who you are but I do recognise the presence of you in this childs’ life and I beg of you to help me with this child of yours. I am giving you a place to stay in my house, my prayer place and in this childs’ life so that you can be happy and bring us good things in our lives” This prayer can be very helpful in accommodating unknown spirits, making them happy in the life of a child you have adopted.

Those of us who are in a position to adopt, we need to encourage and give them support all the way. And those who can offer advice and help, they must also be encourage never to give up because all we are trying to do is create a better tomorrow…We can never give up when we see that things are getting out of hand in the world. These problems affect us all and when we sit and do nothing about it, things will only get worse.


I pray for the day when I will drive down town fearless of that guy standing at the traffic sign, asking for small change. I pray for the day when all our children will not be affected by our own negative energy and end up giving up on life itself.

What we need to get together and achieve as nations is, getting people to be more aware of their spirituality so that we can have happy people, happy nations and more positive energy in the world as a whole. When we take care of the younger generation, we will create a new brand of people who are well rounded in all aspect of life, who can then continue to improve on human relations in our world thus limiting the place of conflicts and fights amongst us all.  To achieve all this we need to start small. Start by the person reading this article. Find your passion in life and work on making your dreams come true. Find the power within you and create your own legacy that we will remember you by when you die. Think more positively about the future and the generations to come. Create a place that will be more friendly to our kids and give them the will to move on and do even better in the world. Touch some ones’ life in a positive way today, knowing that you have that power in you to create a better world.

Thank you…

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August 2 2011 2 02 /08 /August /2011 23:04


When we die we become ancestors, to those remain behind. Death is a subject we hardly talk about and so are ancestors. People do not understand this whole subject of the ancestors and those that try to explain it end up getting confused themselves. People learnt from what healers tell them all the time and this information is not consistent so we end up with different versions out there.


I am always complaining that when it comes to traditional healing, there is no set format or formal source of information, where people can consult on their own and learn more about this calling. I understand that healers are called to this field by different ancestors thus making them not similar at all, in the way they practice. On the same note I also feel that healers should somehow get together and find commonalities in their work so as to provide people out there with some form of information that can help them make informed decisions when they seek help.

With the understanding that people may view ancestors in different  ways, I would like to put forward my understanding of ancestors and share what I have learnt through my work and also try and educate those who seem to be at lost when it comes to this subject.


I have always known about the ancestors and have been taught how to pray from an early age. When I started healing people, I realised that people who come to me have different views of what ancestors are and this I find very disturbing because at time people will act like they know and yet they are going about it the wrong way, all together. I believe that we all have ancestors who are guiding and protecting us all the time, whether one agrees with this or not. These ancestors/ guides influence part of our lives to a certain extent. The live all around us in a spirit form and try to communicate with us should there be a need. When these guides have problems in their own after-life, they contact us asking for help. They do not communicate with us using the same way that we use here on earth. They talk to us through signs, dreams and visions etc. If our guides did not have any type of problems in their after-life, I don’t think that we as humans would even know that there is something called ancestors.

We only know about ancestors when we have problems and then we go to consult with healers, these guides come through and tell us that they are the main cause/source of our problems. So, it starts with someone passing away and then encountering problems on their way back to our source. The next step is that they then affect the life of a person they are guiding by asking for help. When they ask for help, they make you feel more or less what they are feeling on the other side. It is only then that a person goes to consult and then finds out about this spiritual guide.


Some people live their lives and never get to find out about their guides because their guides do not have any problems on the other side, so they remain silent in happiness. Ancestors have different powers on their own. There are those who were healers themselves so they tend to be powerful and want to be recognised. And then others were prominent figures in their communities so once they die they remain in that dominant mode and come back as powerful guides. All these guides influence the lives of people they guide in one way or the other. At times they even make a person behave the way they themselves did while they were still alive or make a person like certain types of food that they liked.


So when you have guides and they seem to have problems and they are making your life difficult, it is important to understand how this happens. I don’t think it is the will of our guides to cause us pain. When guides are unhappy, they make us feel unhappiness in our lives. It is their way to make us understand what they are going through. When they feel neglected, they make us lonely by destroying our relationships so that we can experience the same loneliness they are going through. It is easy for them to affect our lives successfully and make us feel these things because they are all around us thus influencing whatever is taking place in our lives. I believe that ancestors control up to 40% of our lives. Which is why it is easy for a human being to either accept or reject this whole concept of ancestors. This is the reason why when people are taking up this journey, they are asked to “accept/ukuvuma” idlozi so that the ancestors can receive the willingness of a person to start on this journey. Some people refuse to do this and they continue with their lives, whichever way they do, which tells me that, at the end of the day ancestors do not control the whole of our lives but they have an upper hand when it comes to influencing things that happen in our lives.


Ancestors expect us to set them free so that they can leave us alone and continue on their journey. If we ignore them they cause hardship in our lives which forces to go and consult so that we can “meet up” them. Once we have helped them, they become grateful and adopt a happy state which then rubs off on us and manifest itself in a more fulfilling and happy life. When we set them free, its doesn’t mean that they leave us and go somewhere else but they manage to change their status from being stuck on earthly things to accepting the death status and do what they are supposed to do. Ancestors are supposed to be good spirits who float around in peace and brings joy and happiness to those they guide. When they are unhappy we also become unhappy. Once we set them free they find joy and share it with us.


Ancestors live in the spiritual world so they don’t believe in the physical state anymore thus we must be careful when doing rituals for them not to go overboard and concentrate too much on the practical things.


We all want peace and happiness in our lives and the most effective way to achieve this is by taking care of our ancestors/ guides. We have to make sure that they are happy spirits wherever they are. That way they can also care for us and bring us joy in our lives. We must also be careful not to become greedy by sorting them out while the eye is concentrating much on the rewards. We need to set them free because we care that much and we know that one day the shoe will be on the other foot. One day we may also become ancestors/guides who have problems on the other side so it is important to do this just out of the goodness of ones’ heart.


While we set them free, we need to understand that their powers are not the same so are the rituals to free them. Some people will do just a few steps and their guides will be sorted, while others have to go through more intense kind of healing in order to release theirs’. This depends on the kind of guides you have and the extent of problems in your life. Some people ignore their guides until the last minute, when they actually have no choice but to consult and by this time their guides are so agitated that it needs a great deal of apologies to make them accept the acknowledgement offered.


Remember that all our guides need is acceptance, acknowledgement and understanding…


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July 16 2011 6 16 /07 /July /2011 21:59


God is love, God is great, he is everything. I look around and I see people going to church and claiming to be following the Lord but when I look closely, they don’t do much to help their fellow human beings. Somehow as a society we have managed to separate our religions from our daily lives. In that we go to worship and say and do all the right things while we are in a place of worship but once we are removed from that situation we go back to being our selfish selves.


People tend to discriminate against others and create all sort of boundaries that separate society and turn it into an uncaring institution. I am tackling these issues as a concerned human being, because when I look at the human race today, I get scared of what we have become. I know that a lot of people before me have tried to do something and some are still fighting this battle but I think we need to go about it on a larger scale than before. Simply because people are multiplying in numbers each and everyday and so are the complications of this life.

I have always been concerned about the human race, the purpose of life and the well being of people in general. I believe that no matter who we are, we all need to leave a positive and constructive contribution on this earth by the time we die.


Growing up, as a child I went to church and attended a few classes of Sunday school. I also learnt a thing or two about the bible in school, while I was doing the lower grades. As much as the bible confused me at that time, I also learnt a lot and I am grateful for that, today. When I went to church and listened to the priest, I thought I was going on the right direction. I use to get motivated and pumped up, to do the right thing. As time went on I grew older and realise that there were major differences between the church and real life out there. I realised that at church we wear certain uniforms so as to separate us and we belong to different groups within the church. I saw that there was a lot of competition within the church itself, which was contrary to what the preacher always said about people being the same in the eyes of the Lord. I couldn’t help but notice the distinct different between life inside the church and the real life outside, once I went out to take a  taxi home. It worried me that in the church were given a different picture to the reality that I saw in the world. I wanted to do more and be a hero or something…hahaha. I then realised that in the church or my church that I was in, I had to choose a certain side that would agree with powerful and influential people before I could succeed in following my dream of saving the world. I had thought that the church would be more willing to support, guide and counsel the youth which was still energetic and eager to do it all, but I was wrong. I belonged to a powerful youth organisation which had big dreams and we raised so much money at the time and even took trips to visit other youth organisations around the country. I was feeling so young and so full of energy at the time, I knew my dreams were coming true. Later on divisions within the church tore us apart as a youth. Those that remained were back to square on where you have to align yourself with certain people who hold the powers in order to ‘survive”. “survive” because I didn’t. I felt suffocated as if something was draining me out and killing my soul softly.

Looking back now, I realise that people have a problem when it comes to the  interpretation of the bible. It has not yet been revealed to our people what the bible really is and what it stands for. The bible is not there so that we can preach each other on it. It is not there so that we can pursue certain goals of our religion because these goals are far too different to the aims of God about the people. Some religions are based on a certain cause and they are there to fulfil such goals, and only that. And yet God is there to love and to protect everyone. We as a people have a problem of preaching the bible and all the good things in it but when it comes to our own personal lives, we do devious things just to get ahead, so we can go back to the church and preach some more.


People will preach until doomsday but they will never get hands on and practically help someone in a way that will save their soul. While people in the church will help you, on the other hand they are too keen to turn you around so that you can join their church. They will not help you so that you continue with your own beliefs and live a better live. There is always a motive to increase numbers, revenues…etc And still we get these scandals in the church…

I know that we get the same scandals with traditional healers too but it is all the same, because priests come to traditional healers during the dark and ask for muti to increase their congregations. Priest can contest this all they want but I am and use to be a healer, remember? So let us leave it at that.  Now I have decided to teach people about their problems so that they can understand where these problems are coming from and how to change their attitudes and overcome such challenges. My aim is to bring everyone together under one umbrella of God. The only way we can achieve this is when we learn to accept one another and love the next person as they are. We need to do away with  discrimination and separations  within our societies.

It is going to take a while before our people can see the light but I am not backing down. People who knew me before the powers still come to me and ask for all sorts of muti with the hope that I have it.

An old friend who is now a priest came to me with his problems a few years ago and I did a reading for him. I knew back then that he had powerful spirits around him so when I did a reading for him, these guides revealed themselves. I then told him how to embrace and pray for them so that they can solve his problems. To my surprise he ignored this and went on with his life. Maybe he wanted me to give him muti to solve the problems, I didn’t actually care at the time. Just recently he contacted me again, saying the problems are worse and I am not surprised because he didn’t listen. At the moment I don’t do readings on a daily basis. I only help people who are serious enough to come on the special day that I open and go through the whole process of cleansing in one day. This doesn’t happen very often because it is not my speciality at this point in my life. May be my dear friend will come down from his high horse one day and decide to do the right thing, quite frankly, it is none of my business.


Priest prefer to get a quick muti during the night no matter how much it costs so that their ancestral belief can remain their own little secret while they preach until they spit in front of a congregation every Sunday. I have friends and family who are in the church and they fuel these separations amongst our people and claim to be hand tied by the rules of the church. Others have said, that there is nothing they can do because the church puts food on their table.


People need to understand that the bible was documented based on lives of people who lived this earth just like you and I. It shows us what they did and its consequences. It doesn’t dictate but it advises, hence we take from it what we can use. From the bible you can learn how to conduct yourself in life and how to respect and care for other people. It doesn’t mean that we have to go back and live in those times or live exactly like those people did. Otherwise all men will take multiple wives-like in the bible. The bible teaches us how to conduct our lives so, once you understand what it says you should go out there and practice it. While practicing the bible you become a role model- whether good or bad that’s the fact. When you live on this earth you leave footprints behind from which the next generation can learn- it doesn’t matter what kind of live you lived. These footprints are like the stories in the bible, they are a mark upon which others can reflect or learn. This is the same like the internet today. It documents our daily lives, activities, mistakes and successes. Our children will analyse and learn from it one day. Internet is our way of saying we should still be documenting our lives in the bible, even today, so that the next generation can take lessons form it and use it wisely. Internet has everything, good and bad and very bad… But it is ones’ choice to learn and make the right decision in life. We need to stop judging but start teaching.


It would be close to impossible to document all our lives’ activities with the aim of continuing with the bible. We also need to learn that evolution adapts with time and so should we. Let us stop controlling peoples’ lives based on one or two parts of the bible that we like. Let us open our hearts and explore lifes’ challenges under one umbrella of the love of God. That way we can be able to live shinning lives, as good example for our children.


My aim is to unite people and make them understand that God is above us all and he doesn’t discriminate. People must stop judging and labelling others.

I also want people to realised that, it is God first, our ancestors and then ourselves. We cannot jump into religion and churches without first honouring God, our ancestors and then our lives. Hence we find so many priests visiting healers during the night just because we have separated the ancestors from God. God created everything and because of him, everything comes to existence, ancestors included. People must give glory to God, honour their ancestors and then go on to study and become priests of what ever religion they choose. That way Gods’ will and peoples’ goals will be met and the world will come together as one.


I am going to continue to teach and spread the message of love to everyone out there, with the hope that one day the world will unite in love. And may be when I die, someone else will take over and spread the message to the world…


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July 11 2011 1 11 /07 /July /2011 07:06

 To slaughter an animal as part of traditional healing when doing rituals. This can be done as a sacrifice or an offering to ancestors. A lot has been said on this subject and I have decided to stay on lines and not comment so much in the past because I was interested in what the majority of the people would say. I am however very impressed with what people have said and I thought its’ about time, I also get my two cents worth of knowledge into the subject. Most people complain about slaughtering and then end with problems recurring in their lives. Others say that once you slaughter, it seems like you are fuelling the fire because your life usually takes a turn for the worse. However, I do not disagree with these views, altogether.


When I started out on this spiritual healing journey, I discovered a lot of things that healers had not told or explained to me before. I had never came across a healer who is willing to tell me how they work, why they do the things that they do and what does spiritual healing attempts to do in our lives. Healers have told us so many times before that when our ancestors are hungry, we need to slaughter. When I started working as a healer, I also thought that I was going to be involved in a lot of slaughtering and this left a bad taste in my mouth, somehow. This was because I had seen my father practice this ritual time and again, in the past but we did not get the inner peace that we all seek so much in our lives. We were always suffering at home. Life was a challenge and things got worse when we all grew older and became adults. It was a pleasure to me though that when I started this healing journey, I got in touch with the powers that be and they asked me what I wanted to do, how I wanted to do it and what was I going to teach to the people. I asked for guidance and also for the ability to say and do the right things at the right time. I was scared that I was new in this field, had no experience or training so I needed a direction from up above.

My God came through so nicely and I must say that, I was so impressed. The messages came to me and revealed things I had suspected all along but couldn’t put words to it. Ancestors made it clear that they were in touch with the lord almighty and they needed to be set free of earthly burdens. Ancestors expressed that they were no longer interested in physical, earthly things but needed more spiritual help and understanding from us. When ancestors came through and they still do when I do readings, they may complain about the hunger or the cold feeling they are experiencing and they expect us to help them in that regard. On the same breath, they also point out that they do not want us to go all out and give them something big ,like slaughtering a big animal or something. They will always say that they just a small gesture and understanding from humans. Hence they get so much pleasure from the smell of braai meat. In all, what they want is that smell that sets them free as it gives them a last minute pleasure and satisfaction of earthly material things. We need to remember that our aim, when we set them free is to make them believe that they are dead now, so they need to move on and not look bad in dissatisfaction as they will create problems in the lives of the living. So when you give them this meat they rejoice in a very strange way, like someone accepting death.

At first, I was concerned because it was like I am experience the death of someone else’s guides but as time went on I realise that their death is what we need in our lives. The satisfaction that they get makes them accept death gracefully thus becoming very good spirits in our lives. Remember that if your guides have not accepted death, it means they are trapped and they cannot resume their main duty which is to be good spirits/ ancestors to us. So when you offer them braai meat in the presence of a spiritual healer, it gives them great joy and they thank you afterwards. Having said all that, it is very important never to do any offerings without cleansing them first, in case you feed the bad spirits and then fuel things in the wrong direction in your life. When we do slaughter is when we are dealing with guides who were sangomas or healers themselves.

  You must remember that some people were supposed to be healers but died having not discovered this and came back to demand a calling to be followed on by the living. Others knew they had a calling but because of religion affiliations they decided to ignore it until the end.

So when we deal with these sort of ancestors it is imperative that we slaughter for them so as to satisfy that need in their journey. We slaughter because in the past it was a big part of spiritual healing to do this ritual. We also slaughter because they are powerful and will need something more than just a smell to set them free. Even then when we slaughter, there is no need to go all out and get a big animal. I asked my guides how will I know what to slaughter because no ancestors had came to me during a reading and demanded a cow or a goat from my patients and I was told to always go small. “Do not do anything that will make it hard for a person to get help from you, stick to the basics and concentrate on the end results”. From there on, I decided that when we slaughter we will not go beyond just white chickens and this has worked very well in the past. We only slaughter chickens for people with powerful guides who want to take them through an unfulfilled sangoma path/calling. What I like about my guides is that once they have done a reading for someone, they then open up channels of communication for that person with their own guides. Sooner or later a person get dreams and direct messages form his/her own ancestors.

So at times, your guides can come to you and demand that you slaughter something for them and I always say that, this is between you and your own ancestors, I definitely have no say in it. If you want to slaughter, you may do so but it is not part of my healing process. In other words, I do not necessarily need to slaughter anything for you to be healed. It is also unwise to slaughter too soon after you have done the cleansing of your ancestor, reason being you may never know if all your ancestors have been successfully cleansed by then. And like I said before offering blood is unsafe if you still carry bad spirits with you.


The only time I feel comfortable advising people to slaughter is when their lives have come right and they are happy with the results. Results being that problems have subsided and they feel financial able to do such a big function in their house. This is a thanksgiving function that one can do in honour of his/ her guides. When this function is done it is not necessarily part of the healing process, it is just a matter of showing appreciation when your guides have shown you joy in your life.

So if someone tells me they are going to slaughter an animal with the aim of cleansing ancestors, I always tell them to go ahead but I want no part of it. If it works for them, cool but in my book that is just a step in the wrong direction. We must also remember that when we do these offerings we are merely trying to change the state of our ancestors at the time of their death. So we can do what ever it takes just to change that state and not to do a feast and make our family and guests happy. When our ancestors die they may get stuck and wander about thus creating problems for us, simply because they did not do right by their own ancestors while they lived. Small gestures and giving hearts can do wonders if one fully understands that concept of ancestors.


What I like about powerful guides/ ancestors is that once their cleansing and the basics is done for them, they then come forth and tell you directly what they want. My ancestors, after I had cleansed and accepted them, they told me to slaughter a cow and I did. This was in celebration of the powers they had given me. I din’t even do umgidi on that day because they wanted it to be a dress up event with speeches. After that function my guides came and told me they were here to stay, and I had to start using these powers fruitfully. I have been doing readings since then but now I get to decide how I want to work because my guides are set free and they are happy with my conduct.

Which is why I am able to share all this knowledge I have learnt and I hope one day, my dream will come true, of running a successful NGO where people will get help for free especially the poor people, who are suffering and have no means to help themselves when it comes to these matters.

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  • : Ancestors/ Idlozi's name
  • : This blog deals with the truth behind amadlozi/ancestors and the people who live to tell the truth about it all.
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  • Nonto Toba Goldstone
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
  • I am a spiritual medium who helps people determine who are the guardian angels playing a major role in their lives. I just started a range of herbal products.
